Rearview Mirror Theatre

christcat69 said:
Hey, we can carpool. I'm into conserving. LOL;)

If we could only channel the energy out of the front seat and into the motor.

Hmmm... I think we need a third to drive, though. lol.

- Judo
ahhh, Judo...a women after my own desires. If only the car could run off pussy juice. We certainly wouldn't have to depend on Iraq.
LMAO xoxoxo:kiss:

BTW I don't like the color pink but nice panties darlin.
Thanks to this thread for inspiration.



Every day hurts

Broken sideview mirror
silver void
no reflection

Windows of the mall
a man and a woman
sitting at a table

The man is balding
un handsome

The woman is blonde
and beautiful

He holds her hand
and kisses it

She looks at him
lost in his eyes

Inside the mall
young black people
milling on Saturday night

Fifty three forty nine for
Grand Theft Auto
Vice City

Driving home
to be

To beat
a virtual man
with a virtual bat

No reflection
in the sideview mirror
it’s broken

Every day hurts
I'll Drive! I'll Drive!! Just steal me a car, I'll drive!!! :p

But, actually, I walked in here, ladies, whyyy...? oh, right poem.

This is based upon my walks home from a bar in Old City, Philadelphia, which (for those who don't know the geography of philly) is on the east side of town, near the Delaware River. I, on the other hand, live in West Philly. Note, that makes it the oppisite side of town. It's about an hour walk, but I hate SEPTA (what passes for public transit here) and I love to walk... honest, even after reading this, remember, I love to walk. Just not alone :p

Oh, this should be read real quick, and in as few breaths as is possible:

time to go home/alone/walk to the corner/look over my shoulder/don’t see anything/bus?/taxi?/her?/turn/walk to the corner/the first dozen blocks go by quick enough I don’t even notice/I don’t even notice that I’ve not been picked up/at first/alone/look over my shoulder/smile at the faces/try not to mind too much when they look away/turn/walk to the corner/look over my shoulder/don’t see anything/start looking forward/someone is bound to smile/not yet/turn/consider asking them/why am I walking home/alone/to the corner/look over my shoulder/another ten blocks/your a good guy/nice/alone/smile/over my shoulder/am I walking home alone/to the corner/look over my shoulder/don’t see/turn/she’s out there/so they say/smile at the faces/how do you ask/if I’m so fucking great/alone/why am I walking/to the corner/look over my shoulder/don’t see anything/turn/before me/walking across the river now/taking my lifes baggage in both hands/spinning like a shot put/turn/turn/turn/throw/alone/walking away/fuck the next corner/lit it sit there/alone
