Recognition for New Poets

My Erotic Tale said:
welcome, I got a note from a new poet saying thank you to you for your kind comments <grin> and a question that I answered, but I relayed the message <grin>

:D ;) :rose:
Another New One and he is Darkkk !!!! Mmmm~

Have I got a read for you guys !!! A dark one here.
New poet, and I like it, Lotzz!! Great imagery,
he just paints this lil picture of a dark ... attack.
Ya'll gotta read this one. If just to welcome,
and support. Think You will leave more
than that on your comments though.

Tough Love
by: ExitableBoy

Happy Reading ~

Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
Have I got a read for you guys !!! A dark one here.
New poet, and I like it, Lotzz!! Great imagery,
he just paints this lil picture of a dark ... attack.
Ya'll gotta read this one. If just to welcome,
and support. Think You will leave more
than that on your comments though.

Tough Love
by: ExitableBoy

Happy Reading ~


Thank you RF,
this is excellent, keep up the wondeful work and of course by reading poems we learn <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
we each create our own style and close similarities are defined by each poets charactor and spice left in the write. Although common styles are used by many versatility is a defining trademark.

crank up the generator
RhymeFairy said:
Have I got a read for you guys !!! A dark one here.
New poet, and I like it, Lotzz!! Great imagery,
he just paints this lil picture of a dark ... attack.
Ya'll gotta read this one. If just to welcome,
and support. Think You will leave more
than that on your comments though.

Tough Love
by: ExitableBoy

Happy Reading ~


Thanks Hun :rose:

I'm not getting as much time to read all the new poems lately,
thanks for posting this, it's a great poem.

I appreciate you taking the time to, read,comment and then come here and make reccomendations and give recognition to some wonderful poets who I would of missed.

Thanks again Hun :rose:
My Erotic Tale said:
we each create our own style and close similarities are defined by each poets charactor and spice left in the write. Although common styles are used by many versatility is a defining trademark.

missing those smiles.
from so long ago. watering
times shadow. simply slow,
to grow. bursting forth
blooms ... radiantly happy.

bubbling within loves, shiny
smile. oozing pure joy, upon
gardeners hand. soft gentle
touches, to encourage

raining down
love, sweetly soft ....

smiling memories, sinking
sensuously within. producing
all consuming ... honor from
loves open hand.

nothing missing. all
is accounted for. in
this garden planted,
from the heart. inhaling
all scents, of harmony.
and love ...

Howdy People :)

I wanted to make a reccomendation for a new poet...


He had 1 poem posted in 2003 but nothing since untill yesterday. I think he has lots of potential so please go read, encourage and be kind... :rose:

You all have a great day... :)
Jennifer C said:
Howdy People :)

I wanted to make a reccomendation for a new poet...


He had 1 poem posted in 2003 but nothing since untill yesterday. I think he has lots of potential so please go read, encourage and be kind... :rose:

You all have a great day... :)

I don't feel this is a new poet with a long history at lit, it appears to be Pat or Jethserra those that post under one name then submitt under another, I didn't get a feel that this poet was new but in fact a long time poet here reusing an old name, just my two cents...<grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I don't feel this is a new poet with a long history at lit, it appears to be Pat or Jethserra those that post under one name then submitt under another, I didn't get a feel that this poet was new but in fact a long time poet here reusing an old name, just my two cents...<grin>
probably not, not either one's style
I see promise from wildtiger....

I like the name and no it is not me <grin>
but the passion in the pen is what catches my eye
and a couple poems seem to be similar but all in all
for a new poet I see a sparkle of a new star.
My Erotic Tale said:
I see promise from wildtiger....

I like the name and no it is not me <grin>
but the passion in the pen is what catches my eye
and a couple poems seem to be similar but all in all
for a new poet I see a sparkle of a new star.

I've been a follower of her work for a long time now. She writes from the heart and from her own experiences, which is what I like.

For her writing is a way to get all those feelings out and put them somewhere else which is why some of her poems are simillar. I can relate to alot of what she writes and she's a lovely person as well.

I'm glad you mentioned her. not new but been gone long enough to claim a new poet 'Howdy'...glad to see ya poke your head in 'E'
My Erotic Tale said: not new but been gone long enough to claim a new poet 'Howdy'...glad to see ya poke your head in 'E'

Oh Sweet One you do my heart and soul a world of good..... I missed the writing... but I wish the circumstances of my poems... were not so harsh.

Hugs and thanks for thinking of me...

Always, E
Elizabetht said:
Oh Sweet One you do my heart and soul a world of good..... I missed the writing... but I wish the circumstances of my poems... were not so harsh.

Hugs and thanks for thinking of me...

Always, E

glad to see ya "E"
and hope to see more of ya <bigrin>

and more of your writes too <smile>
So what happened to new poets here? I saw one ... 3 pages back that Jen C was kind to post to? After that I saw nothing about encouraging new poets ... I saw poet posing? Is that encouraging?
CharleyH said:
So what happened to new poets here? I saw one ... 3 pages back that Jen C was kind to post to? After that I saw nothing about encouraging new poets ... I saw poet posing? Is that encouraging?

hello red neck girl <grin>

I rolled the ball for reviews to JC due to being extremely busy the next month and notified this on another thread or two and apologize for not faxing you the memo <grin> and then JC has her hands full with a new development with her child (touching and heart warming <a mothers love is stronger then Kryptonite>) so I read the poems and try and leave a comment where a comment is not but I just have to pull back and DO meet my Oct dead line.

okay that might explain a tad more and if you would like to drum uip inspiration while the soldiers are on leave...feel free <grin>
CharleyH said:
So what happened to new poets here? I saw one ... 3 pages back that Jen C was kind to post to? After that I saw nothing about encouraging new poets ... I saw poet posing? Is that encouraging?

Hello Charley :)

Apart from a slanging match a couple of pages back I believe this thread has been nothing but encouraging.
My Erotic Tale said:
hello red neck girl <grin>

I rolled the ball for reviews to JC due to being extremely busy the next month and notified this on another thread or two and apologize for not faxing you the memo <grin> and then JC has her hands full with a new development with her child (touching and heart warming <a mothers love is stronger then Kryptonite>) so I read the poems and try and leave a comment where a comment is not but I just have to pull back and DO meet my Oct dead line.

okay that might explain a tad more and if you would like to drum uip inspiration while the soldiers are on leave...feel free <grin>

Thanks Art ~

Jennifer C said:
Hello Charley :)

Apart from a slanging match a couple of pages back I believe this thread has been nothing but encouraging.

and inspirational <bigrin> it will plane out the ying yang of time wqe have to much or not enough <grin>
I would like to suggest that all read a new poet that has been around for a little over a month. I love the style and complexity of the poets writes. I have mentioned this poet on my Sunday reviews and feel that we will see more of this writing!


happy reading
du lac~ :rose:
Du Lac said:
I would like to suggest that all read a new poet that has been around for a little over a month. I love the style and complexity of the poets writes. I have mentioned this poet on my Sunday reviews and feel that we will see more of this writing!


happy reading
du lac~ :rose:

Thanks Du...

I most certainly will....
for the second time...<grin>

here is the page and
I pulled it up yesterday but it was removed...
maybe this time it will stay <laug n hung>

My Erotic Tail said:
Lesson for The Poem Academey

Basic Poetry:
(Thanks Wicked)
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the link
but I can open up the door for what terms
mean in poetry.

I had no Idea for instance...
I get all the time in my poems/comments
that my meters off....
(heck didn't even know I had

so here are some basic poetry terms
and definitions

There are 5 basic rhythms of stressed
and unstressed syllables used in english poetry.

Meter = rhythm pattern

(stressed syllables are in caps)
Two-syllable foot meters are
That TIME of YEAR thou MAYST in ME beHOLD

TELL me NOT in MOURNful NUMbers


Three syllable feet meters:
and the SOUND of a VOICE that is STILL

THIS is the FORest priMEvil, the MURmuring PINES and the HEMlock there
Figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as.
examples: cheeks like roses
quiet as snow
Each unit of rhythm is called a "FOOT" of poetry.

Every line of poetry contains a certain number of feet.

Monometer = 1 foot
Dimeter = 2 feet
Trimeter = 3 feet
Tetrameter = 4 feet
Pentameter = 5 feet
Hexameter = 6 feet
Heptameter = 7 feet
Octameter = 8 feet

and so forth ...

REMEMBER .. foot = a whole unit of meter.
Limericks: (oh I like this one...hehehe)
Limericks are humorous verses.
It is a five line poem with a rhyme pattern (aabba).
The rhyme should be catchy and flow together.

Ogden Nash:

A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, "let us flee!"
"Let us fly!" said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

limericks ©0_Seeker_0

there was a girl from Wales
who told so many tall tales
she started one story
it became so gory
that all of her readers turned pale

jailed ©Delicate_Flower

so many voices demanding attention
confined in a cell for infraction'
no legal advice
the guards, they aren't nice
the dog pound's a place of rejection
Poetic License:
The liberties poets take in regard to diction,
grammar, and pronunciation (lol)
to achieve effect or to adhere to the
requirements of a poem, such as meter
or rhyme. Assonance would be an example
of poetic license in regards to a rhyme scheme.

Haiku is a highly structured form of
oriental poetry. Each poem has three lines.
The first line contains five syllables, second line
contains seven syllables and the third
line contains five syllables. Traditionally
haikus are nature based subject wise.

hope ©Delicate Flower

rainbow of color
found suspended in the sky
heavens gift gives hope

© jenn

on the horizon
oppressive humidity
a storm yet to break

nature smiles © jenn

brilliant yellow suns
shining upwards, spreading warmth
black eyed susans dance

Thats enough for now and also what
I see the most of here.
These and many many more are at "Basic Poetry"
Inspired me...hehehe...I really liked
the limerick and I also seen where uncle perveys
been doing some...might give
it a go...Night