Recognition for New Poets

My Erotic Tale said:
kind of hard to get recognition for new poets when the reviewers say there are no poems worth mentioning....and then mention one just cause they felt they should?
If (who are we kidding :rolleyes: ) you're talking about today, the poem I mentioned would have been mentioned any day. It is at a level we should all strive for.

Let me remind you again that the thread is primarily for the readers, not for the writers. And it is about the poems, not their authors. How do you know I did not send comments privately to everyone?

And finally, Tathagata saw one other poem he enjoyed, and mentioned it on the thread. I didn't see you doing that for any other poem, or for anyone else.
Lauren Hynde said:
If (who are we kidding :rolleyes: ) you're talking about today, the poem I mentioned would have been mentioned any day. It is at a level we should all strive for.

Let me remind you again that the thread is primarily for the readers, not for the writers. And it is about the poems, not their authors. How do you know I did not send comments privately to everyone?

And finally, Tathagata saw one other poem he enjoyed, and mentioned it on the thread. I didn't see you doing that for any other poem, or for anyone else.

I don't know that a number should be put on the reviews for a reviewer because I am not setting a guidline for all, but a coulpe of us reviewers will mention at the least four poems, the four that grabbed us most certainly wont grasp you. Vice versa so that wont lure me to read poems but I find a lot of poems that don't get comments. My way of reviewing differs from yours where I will leave a message on every poem the day I review knowing every poem was read and commented on and a few got mentioned.

But when I see reviews like yesterday and today where one poem is mentioned out of 16 and comments stating none are worthy tells me the reviewer has a very closed eye. You want to disect poems and can as a reviewer but dont? Out of 16 poems you could use your cutting tools? I remember when ya'll tore poems up on the review thread and I wished mine was not mentioned <grin>

I know we are all different and I except that. I don't have the time these next 4 weeks to do a great job reading poems and gave it to some one I know will read and comment plenty. If you don't have the time then don';t do it with out giving it as much thought as possible. You need help...ask me lauren, your short on Time, I sure relate to that. I will help read and mention the bland poems if you want, just ring me. The way we look at poems are as different as night and day but we share the same world, so ya need a hand hollar.
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My Erotic Tale said:
I don't know that a number should be put on the reviews for a reviewer because I am not setting a guidline for all, but a coulpe of us reviewers will mention at the least four poems.
I don't work on quotas. If on a given day there are 20 poems that I feel are must-reads, I will recommend 20 poems. If there is only one, I will only recommend one. As I said, you don't know if I sent feedback in private to the writers of most poems posted or not. In the New Poems thread I make recommendations to the readers, and there are some poems every day that I could not in conscience recommend to anyone.

This is how I do the recommendations. You do the recommendations your way. You try to talk about acceptance so much, but you're the one making venomous and homophobic posts about how the other reviewers do their voluntary work. Neither of us have ever tried to tell you how to do yours.

It's so easy to be a hypocrite...
My Erotic Tale said:
kind of hard to get recognition for new poets when the reviewers say there are no poems worth mentioning....and then mention one just cause they felt they should? The old days reviewers left comments on every poem rather it was mentioned or not, now that a few of the pomus poets society is doing reviews new poets will not stand a chance to read unless they write a guess what I am writing poem... if every reviewer read every poem and comment ...mention or not, every poem would have at least one comment, I read a poem yesterday that was good and no comments and not even aknowledged by the reviewer of course you might have to be gay to get his attention but I feel some have their nose to far in the air to read...I put this rant here for the new poets, I for one try and encourage and inspire so that those who ridicule and bash the grammar wont run to many more off, this is not an elite poets forum but an amature poem site with porno being the draw string, those whop want to do a work shop and disect poems should go to a workshop forum. But they are not good enough for thos tuff sites so they dabble here <grin> extend a hand and help them up from their soap box <grin> and my final rant, please go and comment on new poets and encourage them to post at the forums so we can tell which is a new name from the old PPS and which are new faces....I am working on it <grin>
That's pretty harsh, MET. I would like to know where your poorly spelt and mispunctuated stories and poetry would be, were it not for some one expending enough effort ON YOU AS A NEW AUTHOR AND POET to convince you to seek out an editor? Perhaps, those of us who saw potential in your efforts should have stayed up on our cloud and not dirtied our pompous toes stepping down to your, indubitably, earthier level?

I hope the writing of your books is going well. Maybe you should concentrate all of that energy wasted on ranting, towards that endeavour, instead of criticizing the way the rest of us choose to read and ENJOY poetry, no matter who writes it.
Lauren Hynde said:
I don't work on quotas. If on a given day there are 20 poems that I feel are must-reads, I will recommend 20 poems. If there is only one, I will only recommend one. As I said, you don't know if I sent feedback in private to the writers of most poems posted or not. In the New Poems thread I make recommendations to the readers, and there are some poems every day that I could not in conscience recommend to anyone.

This is how I do the recommendations. You do the recommendations your way. You try to talk about acceptance so much, but you're the one making venomous and homophobic posts about how the other reviewers do their voluntary work. Neither of us have ever tried to tell you how to do yours.

It's so easy to be a hypocrite...

you point at my writin flaws (thank you) and I pointed at my dislikes of certain review habits. I certainly don't want to be a hypocrite so I either have to except every one or bitch about every ones faults? ...I can think of better things for us to do with our time.

I like the idea of poems recieving feedbacks? They do have a more personal touch than a vote or a comment. But when you post that no poems were worth mentioning then how did one rate a feedback but not a mention?

I aint here to dance with ya lauren, I would like to see and or hear some ideas for new poet recognition. I like when a reviewer or other points to a new poet with promise or a good poem. It is like a new song, and I presume your correct, the right to add to the reviews is always an option. Thanks
champagne1982 said:
That's pretty harsh, MET. I would like to know where your poorly spelt and mispunctuated stories and poetry would be, were it not for some one expending enough effort ON YOU AS A NEW AUTHOR AND POET to convince you to seek out an editor? Perhaps, those of us who saw potential in your efforts should have stayed up on our cloud and not dirtied our pompous toes stepping down to your, indubitably, earthier level?

I hope the writing of your books is going well. Maybe you should concentrate all of that energy wasted on ranting, towards that endeavour, instead of criticizing the way the rest of us choose to read and ENJOY poetry, no matter who writes it.

[quote =Lauren poem review
Let me first say that I've been tremendously busy today with backstage work here at the board, so my time for reviews is a bit limited. For that reason, I admit that my mind may not have been entirely on it, when I went through today's new poems, but there was only one that struck me as truly deserving the mention:

I added that if she gets busy to give me a shout and I would help. I would like to encourage but not dictate that reviewers try an give recognition to new poets. we all do things different but I think we all agree we would like to make things better? There are a variety of magazines because people like to read different things! (~_*)
My Erotic Tale said:
I aint here to dance with ya lauren, I would like to see and or hear some ideas for new poet recognition. I like when a reviewer or other points to a new poet with promise or a good poem.
Well, Why don't you go read the recommendations from a week ago, either mine or Fly's, or from two weeks ago? Why don't you go read the comments on the poems posted then, including on yours?
Lauren Hynde said:
Well, Why don't you go read the recommendations from a week ago, either mine or Fly's, or from two weeks ago? Why don't you go read the comments on the poems posted then, including on yours?

I just mentioned the reason why I give up doing reviews for a bit... your not reading lauren. I am not going to disect your reviews hunni, I took your advise and excepted it as you said. I figured you read that too? I applaud you for doing the reviews at all and once again, you have the oppurtunity to disect a poem and show reconstruction, which is what one of your grievances was. Take this time to do so ...

I did not come here to do the dance of anger with you lauren, I come to enjoy posts writes and share poems, as you do, and I find no fault at all with that <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks for the input leon

I always liked eves comments she would tell you toyr poem sucked in the nicest way (so many words) where others come right out and express their superiority in literature in a snobbish manner. I can fix all the personality problems these people have but I can lean towards them and let them know there is an encouraging lot here to balance the over critical workshop types. I try to read all the poems and like yesterday I was glad I did cause I know a lot of gem poems slip un noticed. A ll I can do is try and rally others to extend a hand of kindness to new poets
Art, you know that I am AR enough to be put off by spelling and grammar mistakes. Would you be upset if I suggested that you might want (maybe should) download a FREE spell checking program that works with almost any program or website (including this forum)? All you have to do is click the icon and it will tell you what words are mis/typed or spelled (it won't correct misused words, just spelling). It allows you to add new words if it doesn't know the word you typed, just like the MS spell checker in Word. (The words I colored are those it highlighted.)

In case you or others are interested, the program is called ieSpell and can be downloaded at:
Hi again MET,

I am not posting my comments to defend either flyguy or Lauren in their review efforts. I for one agree with them and the idea that they can, indeed, choose the other reviewer's option and not recommend any poems. All the poems were read by at least one person that day which satisfies the original intent of that thread.

Keep in mind, too, once all poems become worthy of every reader's limited attention and energy, then suddenly, all of the poems become worthless as an object of review (especially those from people who write to gift their lovers with a cute lil rhyme about the number of bruises left on their ass from their last loving spanking, doled out as a reward for a great blowjob).

Now, back to the comments you made that I do take issue with.
My Erotic Tale said:
<snip>read a poem yesterday that was good and no comments and not even aknowledged by the reviewer of course you might have to be gay to get his attention but I feel some have their nose to far in the air to read</snip>
Why would you say something like that about a person you likely don't even know, let alone, likely, never had a sexual preferences discussion with?
My Erotic Tale said:
<snip>those whop want to do a work shop and disect poems should go to a workshop forum. But they are not good enough for thos tuff sites so they dabble here <grin> extend a hand and help them up from their soap box <grin></snip>
I can assure you, those other "tuff" sites are, quite frankly, fucking boring. If you want all of the life to go whooshing off of this site because you make anyone with any scholarly knowledge or ability irritated, I fear you'll be waiting a long time. If you want trite, no-talent, fluffy poetry praise then take your ass over to the GB or AH or another "not-so-tuff" site and let the rest of us do as we wish. I won't be stopping you from doing what you like, there are lots of other threads.
champagne1982 said:
Hi again MET,

I am not posting my comments to defend either flyguy or Lauren in their review efforts. I for one agree with them and the idea that they can, indeed, choose the other reviewer's option and not recommend any poems. All the poems were read by at least one person that day which satisfies the original intent of that thread.

Keep in mind, too, once all poems become worthy of every reader's limited attention and energy, then suddenly, all of the poems become worthless as an object of review (especially those from people who write to gift their lovers with a cute lil rhyme about the number of bruises left on their ass from their last loving spanking, doled out as a reward for a great blowjob).

Now, back to the comments you made that I do take issue with. Why would you say something like that about a person you likely don't even know, let alone, likely, never had a sexual preferences discussion with? I can assure you, those other "tuff" sites are, quite frankly, fucking boring. If you want all of the life to go whooshing off of this site because you make anyone with any scholarly knowledge or ability irritated, I fear you'll be waiting a long time. If you want trite, no-talent, fluffy poetry praise then take your ass over to the GB or AH or another "not-so-tuff" site and let the rest of us do as we wish. I won't be stopping you from doing what you like, there are lots of other threads.

Indeed, JC and I have had THESE (a poem academy) threads to bring light to new poets why would I go to the GP to help them <huh...grin> and every site I go to has those that know, willing to show those that do not. I don't know that scholar is the correct word, I haven't a problem with poem construction, my point was aimed at the projection of the words used...there are no poems worthy 'used to describe the list' clearly shows a taste that will be hard to satisfy so there fore new poets have not a very good chance at getting mentioned on those days.<grin> I except that...ty
My apologies to everyone who expected to see praise for new poets in my last few postings here, I got carried ;) away.
My Erotic Tale said:
<snip>there are no poems worthy 'used to describe the list' clearly shows a taste that will be hard to satisfy so there fore new poets have not a very good chance at getting mentioned on those days.
The new poets who post at Literotica have a better chance of a favourable review these days, than some who expend genuine effort on their pompous poetry.

So, post on new poets! If you ask for feedback on a poem and post it in this forum, if it grabs my interest, I will likely give you a review and possibly a constructive critique. Otherwise, someone else is sure to offer input and it's usually helpful, too. Keep writing, regardless of what anyone says, because writing, like anything else we do, gets better with practice.
Thinkin it is sooo easy to get CarriedAway here ~

I do have some new poets to name if I may ~~~

I have noticed a few new poets submitting and not getting any comments or feedback. What the HECK is up with that? I know we all have only so much relaxiation time, but what if
it were you?

Ok off my soapbox ... onto the newbies I like ....

1]sweet GA peaches
Yes, she has gotten a bit of attention. Just wanted to welcome her and say ... Keep'm coming. I am loving it gurl ~!!!!

Now this lil Lady has some hidden talents I personally think we should ALLL be checkin out. Yummy poems here.

Now let me tell ya, this fella has an imagination that he puts to good use here at Lit. Also he has just submitted his first story. Congrats !!!

4]The FisherMan
Another naughty ... nice treater here. Although he has been posting in stories for a while, we Gladly welcom you tto our side ... feelin tha darkeness yet My Friend? *grins*

5]Shadow Angel
This LiL Lady has been very busy. Please visit her submissions page. I feel she too has a lot to offer us. Very creative, Great imagery ....

I know this Lil Lady has made a few trips to the submissions page, but I also think we have forgotten her a lil. So I have to mention. She writes very sexy erotic .. and down to earth everyday things. I am beginning to be a BIG fan ~!!

I know I have left a few out. I shall be checkin back in to submit a few more when time allows. Just had to mention a few newbies, and a few tarnished halo's lol. Please visit and pay your respects. These new peeps have been reading, and commenting on us. I just thought I would do the same ~

New Poets ... Welcome to Lit. Be Happy .. write and have Fun ~

If ya need anything, we are a very welcoming community, feel free to ask. If ya get a sour puss poet, look me up and I shall help all I can. ~

:rose: :heart: :kiss:
OK I knew I would do it. Another newbie I like....

this new poet is showing promise and a very go-gett'm attitude that I just love. Erotic and humor shine in his poems. Go read ... see what I see ... ~

As a community

there could be responsibilities, but this isn't really a community. We all volunteer to comment, for whatever reason. I know that personally I haven't received a private message EVER on one of my writes. So that may be an easy out, or not. I have no idea. But there are people here that seem to have an attitude, or arrogance, that isn't very becoming to creating a place people would like to come and share their minds through their pens. I'm through with suggestions (at least for now), because it is obvious they aren't important...

But I will keep reading and writing. There are people I really do like a lot here.

RhymeFairy said:
Thinkin it is sooo easy to get CarriedAway here ~

I do have some new poets to name if I may ~~~

I have noticed a few new poets submitting and not getting any comments or feedback. What the HECK is up with that? I know we all have only so much relaxiation time, but what if
it were you?

Ok off my soapbox ... onto the newbies I like ....

1]sweet GA peaches
Yes, she has gotten a bit of attention. Just wanted to welcome her and say ... Keep'm coming. I am loving it gurl ~!!!!

Now this lil Lady has some hidden talents I personally think we should ALLL be checkin out. Yummy poems here.

Now let me tell ya, this fella has an imagination that he puts to good use here at Lit. Also he has just submitted his first story. Congrats !!!

4]The FisherMan
Another naughty ... nice treater here. Although he has been posting in stories for a while, we Gladly welcom you tto our side ... feelin tha darkeness yet My Friend? *grins*

5]Shadow Angel
This LiL Lady has been very busy. Please visit her submissions page. I feel she too has a lot to offer us. Very creative, Great imagery ....

I know this Lil Lady has made a few trips to the submissions page, but I also think we have forgotten her a lil. So I have to mention. She writes very sexy erotic .. and down to earth everyday things. I am beginning to be a BIG fan ~!!

I know I have left a few out. I shall be checkin back in to submit a few more when time allows. Just had to mention a few newbies, and a few tarnished halo's lol. Please visit and pay your respects. These new peeps have been reading, and commenting on us. I just thought I would do the same ~

New Poets ... Welcome to Lit. Be Happy .. write and have Fun ~

If ya need anything, we are a very welcoming community, feel free to ask. If ya get a sour puss poet, look me up and I shall help all I can. ~

:rose: :heart: :kiss:

Well now, RF, as a Virginal Newbie (at my age :eek: ?)
I 'm still evolving - I try to comment on each new poem I read each day - okay, so it ends up being no more than 75%. I also avoid, as much as possible, public comments pointing out any serious flaws - I've learned that poets can be SO sensitive.

Anything that isn't gushing (no Jenn, not you, this time ~ talking about comments ;) ), will, at worst, be only lukewarm. And I have been moving towards sending private messages or "anonymous" comments to the author {I don't do anonymous - I stick in my name}.

Besides, if there is more than one submission from an author on a given day, I may just comment on the one, fully expecting one of my little smutty buddies will pick up the slack - there it is - the poetry welcome wagon..... :nana:

Case in point - arisia ~ I commented on her Tuesday submission - even though the female sub's not my particular scene, it was pretty good; but I passed on Wednesday's submission - just a bit too dark for my tastes; I just voted and bowed to someone else to offer their comments.

So, praise & support the new poets; support them, welcome them, then, let them see what they've done to themselves over time.................. :devil:

and, that said, have a fun day gettin them young uns off to their day's adventures.
Wow that was quite a session I missed! I'm not even gonna attempt to dissect all that I really can't be bothered!

I want to thank you Art for your continuing efforts to support the new poets and Leon for all you do too. Your regular comments and encouraging are appreciated. :rose:

But most of all I would like to thank RF for her reccomendations of new poets she has found and enjoyed. Thanks for bringing these to attention and actually using this thread for what it is for. I will try and check out the names you mentioned and if you find anymore that deserve recognition then please come back and post them here.

:rose: :)
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Jennifer C said:
Wow that was quite a session I missed! I'm not even gonna attempt to dissect all that I really can't be bothered!

I want to thank you Art for your continuing efforts to support the new poets and Leon for all you do too. Your regular comments and encouraging are appreciated. :rose:

But most of all I would like to thank RF for her reccomendations of new poets she has found and enjoyed. Thanks for bringing these to attention and actually using this thread for what it is for. I will try and check out the names you mentioned and if you find anymore that deserve recognition then please come back and post them here.

:rose: :)
I would like to point out that the comments I was replying to were actually fairly inflammatory and insulting to other members of this board and they were on this thread.

If we don't bother to take objection with statements made by others and voice our disapproval, NO MATTER WHAT THREAD THEY'RE ON, <sarcasm>then I guess dissenting opinions really are wrong if they're not within the scope of our own personal belief system.</sarcasm>

I also apologized for my off-topic posts but I don't think I'll bother this time, since I'm replying to a post that's not exactly using this thread for its intended purpose.

Chastise all you like, this is simply how I see it.
champagne1982 said:
I would like to point out that the comments I was replying to were actually fairly inflammatory and insulting to other members of this board and they were on this thread.

If we don't bother to take objection with statements made by others and voice our disapproval, NO MATTER WHAT THREAD THEY'RE ON, <sarcasm>then I guess dissenting opinions really are wrong if they're not within the scope of our own personal belief system.</sarcasm>

I also apologized for my off-topic posts but I don't think I'll bother this time, since I'm replying to a post that's not exactly using this thread for its intended purpose.

Chastise all you like, this is simply how I see it.

Carrie I don't have a problem with your posts i'm simply not getting involved in another petty debate/argument.

I don't see the need for your sarcasm, I have never had any problem with you and don't want to start now.

I've had enough of all the bitching and moaning going on lately and it's my right not to get involved with it all.

I understand you want to defend your friends or voice your opinion and I don't have a problem with that either I personally just don't want to get involved.

I apologise if my post offended you, that was not my intention but i'm not going to be drawn into another slanging match. :)
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Another New poet on todays submissions.
I think he has a lotta potential. A lil dark and sexy too.
Takes a good poet to pull that off as far as I can see.
Just Me, go read and see what ya think ~


RhymeFairy said:
Another New poet on todays submissions.
I think he has a lotta potential. A lil dark and sexy too.
Takes a good poet to pull that off as far as I can see.
Just Me, go read and see what ya think ~



Thanks Hun

I'll go check him out... :)
I for one and I am not the only one, thank you RF and JC for this thread and your new poet mentions, keep up the encouragement (~_*) what better way to greet new poets >>> two sexy ladies...
My Erotic Tale said:
I for one and I am not the only one, thank you RF and JC for this thread and your new poet mentions, keep up the encouragement (~_*) what better way to greet new poets >>> two sexy ladies...

Thank you hun...
:heart: :rose:
Jennifer C said:

Thank you hun...
:heart: :rose:

welcome, I got a note from a new poet saying thank you to you for your kind comments <grin> and a question that I answered, but I relayed the message <grin>