RED'S JOINT >> Seedy Alleyway & Cucumber Patch

*peeks down alley with pepper spray clenched in trembling hand*

"Psst..Far?? Are you back there?"

Sure she is, let's go find her!

* Steps out of the shadows and grabs your wrist, tosses your pepper spray into a dumpster, and leads you down the alley.

You don't need that, we've all got shivs and piano wire, you're totally safe :D

*goes to a payphone and calls mom and tells her I'm going to be late and Nooooo, I'm not hanging out in an alley with those people...*

.... What do you mean " those " people?


.... You two know I've been here the whole time right?

Not sure what happened to Eva or TC though.
Occasionally, the ability to edit posts is just so tempting. This one, for instance, just swapping one letter changes the entire meaning of this post.

My phone's default is usually LICK, but I'm trying to break Hiney in a bit and Momme her.

Oops, I mean Honey.
**lands on the rooftop**

What is it about alleys? *transmorgify* *puff of blue smoke, then puts on clothes from my backpack*
**lands on the rooftop**

What is it about alleys? *transmorgify* *puff of blue smoke, then puts on clothes from my backpack*

*runs out of the bar into the alley looking for the source of the noise. Abruptly stops, sniffing the air*

Ewwwww! What's that smell?
Well shit, that smells like dragon's breath so that must mean...wait! who the hell is a virgin around this alley ?