Regarding Children in the home?

I also think MsWorthy is damn good, which is why I'm going to take the time to point out what I agree with and respond to one or two points I don't.

MsWorthy said:
Because bdsm is so inherently dangerous, both emotionally and physically, my opinion is that one needs to feel driven/pulled/drawn to understand/accept this type of expression of the self.

Hmmmm. On a very fundamental level that cuts across all kinds of subject matter, I don't think one needs to be personally drawn to something to understand and tolerate it. This undermines the very idea of tolerance. There may be an argument that the BDSM lifestyle is soooo far outside the usual experience that people just couldn't deal with it unless already inclined, but that has been said before about all kinds of underground identities -- black, gay, communist, feminist, etc. -- and it hasn't been true yet. I'll leave the question open, but say that I'm not convinced.

I don't think a bdsm lifestyle is something teenagers, who are just trying to figure who they are and if they do have any power, should be playing with. The potential for harm, both of the self and the partner, is too high.

Yup. I wholeheartedly agree, and will pull this into a broader argument below (at the very end).

[referring to talking to your kids about mild kink as opposed to lifestyle BDSM - JF] (although, I don't know why you would do such a thing, surely if they have a desire for such things she/he can simply do it during sex with her/his partner, without mom or dad having told them it is ok to do.)

To the extent that I have one here, my central point is that sex -- in all forms -- is underdiscussed in our culture. When the overwhelming strong, even if decreasingly explicit, position is that even vanilla sex for pure enjoyment is wrong, someone who is interested in even the mildest kink is bound to feel odd, outside, dirty wrong. (more at end)

However, if you are talking about a lifestyle, there is much more to it than casual play and it requires some understanding of communication, motivation, self-esteem, hotspots/buttons, cultural/peer pressure, and learned physical skills. These are not something I would trust a teenager to take seriously and put the required effort into.

As I mentioned above, I wholeheartedly agree that teens shouldn't be experimenting with potentially dangerous anything, including extreme sexual practices.

In my opinion, the teen/20s are a phase of life in which we learn who we are, what we like, and what we need in order to live happily. This is a period of experimentation, and there is much to learn about life, sex, and personality preferences without adding a power exchange and erotic pain into the mix. One must first learn to recognize her/his own power before she/he can give up this power. And, one must learn about "regular" pleasure before she/he can determine whether painful pleasure is something healthy for her/him.

Absolutely, the teens and 20's are a time of exploration and of building a self that is -- often for the first time -- your own. A huge part of that is understandng and accepting your desires, whatever they may be. Knowing and understanding that at least some happy, healthy, whole people derive pleasure from pain, or from the surrender or acceptance of control, can only help that process.

Even if you are not attracted by that kind of activity, knowing that it's out there and not an evil perversion gives you another lens through which to view the world and yourself. It may even help you understand some pale echo of those same desires in yourself when no other way of thinking about them worked.

In my opinion, thinking of a bdsm lifestyle as a choice is missing the point. Yes, certainly, you decide to give in to what you need to make yourself happy, but if your only choice is between giving in and accepting your needs or living in pain/confusion/guilt, what choice is there, really.

~hangs head in shame~

You're absolutely right, of course.

Bdsm, as a lifestyle, is so far outside of the "norm", and has such a potential for harm that, I think, one should go through some growing pains before jumping into it head first. These growing pains will teach you about yourself, and give you some insight into those who may become your potential partners. They will prepare you for the *role* you have "chosen" for yourself and will open your eyes to the qualities/kinks/styles of those who "chose" the yang style to your yin.

If by growing pains you mean growing up and knowing yourself, I couldn't agree more. If you mean going through an agony of self-recrimination -- conscious or not -- thinking that what you want to do is wrong, that you're like a moth drawn to the flame, then I couldn't diasgree more.

BDSM does not have to be a painful choice or lifestyle! (Ah, errr, no pun intended...)

I am not suggesting that you act as though bdsm is some nasty, evil choice, but I do not think it is something you bring up as an option or alternative to "nilla" life. If your children have questions about bdsm then you should certainly answer them, but as with sex in general, it should not be a discussion that you initiate with your children (other than to discuss STDs and safe sex). If it is something they are drawn to or feel a need for, they will ask. All you need do is be approachable. If you have been approachable in other areas and have not voiced any prejudice/bias against alternative lifestyles, then your kids will feel that they can come to you.

Yes and no. I can see the point about not initiating a conversation about BDSM with your kids. That would just be odd for both parties. Yet I don't see them asking even 'open' parents much about it (again, see the end). But there are a lot of ways to teach other than answering questions and initiating conversations.

Query: You're watching Pulp Fiction with your kids. They laugh at the "Bring out the Gimp" scene; you don't. Do you keep quiet because you don't want to let on that you're in the lifestyle, or do you ask why they thought it was funny and explain that it's yet another ofensive caricature of lifestyle that people hate and mock because it's different.

Prejudices -- and that's what ati-BDSM sentiment is -- bubble up all the time. There are tons of opportunities to identify and counteract those prejudices in your children. Like the first time you hear them use the phrase 'pussy whipped' or 'whipped'.

~skipping the long bit about the role as paragons of normality parents should play in their kids lives ~

You must remember that bdsm is a killing offense. Of course, that is exaggerated, but you get my point. They can take your kids away from you if it becomes known that you practice bdsm. Remember also that much of the bdsm playstyle is *hitting* and/or what will seem like cruelty to those who do not understand the concentual nature of this playstyle.

Excellent point. I just got back from the BDSM & the law thread. Scary. Still, I think it gopes to when and how you talk to your kids about it, not whether. I think I'm losing my train of thought a bit -- especially since I went and read case law while in the middle of writing... -- but I don't think I'm advocating talking to your kids about your personal experiences. It's possible to educate children about BDSM culture without lewtting on that you're into it. Same as gay, black, hispanic, islamic etc.

It isn't a matter of us accepting ourselves, it is a matter of them not accepting us. Until society, in general, can accept our form of expression, it is folly to expect a child/young adult to understand us, and in my opinion, it would be irresponsible to burden a child with the knowledge that her/his parents engage in this sort of criminal, "unacceptable" behavior.

See above.

If they are drawn to this form of expression, they will search out what they need to know. It is easily attainable now-a-days. As I stated above, if you present yourself as nonbiased and approachable your kids will ask you for help.

Does this conform with the experience of anyone on this board? Good BDSM information is hard to come by, good people to talk about it with even harder; that's one of the reasons everyone values this place so much. And yes, as you mentioned before, BDSM is way out there -- far enough, I think, that if kids don't specifically know you're receptive they won't ask even an otherwise approachable parent.

As I stated above, if your child asks you, about anything, you should answer in an unbiased (as possible) manner. There is no reason to feel that children must be made aware of every possible option there is in life. In the first place, it would be impossible for a parent to pass on this much information. In the second place, a parent's job is not to put sexual/alternative lifestyle ideas in their children's heads. It is the parent's place to offer accurate information on topics that naturally flow from the kid's own ideas/needs/preferences. Why would a parent even consider bringing up an unsolicited issue that is potentially illegal, dangerous, and inflammatory (just begs for ostrasizism).

Okay, here are the crux(es) of the matter. One of the great fallacies about education in this culture, and it pertains especially to sex and drug education -- is that teaching someone about something encourages them to do it. Teaching kids how to use a condom does not make them more likely to have sex, nor does teaching a young boy about homosexuality make him more likely to go 'cruising' when he gets his first bit of freedom.

The idea that it does is what keeps sexual culture in the US in the dark ages. The Christian coalition would have us believe that as soon as we speak openly about sexual expression in all its forms, we'll be rutting in the streets like rabbits. Bullshit. Knowledge breeds tolerance, not imitation.

That's one big piece of the machinery of sexual repression. The other is actual prejudice, actually thinking that anything other than vanilla sex in a heterosexual marriage is evil.

Few if any people on this board believe the latter; most if not all of us are well beyond judging someone else's sexual practices.

But in some of the posts on this and other threads I've noticed a bit of the former, of the sense that by educating kids about the lifestyle you're somehow bringing them into it. That sense, I might add, is at odds with the also-expressed belief that people will only come to the lifestyle if drawn to it by something inside themselves.

I do not believe that kids will experiment with genital torture just because they know what it is and that it's a sane, healthy and acceptable choice. I do believe that kids are impressionable, which is why I thihk they need to learn about alternative lifestyles then, and from a source they instinctively (even if not always demonstrably) respect.

This is not to say that certain situations like, say, the threat of military prison might not make it extremely dificult to be anything other than totally secretive. I'm not a fanatic and I'm not prostelytizing. Do what seems right to you in your situation.

I hope that was all coherent, I feel like I left a few balls in the air. I hope if that's the case then people will let me know.

Dayyy-um, jfaustus! Wonderful post!

I particularly like your point about prejudice and parents' responsibility to debunk it. Many parents are so concerned about their own sex life (and how it affects their kids) that they paralyze themselves when they could really be taking the opportunity to share their broadened perspectives with their children.
jfaustus said:

Query: You're watching Pulp Fiction with your kids. They laugh at the "Bring out the Gimp" scene; you don't. Do you keep quiet because you don't want to let on that you're in the lifestyle, or do you ask why they thought it was funny and explain that it's yet another ofensive caricature of lifestyle that people hate and mock because it's different.

My son's not watching this till he's 30 ;)
If we each had the answers we seek about ourselves and our lifestyles it might be easier to talk with our older kids. I doubt that there is one of us here who is totally clear in his/her own mind as to what is that WE want. It changes from week to week or month to month depending on our mood and circumstances.

I doubt any of us thought at 16 that we'd be Dom/Dommes or subs. Kids need to look at what is out there and decide how THEY feel, not how mom, dad, or even their partner wants them to feel.

ANY sex, be it vanilla or otherwise should be discussed between the partners involved. THAT is the point that should be stressed to a kid who asks. Before you have sex of any kind, with any person, understand what they want out of it and what you want out of it.

I'm guess what I am trying to say is tell your kids that whatever THEY feel is good for them probably IS good for them if it is what THEY want, not what is being pushed on them by someone else.

I know what I've written has little to do with the Kids/lifestyle question, Ours range from mid 20's to mid teens and we still "hide" it from them. We want them to find their own sexuality. All they do know is we love each other and we may be "old", but old people still have sex.
The submisive I have been seeing has a 5 yo

Occasionally he sees my riding crop and wants to play horsey
He loves to "tie" things

His mother
my submissive
says he is a Dom at heart :D

Other than major bondage and S/M I see nothing that has to be hiden from children .... and believe me ... they see and know more then you will every know
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Richard49 said:
they see and knwo more then you will every know

It is what they tell other children that is the problem. Other parents get involved and next thing you know may find yourself in court justifying your every word and deed.

I still say it is better to be safe than sorry.

They will grow up, and they will move out, unless you don't change the locks!

clever imps

Richard49 said:
Other than major bondage and S/M I see nothing that has to be hiden from children .... and believe me ... they see and know more then you will every know

Whew, children are very good detectives arent they? I know I have never been as terrified/mortified as when my dom related the story of his 7 year old plunking down on the sofa the morning after I had been over and bluntly states "so dad, I think you really like this girl." "oh yeah, whys that?" his dad asks "Cuz last night I peeked out of my bedroom and saw the two of you kissing on the floor...but thats okay dad, I see that stuff all the time" *turns beat red*

Although normally I would agree with you, Richard, that sex shouldn't necessarily be hidden from children, that it is a normal and wonderful experience (shrinks are NOW saying that depression stems from not seeing your parents kiss and show affection at home) I think situations call for it.

My doms son spends 2 weeks a month at his mums...and she wants to press for sole custody. I'm worried that even a little light necking where we might be caught could be used against us (inappopriate behavior in front of a minor) let alone anything more serious. I would love to be more open and honest...but I love his son as much as him and would be willing to go vanilla if thats what it took to keep him around.

Yes I love handcuffs and I have a collection of leather blindfolds, but they all stay safely tucked away when the little guy is about...not because I think it would bother him (hes seen us wrestling before and usually just thinks we are playing and piles up on his dad to 'defend' me *g*) so much as I think he would accept it as normal and think nothing of repeating it to everyone and anyone.

I guess what I'm trying to say in this rambling post is that I'm not sure its so much telling your kids what your into as explaining to them that its a secret or "not normal"

who knows...maybe by the time I have my own kids this won't even be an issue...that would be sweet

Just my 2 Cents Worth

My 13 year old was on her Friday night at Dad's and he had a new girlfriend that was living with him while waiting to find a new place. While my daughter was asleep she awoke to the sounds of her father asking his new girlfriend "Whose your daddy" and sounds of spanking. Needless to say she was livid and called me in the middle of the night to come pick her up at her dad's. She said what embarrased her the most was that his new girlfiriend was the mother of one of the girls that played on her softball team and the girlfriend's daughter was also awakened by the noise and was laughing about it. She told my daughter, oh don't let it bother you, mom does this all the time and you'll get used to it. Unfortunately, until he stopped dating this woman my 13 year old would not spend the night with her dad again. I believe there are some things that children don't need to be exposed to. Now Wanderer can walk past me in the kitchen and slap me on the butt and this same child will laugh and joke with us about it, but to her it isn't in a sexual content. She has asked questions about sex and even about D/s because she has read my poetry, but I answer her questions in general terms and I truely believe, she will only ask about the things she is ready to hear the truth about. I don't sugar coat with her and I don't lie to her, but I also don't throw things in her face or give her information she has not asked for. We have a system, if she asks and the answer is too much for her she says TMI mom and I know that she really isn't ready for the answer. That worked well for my oldest and it seems to be working with my youngest. Hope this answers some questions. :)
Re: your two cents worth

Like I said earlier, I agree with you. These years of 12-14 are so hard and girls especially are so volatile.

My daughter has her own codes too...all I have to say is its a sex thing and she knows that she has to ask for more works.

Right now I know she is too immature to handle anything different.

My .02 or .03 worth.

I was simply looking at this board when I ran across this thread, and because I know a few people who proclaim to be "in the lifestyle", and some of them have children, I decided to read it.

I am neither a Dom not a sub. Some may consider my sexual practices "vanilla", though some of society would say that I am a perverted bastard, and may even seek to remove my child from my home. However, though I am neither Dom nor sub, I do not judge those who pursue this lifestyle, it simply is not something I think that I would enjoy.

As for children, there are those who might be able to understand that what mommy and daddy do is not acceptable to society, yet also understand that what goes on at home is not wrong. I believe that the majority of them would not understand this and it would only lead to confusion. I also believe that adult children who have questions will approach their parents for advice if they truly want to know about something about sex. I believe that one's own activities tends to bias them one way or another, and that the parents should point the children toward researching the matter for themselves. In the world that we live in today, there is much information available on all sides of nearly any issue. Sometimes this information is available in books, sometimes the internet. My three year old will know more about computers when she is in high school than I know now, and no doubt that she will be able to find ways to get around the "protections" that we place on our computer to keep her away from areas that children should not see. Although I do not find the BDSM lifestyle to my personal tastes, I am not going to critisize those who practice it. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the world does not agree with my point of view.

Can we live our lives fully while hiding that we have sex, kinky or "vanilla", from our children? I think we can. I personally do not believe that parents should bring their sexual activities into the common areas of the home in front of their children. If they wish to use the common areas of the home, they should do so when the children are asleep or even better yet, when they are at a friend's house for a sleep-over. If you feel that you have to be D/s 24/7, then you need to find a way to do so that does not interfere with the appearance of what society finds acceptable. I believe that if a Dom/me or sub feels that the sub should wear the Dom/me's collar all the time, then I think that they could do something like dixie has done, or even a combination of that and a more severe collar for the actual "play" time. This could mean a simple necklace that has the appearance of "normal", or even somewhat dressy, and a studded leather leash/collar for when only the involved parties are about. Once the children have left the nest, and/or you are not in a position to have legal action brought against you (i.e. a military person retires or otherwise leaves the service), then you can practice your lifestyle whenever/however you choose to. I hope that you realize that some people believe that any form of physical (especially corporal punishment) discipline is abuse to the person being disciplined, and if it is practiced in public they may be subjected to questioning or even domestic violence charges from law enforcement. So I do urge some restraint in your practicing of your lifestyle.

I hope that I have not intruded where I don't belong, but I felt that a view from someone who is not involved in the lifestyle was something that could be tolerated. Admitted that I am not condemning you for your practices, neither am I condoning them, and I realize that not all people are willing to accept that some people feel the need to live outside what is accepted as "normal." I hope that you each live a life that fulfills you and yours to the highest degree possible.
Welcome RoknRobn, I just wanted to say I found your post very well thought out, and respectful. I agree with alot of what you said actually.

Yes I am in a 24/7 D/s relationship, I do not want my children to know about. I don't find it necessary to expose them to any sexual practices, be the 'Nilla or "kinky" and will not do so intentionally. I am not naive enough to think that as they get older they won't know or have some idea about what's going on. However, they will have to ask the questions to get the answers, and the answers will only come when I feel they are ready to handle it.

Thanks again for your post.
Wow. One of the highest ratios of excellent-writing-to-average that I've seen on a thread. Terrific points raised.

I guess I'll use myself as an example. I never really had a "talk" about sex at all with my mom, because that implies that both people are speaking; instead, she handed me a book that explained the mechanics (sketchily), let me know that she expected me to be abstinent, scolded me when I told her I lost my virginity, and constantly let me know that she disapproved when I moved in with my boyfriend in college. I don't think she and my dad had sex regularly (maybe not even occasionally) after my brother was born. They just both seem very passionless.

So basically everything that I know about sex, I learned on my own. I never had any hangups or moral quandaries to overcome, despite having the odds against me from a parental standpoint.

I think that when it comes time to be a parent (if said time ever comes for me), I will be less condemning and more honest, but I don't see any reason to explicitly get into my breed of relationship. I'll create a nice nurturing environment and let my kids sow their own seeds.

It's just so more easier NOT TO HAVE KIDS!!!!! Then you don't have to worry about anything cutting into your personal time with your spouse, from being pregnant, to never having private time for each other, to having to be quiet during sex so the kid won't hear. I know it sounds selfish or evil, (I am an evil person), but to me, kids are a definite waste.

No replies needed, thank you. I will not argue my opinion, nor do I care about anyone else's, since most women are okay with sitting at home & popping out 50 kids.
Evil, hardly. Selfish, big deal. Life is selfish. It's all about priorities---some people make family, including 50 kids, theirs. Others don't. That's not something that should be inflammatory; it certainly isn't to me. I don't intend to have kids anytime soon, for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I feel too stifled as it is, due to apartment life and lack of like-minded friends. Certainly not going to add more limitations into that mix, especially not at the tender age of 20.

But it's nice to have a game plan if I change my mind.
I'm with Selena. Children are great.

With garlic.

And I plan on doing my part for the next generation when I hit 60 and can teach some 20 year olds everything they need to know about sex.
Women and children

Egad, 50 children. I'm all about kids and being a mommy but two is my limit ty very kindly.

I have absolutely no problems with a woman who just says no to kids. It's a different set of priorties gals, and one set is not better then the other.

"With garlic"! That was so funny!!! :D

I'm so glad to have some people on my side! I also plan on teaching my stepdaughters, who are now only 9 & 10, all about sex, when they are older of course...
A recent conversation at my house~ My 7 year old cutie said, " Mom it's a good thing you have that whip." I swallowed hard and smiled innocently then asked, "Why's that?" He replied, "Then you can save all your friends from quicksand":D:D

Whew! That was a close one;)
Lilith said:
A recent conversation at my house~ My 7 year old cutie said, " Mom it's a good thing you have that whip." I swallowed hard and smiled innocently then asked, "Why's that?" He replied, "Then you can save all your friends from quicksand":D:D

Whew! That was a close one;)

LOL...that's priceless.

Thank goodness mine is too young still to even be aware that there is anything at all going on in the house, though it was funny to see him chasing the cat with a buggy whip in his hand. (that got put away, quickly)

One of my subbies did relate a story to me about her 5 year old daughter coming out of the bedroom giggling. when she asked her what was going on, she led her to her bedroom, where all the teddy bears were tied together with Momma's new green rope. :eek:

That too, got put away, just as quickly.