Reluctant wife videos

I think I found what seems to be a link fitting the video description but not sure if this is the one talked about. I'm not able to post the link but I went to a website called motherless dot com followed by the following: /0364300
Found it using "reluctant wife porn video" to get to motherless ... and then on the site searched "reluctant wife red shirt"

I was less than thrilled with the video.
The best that I can say was there was some kind of acceptance by the woman but certainly didn't see any joy or participation (except as the receptacle) on her part.
Thumbs down on this video from me.
In that situation the husband is just a cunt. I've witnessed that.
Have to agree, well said!
I met with a prospective couple a few years ago, as he went to the toilet in the pub, she just opened up and said she just wanted him to want her, just her! I said you have to talk to him. On his return, him thinking we were off to do the deed, I said I had a family emergency with the kids and left, but what a sad situation. Had wonderful times with couples that both wanted it, but not this way. Not cool at all!
Some of the homemade videos of guys watching their wives are pretty amazing. There are a few where the wife is reluctant, but willing to be fucked by other men for the husbands pleasure. One in particular is a white wife in a red shirt. She is being taken by a black guy while the husband watches. The wife was enduring the experience, but clearly reluctant. The idea of wives being coerced to fuck other men is really intense.
Know exactly what video you are talking about :sneaky::love:
I agree with other that don't see the appeal. I'd hate to have someone feel pressured to do something for me and regret and resent me later. I so however see the appeal of the amateur type videos where a wife is willing but conservative and reserved in fucking a third person in front of her husband. She's initially is afraid that her enjoyment will upset her husband, but is overtaken with pleasure and becomes enthusiastic. That is very HOT.
Most of the couples we met for a drink during our swinging adventures we turned down because of the husbands. Very uncomfortable sitting there talking to the Cpls when the husband did all of the talking and the wife hardly spoke
Totally agree,there is a lot of couples in our experience that the male is obviously trying to get his partner to take one for the team and she's not up for it ,very unattractive and uncomfortable
And this one. More of this on lit from men like y’all please.
I think I found what seems to be a link fitting the video description but not sure if this is the one talked about. I'm not able to post the link but I went to a website called motherless dot com followed by the following: /0364300
Found it using "reluctant wife porn video" to get to motherless ... and then on the site searched "reluctant wife red shirt"

I was less than thrilled with the video.
The best that I can say was there was some kind of acceptance by the woman but certainly didn't see any joy or participation (except as the receptacle) on her part.
Thumbs down on this video from me.
Really appreciate the last couple posts. 🙏
The whole point of sex whether it be swinging ,gangbang ,3some or whatever in real life not fantasy should be that everyone is totally up for it,in real life why would you do something just to please someone else.dont get it.amateur porn though is one of our favourite types as they ,if genuine amateurs are just doing it for the sheer thrill of the that is sexy and can totally relate to that feeling
That reluctance is an incredible turn on. Watching her being reluctantly penetrated by another man, the guys bare cock in her, while her husband watches is extremely arousing.
My first 3some nobody reluctant was great. Only time one was reluctant it didn't last very long then she was so into it
I'll be honest.

I'm all for total informed consent, absolutely, no question. Convincing your partner to "take one for the team", taking her along to meet people with a view to hooking up with them, when she is clearly not into it is abhorrent. I condemn it completely. I'm aware of the situation IRL from when my 1st wife and I were testing the waters about swapping, 3'sums and the like and like other's we walked away from several situations where the wife was clearly "not into it".

However... I admit to being totally turned on by video clips, pics, stories and the like that depict just this. I'm ashamed of myself for it but I can't help it.
I'll be honest.

I'm all for total informed consent, absolutely, no question. Convincing your partner to "take one for the team", taking her along to meet people with a view to hooking up with them, when she is clearly not into it is abhorrent. I condemn it completely. I'm aware of the situation IRL from when my 1st wife and I were testing the waters about swapping, 3'sums and the like and like other's we walked away from several situations where the wife was clearly "not into it".

However... I admit to being totally turned on by video clips, pics, stories and the like that depict just this. I'm ashamed of myself for it but I can't help it.
That sense of shame can be powerful. Hideous and irresistible to us at the same time. I think many of us struggle with the myriad shades of it.
For over 15 years, I tried to get my reluctant wife to have sex with another man, but she always said no. Being raised in a Christian household, and being (somewhat) shy and conservative, she refused. She knew from the beginning of our relationship that I was into wife-watching and I hoped that someday she would do it for me. I had also been asking her to check out an adult website that I’d been looking at, but she refused that also.

Over time, she went along with the fantasy talk during sex, but afterwards would always refuse to actually do it and would say that she just went along with the fantasy talk (during sex), because she knew that I liked it.

After 15 years, 2 circumstances occurred that persuaded her to consider letting another man take her marital cherry. After more months of begging, She finally agreed to meet with another man, but insisted that she could only “fool around”, but would not actually fuck him. We got a room at a local hotel and the three of us went to the room to explore. We played strip poker and for the first time since we’d been married she allowed another man to see her completely nude body.

After lots of foreplay, they had oral sex and he came in her mouth. They rested for a bit, then he attempted to fuck her, but because he came so much and so hard from her oral talents, he was not able to get an another erection, rigid enough to fuck her.

Afterwards, she claimed to have completed my request, but I argued that it was not complete, because he was unable to penetrate get his cock into her pussy. Eventually, she agreed to try one more time. This time was a huge success. In the hotel room, I watched as another man crossed that barrier and his cock penetrated my wife’s once-faithful pussy. He not only fucked her, but he actually made passionate love to my wife. It was something that I didn’t think that I would ever see. At one point he even got his bare cock into her and they both enjoyed the feel of his bare cock within the walls of her vagina.

Once again, afterwards, guilt & morals set in and although she enjoyed it immensely, she stated that she would never do it again. Watching another man fuck my wife was now etched in my memory and I vowed to make it happen again. It was like a drug habit that I couldn’t kick and NEEDED to see it again. After almost a month of me begging and repeated messages from Chris to try and convince her to do it again, she relented and agreed to one final time.

We met with him once more, but afterwards, she refused to do it again and she hasn’t (except for one other occurrence).

That was over 15 years ago.

The whole story could be read here:

Chapters 1-6 detail actual events that happened with my wife and I, that led from her being reluctant and refusing to fuck another man, to her actually fucking 2 other men.