Republicans are quite simply un-American

Cite who is blaming Trump for the existence of the Covid-19 virus, Grunternaymen, or just stop your constant lying.


(There you go, Gunther, I saved you the trouble of your inevitable retort.)
Found the cite on Democratic Underground. You'll have to poke around there for the specific article.
You can’t figure out how to search your browser history?

The same site has a thread with helpful quotes for people to copy and paste into FaceBook or discussion forums, with different ideas on how to attack Trump.

You've posted lots of those things, so I know you're familiar with the site (or others just like it).
Two-thirds of the terrorist incidents in the United States are committed by white nationalists.

In 2016, Trump, much to the enthusiastic frenzy of his audience, called for a “complete and total shutdown” of Muslim immigrants until we “figure out what the hell is going on.” He has yet to demand the deportation of anyone with white supremacist sympathies, even though their kind has killed hundreds of Americans in the past ten years. He seems sanguine — even indifferent — to the threat his fellow Americans face from Caucasian-fascism.

He cut funding for programs aimed at recruiting young neo-Nazis to leave their hate groups, and Dave Gomez, a former FBI counter-terrorism agent, tells the Washington Post that the FBI is “hamstrung” in its attempts to investigate the growing white supremacist movement in the United States. “There’s some reluctance among agents to target what the president perceives as his base,” he explains.

This is not political strategy. It is sympathy for terrorists. Trump, and the operative administration of his political party, have made a cold calculation that dead Americans are collateral damage in the effort to advance their own repugnant ideology.

Absence of all concern for human life also defines the right-wing agenda on gun ownership in America. The obstinacy demonstrated by the Republican Party at the slightest suggestion of any further restrictions on firearm transactions makes it clear that they consider the profits of the gun manufacturing industry and the power of the National Rifle Association more important than the lives of their countrymen.

Nationalism, according to Trump, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, purports to place “America First” in its policy orientation. Yet the lives of American citizens appear to rank last when dealing with the danger of gun violence and white extremism.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that Russia hacked into the election system of all 50 states in 2016. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, and other high-ranking Republicans, have declined to lift a finger to secure American democracy.

The Republicans don't love America.

The Republicans are killing America!
Unprecedented, doesn't equal fear.

If Trump does win a lawsuit against some media outlet, then clearly they behaved in a way that no responsible media outlet would. So if they lose, they deserve to have been sued and deserve to lose.

If Trump loses such a lawsuit, then clearly they didn't do anything they're civilly liable for. Although one could debate the ethics of the way those media in particular, act.

Whether it's ever been done before is irrelevant.
The Russians own the GOP.
The Chinese own the Dems.

I don't see a problem with either overlord manipulating the ruling parties. Their agendas are not all that different and have, so far, not really interfered with the American dream or our prosperity.

I say keep the status quo of the longtime Sino-Soviet controlling interests but reduce the drama by declaring it ALL openly so the American people can relax and go with the flow!
Trump’s incompetence is a real problem — but decades of right-wing ideology have also made this crisis worse

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell smelled an evil liberal conspiracy on Thursday, one designed to steal away his decades of tireless work to kneecap the federal government. The Democratic-majority House had passed a large emergency bill, designed to combat the coronavirus pandemic, and McConnell was absolutely certain Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were trying to pull one over on him.

“Unfortunately, it appears at this hour that the speaker and House Democrats instead chose to produce an ideological wish list that was not tailored closely to the circumstances,” McConnell said. He accused Democrats of exploiting this situation, saying the bill addresses “various areas of policy that are barely related, if at all, to the issue before us.”

While Rethug's try to insert anti-abortion language to the bill?:eek:
As Americans sees the rising number of their fellow citizens becoming victims of COVID-19 (coronavirus), they are simultaneously losing confidence in the "leadership" of Donald Trump. From the beginning he downplayed the threat that the virus represented, insisting that the number of those affected was small and that it would shortly be zero. He could not have been more wrong. On Thursday the number of cases in the U.S. surpassed China.

And while the virus infections and fatalities go up, Trump's mental state spirals down. He is sinking into a defensive posture that resembles closely the behavior of paranoid authoritarians who perceive enemies all around them. And one of the most common reactions by such persons is to clamp down on what they believe is a hostile media. Thursday's Coronavirus Task Force (which he really has no business attending) opened with Trump accusing the press of being "corrupt." That's nothing new for someone who has repeatedly referred to the media in Stalinist terms as "the enemy of the people."

More troubling is that now Trump is going after a progressive group that produced an ad recounting Trump's failure to respond to the budding pandemic. Priorities USA compiled some of Trump's own dismissive statements and juxtaposed them with a chart showing the virus's rate of growth. This upset Trump and resulted in a "cease and desist" from the Trump campaign organization.

It's bad enough that Trump would try to intimidate a political group by infringing on their First Amendment rights. But it's even worse than that. The Trump campaign is actually threatening to revoke the broadcast licenses of any television station that airs the ad. That's a fascist strongman's solution to pesky critics who dare to speak out. According to a report in Bloomberg News, Trump's campaign warned that...

"Failure to remove the ad 'could put your station’s license in jeopardy' before the Federal Communications Commission, the campaign said in the letter. 'Your station has an obligation to cease and desist from airing it immediately to comply with FCC licensing requirements.'"

First of all, let's establish the fact that the stations do not have any obligation to comply with the Trump campaign's request that they do not air the ad. That request has no legal standing, and would likely fail to succeed if tried in court. The ad is comprised of Trump's own words, and they were presented in a manner that reasonably represents their meaning. However, the campaign appears to suggest that the campaign has some ability to influence the FCC, a federal regulatory agency whose members are appointed by the President. That would be a wholly improper arrangement and an unlawful abuse of power on the part of the White House. What's more...

"The FCC doesn’t appear to have grounds to act against the stations for airing contentious ads, said Jack Goodman, a Washington broadcast attorney, said in an interview. The ad 'is core political speech' protected by First Amendment guarantees of free speech, Goodman said."
Bunch of socialist who hate the US and any sort of individual liberty of any kind.....talking about how un-American freedom loving Americans are LOL

Oh and "ORANGE MAN BAD!!!" of course.
Thursday's Coronavirus Task Force (which he really has no business attending) opened with Trump accusing the press of being "corrupt." That's nothing new for someone who has repeatedly referred to the media in Stalinist terms as "the enemy of the people."

More troubling is that now Trump is going after a progressive group that produced an ad recounting Trump's failure to respond to the budding pandemic. Priorities USA compiled some of Trump's own dismissive statements and juxtaposed them with a chart showing the virus's rate of growth. This upset Trump and resulted in a "cease and desist" from the Trump campaign organization.

It's bad enough that Trump would try to intimidate a political group by infringing on their First Amendment rights. But it's even worse than that. The Trump campaign is actually threatening to revoke the broadcast licenses of any television station that airs the ad. That's a fascist strongman's solution to pesky critics who dare to speak out. According to a report in Bloomberg News, Trump's campaign warned that...

"Failure to remove the ad 'could put your station’s license in jeopardy' before the Federal Communications Commission, the campaign said in the letter. 'Your station has an obligation to cease and desist from airing it immediately to comply with FCC licensing requirements.'"

First of all, let's establish the fact that the stations do not have any obligation to comply with the Trump campaign's request that they do not air the ad. That request has no legal standing, and would likely fail to succeed if tried in court. The ad is comprised of Trump's own words, and they were presented in a manner that reasonably represents their meaning. However, the campaign appears to suggest that the campaign has some ability to influence the FCC, a federal regulatory agency whose members are appointed by the President. That would be a wholly improper arrangement and an unlawful abuse of power on the part of the White House. What's more...

"The FCC doesn’t appear to have grounds to act against the stations for airing contentious ads, said Jack Goodman, a Washington broadcast attorney, said in an interview. The ad 'is core political speech' protected by First Amendment guarantees of free speech, Goodman said."

Trump has made it very clear right from the very beginning that he hates the First Amendment. He has repeatedly threatened the American Free Press, said that the United States Constitution is a very bad thing and praised dictators in places like North Korea and China when they use violence and intimidation to crush dissenting voices.
The GOP’s separatist movement exposed

One thousand Americans died Wednesday. One thousand more could die today. Six and a half million filed for unemployment insurance benefits in one week, on top of 3.3 million last week. Yet leading Republicans, like Senator Ron Johnson, are urging people to go back to work. Yet leading Republicans, like Senator Tom Cotton, are calling for revenge on China. All the while, Trump appears poised to divvy up the spoils of last week’s passage of the $2 trillion economic stimulus so friendly states like Florida get all the help they need while unfriendly states like New York get jack.

The legislation, called the CARES Act, sets aside half a trillion dollars in corporate loans. (That’s on top of $4 trillion in unlimited “quantitative easing” and direct borrowing by and from the Fed.) A provision requires the president to designate an inspector general to oversee accountability of the fund. But in a signing statement, the president said he will do no such thing. After all, acquittal means a president is no longer constitutionally bound to take care that the law is faithfully executed. Well, a GOP president, anyway. Separate but not equal means Democrats go to the wall.

The GOP is acting like a separatist movement.

The rich get richer. The rest get whatever’s coming to them.

Too much? I don’t see why. This state of affairs has been crescendoing for some time. I had occasion recently to reread Sam Tanenhaus’s canonical piece in The New Republic. Published more than a decade ago, parts of “Conservatism Is Dead” read like they were written last month. Here’s how the former New York Times Book Review editor characterized the debate among conservatives in the years after World War II:

On one side are those who have upheld the Burkean ideal of replenishing civil society by adjusting to changing conditions. On the other are those committed to a revanchist counterrevolution, the restoration of America’s pre-welfare state ancien regime. And, time and again, the counterrevolutionaries have won. The result is that modern American conservatism has dedicated itself not to fortifying and replenishing civil society but rather to weakening it through a politics of civil warfare (my stress).

What has been the target of such a strategy? Well, everything these “revanchist counterrevolutionaries” were against, Tanenhaus said in plain English: “Many have observed that movement politics most clearly defines itself not by what it yearns to conserve but by what it longs to destroy—‘statist’ social programs; ‘socialized medicine’; ‘big labor’; ‘activist’ Supreme Court justices, the ‘media elite’; “tenured radicals” on university faculties; “experts” in and out of government (again, my stress).

What did they stand for? Tanenhaus said “movement conservatives” always struggled with that question. But if Trump’s election is any indication—if Trump’s acquittal is any indication—conservatives, such as they are, no longer struggle. Why bother? To be against “the enemy” is enough, even if the enemy is American civil society itself.

To be sure, as Michael Harriot reminds us, that enemy has been Americans on the margins of civil society, specifically Americans of color. The margins are growing, though. Unemployment numbers are worse than they were in the Great Depression. Americans might die from the novel coronavirus in greater numbers than all the men who died fighting in World War II. In normal times, white Americans might not have noticed the Republican Party’s separatist movement. Normal times are history now.

Trump perceived as abnormally sadistic and narcissistic by both conservatives and liberals, study finds

Researchers found that both conservatives and liberals perceived Trump as highly sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive, though liberals tended to rate Trump’s personality as more dysfunctional in general compared to conservatives.

“We found that, on average, those who voted for Trump and those who voted for Clinton did not have wildly different views of Trump’s personality. Both groups saw him as particularly sadistic and narcissistic, and even though the two groups disagreed about how prominently he displayed these traits, his own supporters still judged him to be more sadistic and narcissistic than 90% of people."
Donald Trump tells us that the United States Constitution is a “really bad thing” and expresses frustration that the Separation of Powers keeps him from acting like a dictator.

Shortly after the election of 2016, Trump attacked leaders from America’s Free Press and berated and bullied media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower meeting.

In America, the media has the freedom to investigate America’s political leaders and political candidates. They have the freedom to report on their findings. The United States Constitution specifically states that the freedom of the press shall not be abridged.

Donald Trump seems to think that he’s living in a dictatorship and that he can tell the television networks, newspapers and cable outlets what stories off-limits and what photos they are prohibited from publishing. He attacks news anchors and network chiefs for covering the “wrong” stories.

Trump has gone so far as to declare war on America’s Free Press and incite violence towards investigative reporters. And he has also taken an outraged and hostile attitude towards the First Amendment.

With an openly hostile attitude towards the Constitution of the United States, Trump has threatened to eliminate the First Amendment protections the Supreme Court has built into our nation’s libel laws – and has suggested that he will soon start revoking the FCC licenses of media outlets that he doesn’t like.

Right now Trump is all butt-hurt about getting fact-checked on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. He's threatening to shut down any and all social media platforms if they don't stop fact-checking him.

Twitter and Facebook have already been bending over backwards, allowing Trump to lie in ads, allowing him to engage in abusive and threatening behavior in his tweets. If other Twitter users acted like Trump, their accounts would be closed and they'd be banned from creating new Twitter accounts, but Trump gets special privileges.

Well, Trump is being a whiny bitch and complaining that he doesn't have enough special privileges, and now he wants the right to lie without being fact-checked. If he doesn't get it, he's threatening to stomp all over the First Amendment.

I've said this before, but it bears repeating, Trump never wanted to be the president of a Western Democracy! He wants to be Dictator!!!
The Russians own the GOP.
The Chinese own the Dems.

I don't see a problem with either overlord manipulating the ruling parties. Their agendas are not all that different and have, so far, not really interfered with the American dream or our prosperity.

I say keep the status quo of the longtime Sino-Soviet controlling interests but reduce the drama by declaring it ALL openly so the American people can relax and go with the flow!

Dude... who is Mitch McConnel’s wife
Who was invested in China.. not only cabinet members?
Who the fuck knows what Trump invests in or how his money is traded as he tweets!?
Who has patents in China?
“The President’s Executive Order does nothing to address big Internet companies’ complete failure to fight the spread of disinformation. Instead, the President is encouraging Facebook and other social media giants to continue to exploit and profit off falsehoods with total impunity – while at the same time directing the federal government to dismantle efforts to help users distinguish fact from fiction,” she explained.

“Again and again, social media platforms have sold out the public interest to pad their corporate profits. Their business model is to make money at the expense of the truth. Recently, rather than removing lucrative campaign ads, which contain debunked falsehoods, Facebook changed its rules to ensure that it can continue to allow and profit off these lies,” Pelosi noted. “While Twitter’s decision to put up fact checks of the President is an important first step to protecting the integrity of our elections, much more must be done to ensure that fact-checks are applied fairly and across all platforms.”

"Allowing the spread of disinformation is extremely dangerous. Yet still, the President encourages Facebook & others to continue to exploit and profit off falsehoods – while directing the federal government to dismantle efforts to help users distinguish fact from fiction."
Trump’s Threat to Democracy

First in his campaign and then in his presidency, Donald Trump has consistently flouted norms and laws in ways that echo authoritarians in other countries. But he’s been so incompetent that his authoritarianism could be seen as no real threat to democracy. This is a false comfort. It doesn’t take a criminal mastermind to dismantle a democratic system; one petulant leader and a compliant governing party is enough.

And that’s what we have right now in this president and his GOP. The latest evidence is his dismissals of inspectors general assigned to oversee the State Department, intelligence agencies and the coronavirus response and bailouts, writes Michael Bloomberg. If Republicans don’t join Democrats in investigating these firings and holding Trump accountable, then the lawbreaking and corruption already rife in his administration will only get worse.

Unfortunately, Republicans willing to back such an inquiry are scarce in Washington. Most have instead backed Trump in using the rule of law against political opponents while perverting it to defend themselves, writes Francis Wilkinson. It’s right out of the authoritarian playbook used in Hungary and elsewhere. The Democrats and news media may not realize what’s happening until it’s too late to stop it.
This conflict could be called Managerial Class and/or Cultural Elite vs. Wage Slaves. Millions of people who tell the slaves what to do and think are losing their shit as the slaves decide what is in their own interest and go their own way. As populist reforms are gradually and grudgingly accepted and many corporate jobs disappear, the social order will get some shuffling. A new set of managers will eventually forget the old lessons, get too arrogant, and trigger another populist uprising in a few decades.

Some sites such as Lit are heavily populated with managers and elites, so they become echo chambers, where statements such as "Republicans are un-American" don't get the LMAO of a balanced majority.
Reporters are getting shot by the police

So, in the past few days reporters have been shot, arrested, teargassed, brutalized, threatened and intimidated for the “crime” of covering the George Floyd protests in Louisville, Minneapolis and other American cities.

When I was younger, cops didn’t terrorize reporters like this. There were rules and there was respect. Journalists and police officers might not have the same exact goals, but we never saw cops gunning down reporters on the street. What changed?

Could it have something to do with the president of the United States declaring war on America’s Free Press?

Could it have something to do with the president of the United States declaring that the American Mainstream Media is the enemy of the American people?

Could it have something to do with the president of the United States praising a violent Republican Congressman after the congressman threw a reporter to the ground, and then repeatedly punched him in the face and broke his glasses?

Could it have something to do with the fact that Trump praised Mohammed bin Salman and referred to bin Salman as his friend after bin Salman ordered a squad of thugs to torture and murder a Washington Post reporter?

Three years of such open hostility and contempt for the American Free Press could have everything to do with why cops in the year 2020 are doing the unthinkable and shooting at reporters for the “crime” of merely doing their jobs.
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I hate to say this

Actually, I've ruined you on this many, many times now and you keep dodging the question but I'll ask it again.

If countries with socialized medicine and stricter gun controls are so horrible than how come they're rated as more free than the U.S. by both the right wing Heritage Foundation and the right wing CATO Institute.

Poor racist bot. Going to be a tough day making up more lies.

but do you mean the all white countries of Europe and Canada? 30 million people or so. Denmark? We have more kids in K 12 than all of all white oil selling Norway