retiring The Poet's name as moderator

WickedEve said:
That poem is all yours. I want nothing to do with it. lol
And don't you love the word/sound Ack? Ack says more than you know. It's a feeling I get when I see my ex or what the kids did in the bathroom. It's the sound my cat makes right after I find bird feathers in the front yard. Yeah, Ack is poetry. Okay, I have to quit stalling. I have stuff I have to do. :p

Ack ack, said the cat, feathers
frilled in mouth and floating
lazily about the yard. Ack.

Spit up the bones, you bastard,

I say, envisioning detailed and lengthy
veterinary bills that speak of

exotic, thrilling, pricey things—
specials shown on Animal Planet, routines
designed to bankrupt me.

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Tzara said:

Ack ack, said the cat, feathers
frilled in mouth and floating
lazily about the yard. Ack.

Spit up the bones, you bastard,

I say, envisioning detailed and lengthy
veterinary bills that speak of

exotic, thrilling, pricey things—
specials shown on Animal Planet, routines
designed to bankrupt me.



i can imagine my cat doing the same thing and me totalling the vet bill in my head. might not be such a bad sport to take up after all.
Tzara said:

Ack ack, said the cat, feathers
frilled in mouth and floating
lazily about the yard. Ack.

Spit up the bones, you bastard,

I say, envisioning detailed and lengthy
veterinary bills that speak of

exotic, thrilling, pricey things—
specials shown on Animal Planet, routines
designed to bankrupt me.

That's a keeper. lol
Ack ack ack
hack hack hack
pat on the back
that's what I get
for smoking 3 packs
a day

Ack ack ack
rat a tat tat
take that
you dirty rat
to many guns
in the hands of
young ones

Ack ack ack
fur balls cat calls
what a mess
I profess
I leave them
where they fall
cat call-
ing cards


nice av are sumptuous.... :D
Spur of the moment

How easily the blood rises,
can you feel it—pulsing—
one cannot escape the
lust. It answers the call; day
in, day out, of their every
sequence of words strung along
for readers to discover—fanning
such marrow-deep stirrings in every
femme, homme, whatever—all
fatales come to the same end.