Rhett n Scarlett etc

Catherine Deneuve, nice. I also count Jeanne Moreau there.

Oh, of course, a great example of the buried D/s content is Jules and Jim, also a nice latent homo tension flick that puts the menage in menage.
Ok a few of my favorites are The Re-Animator a cheap horror film where the lady in distress in straped to a medical table naked. Granted the villian is by then a severed head being brought between her thighs lol. But her bound on the table was hot. Another is Willow, Val's ex-wife is hot and to see him bend her to his will was great. And let us not forget Darrall Hannah in Clan of the Cave Bear even as strong willed as she was in the movie. She had to submit . As for T.V. Captain Kirk hands down lol.
Think it just goes to show how even if we were all to watch the same film or TV show it would turn us on or off for different reasons. I think Jean-Luc Picard, is more forceful than Captain Kirk for example and I always got the impression that Lt Uhuru was a strong woman, but Deanna Troy is a bit girly to me..and er Data..now he is way kool lol..
I just thought of a movie that has nothing to do with the sex and erotic nature of BDSM, but really intrigued me within the expression of the dynamics and intimacy of a more historical D/s relationship (Queen and servant)... the film, Mrs. Brown.
Richard49 said:
Thank you lara and silk

to me he is no better then the whimps
but that is me
and I could be wrong

Have to strongly agree with you Richard. How anyone can find the portrayal of non consensual abuse,real or make believe, sexy, dominant, or a turn on is beyond me.
Perpetrators of DV act out of fear and their own insecurities, not dominance.

ownedsubgal said:

as for actors in general that i like, russell crowe is a major one. the way he's always getting into brawls over the silliest little thing.

Can appreciate devotion for Russell Crowe after watching his career develop over the years from small beginnings to now, though my image of him is more the one of talent, intellect, creativity, dedication, integrity, and courage to be his own person. Have to say to date one of my favourite movies of his is 'The Sum Of Us'.

I don't know the name of the Russell Crowe movie I enjoyed some time ago, but in it his co star is Meg Ryan and he is the guy working to get her husband released from kidnappers in South America. Just thought he was so cool under pressure in it..mmm..
Mmmm... Marlon Brando in almost every single one of his films. Particularly "Last Tango in Paris" with that shiver-inducing anal sex scene.
NemoAlia said:
Mmmm... Marlon Brando in almost every single one of his films. Particularly "Last Tango in Paris" with that shiver-inducing anal sex scene.

*hauls tush to the video store*
SilkVelvet said:
I don't know the name of the Russell Crowe movie I enjoyed some time ago, but in it his co star is Meg Ryan and he is the guy working to get her husband released from kidnappers in South America. Just thought he was so cool under pressure in it..mmm..

Check out this site for movie info on any movie, actor, director, etc. you can think of. You can search by any of these variables. You can also search by a specific quote from the film. I know American TV shows are on there, perhaps British as well. This site is great for movie aficionados....


Happy hunting :D

~anelize, "movie geek as well as BDSM Library geek"
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Check out this site for movie info on any movie, actor, director, etc. you can think of. You can search by any of these variables. You can also search by a specific quote from the film. I know American TV shows are on there, perhaps British as well. This site is great for movie aficionados....


Happy hunting :D

~anelize, "movie geek as well as BDSM Library geek"

Thank you for this site
What'd you think of the film, s'lara? Have you had a chance to broaden your viewing horizons yet?
I was just thinking of one of my all time favorite films....The Lion in Winter. Katharine Hepburn, freshly released from her tower, proceeds to Domme Henry (as usual) and her whole crazy brood. It never fails to give me chills and i just love it! Her portrayal of Eleanor of Acquitaine just amazes me. I've read much about Eleanor's life, it's no wonder Henry kept her locked up most of her years.

As to the great Katharine...well. IMHO, that performace was flawless, and definitely quite Domme-like. *grin*

Anelize have you seen Glenda Jackson as Elizabeth I ? Scaree.. GJ ended up as a Govt minister tho lol.

Elizabeth I def looks well scary in paintings and if she really was like that I guess it wasn't too surprising with Henry VIII for a father huh ? Now he had to be a Dominant, surely, as he even had ppl murdered and made England change religion so he could marry the woman he wanted..and when they displeased him..off with their heads !!
SilkVelvet said:
Anelize have you seen Glenda Jackson as Elizabeth I ? Scaree.. GJ ended up as a Govt minister tho lol.

Elizabeth I def looks well scary in paintings and if she really was like that I guess it wasn't too surprising with Henry VIII for a father huh ? Now he had to be a Dominant, surely, as he even had ppl murdered and made England change religion so he could marry the woman he wanted..and when they displeased him..off with their heads !!

Glenda Jackson was wonderful. Smithsonian Magazine this month has a wonderful article on Elizabeth I. Dame Judi Dench also did a wonderful portrayal of her (my favorite).

I don't think of Henry VIII as a Dominant, no. I think of him more as a hedonist, but one ruled by his desires. IMHO, he had the power to change the world, but he was still ruled by his desires and ultimately they undid him (it is often postulated that Henry VIII died of syphilis) . I don't think the man was ever truly happy and women were his curse, not something he dominated.

This brings to mind another great movie! Anne of the Thousand Days with Genevieve Bujold. Who is the Domme and who is the Dom? IMHO, Anne wins hands down over Henry, even though her head hits the ground in the end.

Thanks for the great thought provoking post, Silk :)

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
I don't think of Henry VIII as a Dominant, no. I think of him more as a hedonist, but one ruled by his desires. IMHO, he had the power to change the world, but he was still ruled by his desires and ultimately they undid him (it is often postulated that Henry VIII died of syphilis) . I don't think the man was ever truly happy and women were his curse, not something he dominated.

This brings to mind another great movie! Anne of the Thousand Days with Genevieve Bujold. Who is the Domme and who is the Dom? IMHO, Anne wins hands down over Henry, even though her head hits the ground in the end.

Thanks for the great thought provoking post, Silk :)


Anne of a THousand Days; haven't remembered that movie for ages. I think Anne topped Henry from the bottom only for as long as she had to until she could just top. Still, shame about the head thing.

catalina_francisco said:
Can appreciate devotion for Russell Crowe after watching his career develop over the years from small beginnings to now, though my image of him is more the one of talent, intellect, creativity, dedication, integrity, and courage to be his own person. Have to say to date one of my favourite movies of his is 'The Sum Of Us'.


Have to agree about his career and talent, but having met him he only conjures images for me of a grubby unwashed slovenly drunken yobbo in dire need of a bar of soap and a thousand gallons of hot water. I'm sure it doesn't detract from his talent though.

Does anybody remember that truly awful teen horror screamer from the early eighties, Evil Dead? The scene in that movie where the attractive but talent free actress is grabbed by evil tree roots in the forest, thrown down, tied spread eagle by said tree roots, then tree rooted and enoyed it, had a deep impact on my delicate and incompletely formed pubescent mind (though the movie seriously sucked).

Oh, and Kate Bush: I'd really love to do bad things to Kate Bush. She has the best please hurt me eyes.
Anelize and Incubus...I remember Anne of a Thousand Days..Genevieve Bujold definitely did Death with Dignity huh ?

But the absolute wickedest sassiest woman I have ever ever seen on film was in an old b/w movie called The Wicked Lady. Margaret Lockwood as a bored Upper Class 18th century woman who has an affair with and becomes an accomplice of a highwayman, James Mason. He's so cool he's ice cold frozen and she's all tempestuous heaving bodice. Not so much Dom and sub more Dom and Domme power struggle.

That movie def inspired a few fantasies *smile*
That she did, SilkVelvet, but then I think Ms Bujoold could do anything with dignity.

I haven't seen the Wicked Lady, but I'm thinking that now I will, thank you.
Well I got 'Enough' on DVD from Blockbusters, so that's my evening sorted :D

edited to add: JLo not bad actress for a singer, but what's all the fuss about her looks for :confused: Good movie tho ! The husband in the movie isn't a Dom IMO but an insecure control freak. JLo's 'Dad' in the movie was abt the coolest bloke in the movie despite his age :D
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no, the hubby in "Enough" definitely was not a Dominant, he was controlling for sure, but he controlled not out of any sense of Dominance but out of pure, weak insecurity and fear. however that doesn't change the fact that the scenes where he beat j. lo's character up and down and sideways got me hot as all heck. :D

as to how anyone could be aroused by such a thing, well, i think all of us here on this board are "perverts" (according to webster) to one degree or another, some more than others. we all have our buttons...my own tend to revolve around male aggression/force/strength, and that power being used to either harm a female, or keep a female "in check", simply because she is female, and as such, weaker (physically, in most cases, i'm not trying to generalize), and socially developed throughout the ages to be controlled, used abused and stomped upon. when i see a fictionalized portrayal of a woman suffering physically at the hands of a man, or the hands of many men, yes i become aroused. i cannot help it...all my life, such images/thoughts have aroused me. it's why i can't stand mainstream porn...too often, the females are not only enjoying it, or pretending like they are, they're in control of things as well. they control how far a man's cock goes down their throat, by wrapping their hand around the base. they control how to touch, how to move, everything. even here on this board in the nonconsent stories section, the vast majority of the time the so called rapist is giving the woman what she "really" wants, and she ends up enjoying what's happening to her. that sort of story is not for me. i need to know that there is true discomfort at the least, true suffering at the most, in order to find a porn/story/etc. arousing. so it would fit that in mainstream movies, when they portray a female being abused by a man, my panties will get a bit moist. so sue me.