Rhett n Scarlett etc

ownedsubgal said:
no, the hubby in "Enough" definitely was not a Dominant, he was controlling for sure, but he controlled not out of any sense of Dominance but out of pure, weak insecurity and fear. however that doesn't change the fact that the scenes where he beat j. lo's character up and down and sideways got me hot as all heck. :D

as to how anyone could be aroused by such a thing, well, i think all of us here on this board are "perverts" (according to webster) to one degree or another, some more than others. we all have our buttons...my own tend to revolve around male aggression/force/strength, and that power being used to either harm a female, or keep a female "in check", simply because she is female, and as such, weaker (physically, in most cases, i'm not trying to generalize), and socially developed throughout the ages to be controlled, used abused and stomped upon. when i see a fictionalized portrayal of a woman suffering physically at the hands of a man, or the hands of many men, yes i become aroused. i cannot help it...all my life, such images/thoughts have aroused me. it's why i can't stand mainstream porn...too often, the females are not only enjoying it, or pretending like they are, they're in control of things as well. they control how far a man's cock goes down their throat, by wrapping their hand around the base. they control how to touch, how to move, everything. even here on this board in the nonconsent stories section, the vast majority of the time the so called rapist is giving the woman what she "really" wants, and she ends up enjoying what's happening to her. that sort of story is not for me. i need to know that there is true discomfort at the least, true suffering at the most, in order to find a porn/story/etc. arousing. so it would fit that in mainstream movies, when they portray a female being abused by a man, my panties will get a bit moist. so sue me.

Don't know about suing as that is not my thing in life, but I do specialise professionally in dealing with domestic violence and abuse to the extreme and understand the dynamics from both sides, both from the professional and personal experience I have. I am also aware of the misconceptions that BDSM equates DV and get tired of the negativity that reflects on the lifestyle from that.

In saying the non-consensuality is what gets you off is a little confusing. If you don't want, and as such never enjoy, how does it get you off as that to me is feeling pleasure. And if you truly are not consenting and he does what he wants it is abuse, but from my understanding you yourself have asked your Master to be more brutal which once again is not non consensual as you have told him you want and need it.

In my relationship I know I both love and hate the pain, but in the end I know AI need it and enjoy it from all those reasons, and above all elese I know Master can be trusted with my life and does it out of love not his own inadequacies. If I did not enjoy it, he could find no joy in giving me pain. That is where the difference lies between BDSM and abuse, and unfortunately I can never find pleasure in seeing another human or animal suffer.

But as I always say, everyone has their own quirks in life and they know best why and what is best for them. I have no problem as llong as they never push another into a situation they do not wish to be a part of as that is abuse and a crime.

catalina_francisco said:
Don't know about suing as that is not my thing in life, but I do specialise professionally in dealing with domestic violence and abuse to the extreme and understand the dynamics from both sides, both from the professional and personal experience I have. I am also aware of the misconceptions that BDSM equates DV and get tired of the negativity that reflects on the lifestyle from that.

In saying the non-consensuality is what gets you off is a little confusing. If you don't want, and as such never enjoy, how does it get you off as that to me is feeling pleasure. And if you truly are not consenting and he does what he wants it is abuse, but from my understanding you yourself have asked your Master to be more brutal which once again is not non consensual as you have told him you want and need it.

In my relationship I know I both love and hate the pain, but in the end I know AI need it and enjoy it from all those reasons, and above all elese I know Master can be trusted with my life and does it out of love not his own inadequacies. If I did not enjoy it, he could find no joy in giving me pain. That is where the difference lies between BDSM and abuse, and unfortunately I can never find pleasure in seeing another human or animal suffer.

But as I always say, everyone has their own quirks in life and they know best why and what is best for them. I have no problem as llong as they never push another into a situation they do not wish to be a part of as that is abuse and a crime.


catalina, if you notice i never mentioned my own relationship or experiences in my above explanation. that is a different story altogether.

and of course, if i were to see a female being obviously abused by a man as i walked down the street or something, i would not be aroused in the least and feel nothing but sympathy. that is why i was careful to use the term "fictionalized portrayal". as for what arouses me in my own personal life, of course, i do appreciate being handled firmly by a man. knowing that because of sheer biology, a man could do whatever he wished with my body, is very erotic for me. it's why i'm not attracted to skinny/thin men. my Master is very muscular and fit, and although of course that is not why i am with him, it is a great bonus to know that with the slightest bit of effort, he could cause a great deal of physical damage to me with his bare hands. so i guess you could say what "gets me off" (this is definitely a mere figure of speech here as an orgasm for me is an extremely rare occurence), is being weak, helpless, defenseless, powerless. physically, and in other less tangible ways. and when is a person more powerless than when they are being used and abused against their will or consent? that is why the portrayal of such things arouse me. but it is not something that would or could arouse me in reality, whether with me or someone else.

but with all that said, i am not in this lifestyle, or with my Master, simply for my own pleasure/enjoyment. everything is not meant for my pleasure. my Master has needs and drives that have nothing whatever to do with giving me any kind of pleasure...just the opposite, really. and as i'm his property it's his right to satisfy those needs with me, whether it's something i desire or not.

but this is something i have struggled with a great deal, emotionally. i can see images, or read stories, of what i know in my mind has to be completely nonconsentual abusive activity, and become VERY aroused, yet at the same time i am feeling horror for what this person had to go thru, and hurting for them. and then i feel guilty for being so "sick" that such suffering of another can arouse me, but, the arousal doesn't go away. but i have come to accept that i am simply a perv, i cannot help what causes a tingle in my panties, and being aroused by a certain thing doesn't make me a monster, or even a bad person in the least. perverted yes, bad no. i have never intentionally brought harm to another person or creature and never have had the desire to do so....i don't desire to be the one doing the hurting, i desire to be the one who is hurt. even tho i don't truly WANT to be hurt. i feel that need nonetheless. confusing as heck, i know, but that is me.
I apologise if there has been any misunderstanding, but that is sometimes the problem with this format. Those of us in the lifestyle often go through lots of soul searching, as well as patronising judgements from others, so I do not wish to make those judgements myself, especially as I feel you and I are much the same in many ways, most definately we are on the extreme end of the scale in the eyes of many.

For that reason it is difficult for others to appreciate our choices, and the fact as slaves we really do give up all rights on a 24/7 basis. For myself, I know I hunger and crave pain as much as my Master hungers to give it. I knew this before I gave myself to him and knew it was what I wanted also. In our roles we do sacrifice all our needs for the needs of our Masters, his limits being our only limits, no safewords, no way out. In my instance I have openly expressed if he chose to take my life, it would be his right as he is my owner and I accept this. Fortunately he did not want this from me but it still stands. Others do not understand this, nor often condone it but it is my reality.

Once again I apologise for anything I may have appeared to presume and judge you on, my only defense being I was speaking out of genuine concern for your well being.

SilkVelvet said:
Just for fun..was wondering whether any of the characters in movies like Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone With the Wind', or in books eg Heathcliff in 'Wuthering Heights' could be considered Doms or subs by their behaviour patterns as filmed/written ?

Alternatively..mmmm.. anyone in movies/books/plays etc past or present that you would just lurve to have a crack at ??

Mine include (past) Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Tyrone Power (er I was reared on old movies, my parents are old movie mad :) )
(present) singer Robbie Williams, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore (would happily lick her bum if she desired it all day)

velvet x

anyone want to comment about the part played by Mickey Rourke in 9 1/2 weeks??.......the Dominant that he portrayed was not the stereotypical "abusive-domineering male", but I think it reflects more of what pervades the D/s lifestyle today
Re: Re: Rhett n Scarlett etc

MasterNJS said:
anyone want to comment about the part played by Mickey Rourke in 9 1/2 weeks??.......the Dominant that he portrayed was not the stereotypical "abusive-domineering male", but I think it reflects more of what pervades the D/s lifestyle today

classic flick that always deserves another look, but geez I would love to rewrite the ending.

Re: Re: Re: Rhett n Scarlett etc

catalina_francisco said:
classic flick that always deserves another look, but geez I would love to rewrite the ending.


interesting.......how would you have it end
Re: Re: Rhett n Scarlett etc

MasterNJS said:
anyone want to comment about the part played by Mickey Rourke in 9 1/2 weeks??.......the Dominant that he portrayed was not the stereotypical "abusive-domineering male", but I think it reflects more of what pervades the D/s lifestyle today

I only sort of agree

He did not attempt to find out limits etc.
That is why in the end they both lost

I can relate to working with a newbee
I do not think I have it in me again
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Rhett n Scarlett etc

MasterNJS said:
interesting.......how would you have it end

Would much have preferred it evolve into a longterm D/s relationship with depth, understanding, and commitment.

9 1/2 Weeks
Wild Orchid
Color Of Night
The Lover
Original Sin
Body Heat
Basic Instinct