Same Title Challenge -- I Hate (fill in the blank)

I Hate ~

I hate mornings

trying to get up when the alarm bell rings
knowing that I did it to myself
eyes not focused and this annoying siren

Click the snooze for five minutes more
stretch across the bed like swimming in slumber
laying there between awake and snore

then as my eyes get rolled back up
the alarm gives out another stirring ring
so I get up and make a morning cup

I hate the mornings but not the sunrise
the hard part of coming alive
I don't like the transition of sleepy eyes

I hate ...
the wakening, the stiring, the rise
in the mornings
Maria2394 said:
okay, that makes two, you and agneline both hate limas...I love them, unless they are the giant yellow, or white ones, baby limas are tolerable, I like fordhooks, its all in the way you cook'em.

oh yeah, liked your poem too, I like when you are serious and I know how you felt about the creep, I felt sad for Jeffrey Dahmer, Lord only knows why, like maybe if his mom had loved him, he wouldnt have turned people into zombies and them eaten them..ohhh..I am about to starve, that thought made me hungry, I am sick, sick I say... ;)

I am too lazy to go through the thread, when is the poem sposed to be posted? :heart:

I think Speckled Butter Beans are limas. I love them. And I love succotash... left over green limas and corn, maybe some onion. Yummm...
lima beans

All right guys, you already know where to post the lima bean recipes.... *smile*

This is written in invisible ink for those who hate them.

I like to mix a can of large limas, well-drained, with a can of french-cut green beans, also well drained, and a can of 3-bean salad. Chilled in a salad bowl for a warm day.

Great for bachelor nibbles, and weird enough to impress low-class guests. (Who hopefully don't hate lima beans.)
Re: lima beans

foehn said:
All right guys, you already know where to post the lima bean recipes.... *smile*

This is written in invisible ink for those who hate them.

I like to mix a can of large limas, well-drained, with a can of french-cut green beans, also well drained, and a can of 3-bean salad. Chilled in a salad bowl for a warm day.

Great for bachelor nibbles, and weird enough to impress low-class guests. (Who hopefully don't hate lima beans.)

So... if I come to your house and I get a salad of beans including limas, I'm to be impressed? and I'm low class? Wait... what do the high class guests get to eat?

The low-class guests get to eat with me in the dining room. The high-class guests have to eat in the kitchen, with the cats. :)
The response to this challenge was pretty poor, and I was not happy with my own results, so go here and lets talk...
i went...

i went, i saw, and was conquered... and i'm still not up to 100 posts. Now what?

Hey, tho, thanks for accepting the collaboration invitation. We need to get some correspondence going.

First, I need your biography. Then we can choose a theme?


I hate

I hate waiting
for the next time when
my mind
will know nothing
but you

my eyes
will be filled
by your beauty

my nose
holds the scent
of your hair

my tongue
dips the sweetness
from your well

my hands
hold the promise
of our passion

my body
into you

I hate waiting
but not as much
as I love you
Re: I hate

tungtied2u said:
I hate waiting
for the next time when
my mind
will know nothing
but you

my eyes
will be filled
by your beauty

my nose
holds the scent
of your hair

my tongue
dips the sweetness
from your well

my hands
hold the promise
of our passion

my body
into you

I hate waiting
but not as much
as I love you

That's wonderful. :kiss: