Same Title Challenge

Through a Feel Darkly

I was reading today about the Patriot Act, which though passed ostensibly to combat domestic terrorism in the USA (which I'm all for combatting), also gives the government broader investigative powers over private citizens than ever before. This dark poem, which I'll put up here for a while, but not otherwise post, came out.
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Dark felt deeply

darkmaas said:
If there are too many "Deep Feels" then old darkmaas will slide right in and critique the lot. Now won't that be a treat.

It appears that my fears have been realized. There seem to be at least a dozen "Dark Feels", so as promised, I will review them.

In the meantime, thanks one and all. The breadth of dark topics is amazing/amusing.

For those of you practiced in the art of tantric poetics and therefore late getting off with your dark feels, don't be shy. I'm sure no one will notice and if they do, they will be too polite to comment.

Don't mind me, I'm just gonna bring all the Dark Feel poems in here. :eek:

Dark Feel in-finite
by guilty pleasure ©

Dark Feel in Yellow Skin
by Cordelia ©

Dark feel in bright places.
by stargirl32 ©

Dark Feel
by OT ©

Dark Feel in Pink Chiffon
Dark Feel in Wormwood
by darkmaas ©

Dark Feel-in's
by Rybka ©

Dark Feel in Hell
Dark Feel in America
by Angeline ©

dark feel incomplete
by 03sp ©

Dark Feel In The Dark
by WickedEve ©

Dark Feel on the Kitchen Table
by Lauren.Hynde ©

Dark Feel
by silken_dreammaid ©
Darkmaas Reviews- Part 1

Here are the first reviews. Hot off the press...more to come.

Dark Feel in-finite

GP takes us for a tour of the faustian bargain we make whenever... go read it yourself

Dark Feel in Yellow Skin

Cordelia gives us a dark feel for what we in Canada call the multicultural experience. We even have a ministry of multiculturalism. Touched darkmaas' button. The line:
I carry my lack of accent
in my purse
next to social security
is worth the price of admission.

Dark feel in bright places

Stargirl32 gives us sharp contrast...
stand in the patch of bright
transomed framed art and
dance. the rest yourself.

Dark Feel

The dark side of telemarketing.

Excuse me glass seems to be empty.
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darkmaas Reviews - 2

Back again:

Dark Feelin's
Our resident Sturgeon gives us poetic slices of bread around an unstated and dark thought. Well worth wrapping in saran wrap and leaving it in the fridge for a fortnight.

Dark Feel in Hell
Angeline surprises again with probably the darkest of dark feels. This combined with her riff on sadie's Absinthe makes old d'maas wonder what ever made him think she was sweet.

Above is Angeline's second offering "Dark Feel in America". Read it and then write your congressman. I wish I could say it can't happen in Canada, but that would be a lie.

dark feel incomplete
darkmaas has a confession. It is rare that I admit to the presence of a greater intellect, but with the writings of 03sp, I always feel like I'm playing with half the deck. I think that this poem is about dentistry. For me this is exquisitely scary, due to a bad childhood experience with a tooth nazi who was somehow licensed by the Canadian Dental Association. Enough said; read it and correct me.

Once again my glass stands empty...
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darkmaas reviews and goes home

Dark Feel in the Dark
I opened this poem with trepidation, expecting my screen to burst forth with black silk panties. Instead I got a salacious ode to an oft overlooked personal hygiene issue. Perhaps if we all grovel...she will take my literary advice.

Dark Feel on the Kitchen Table
Lauren requested a bending of the rules. Are we glad we didn't say no. Dark and blood spattered... read it before you turn out the lights.

Dark Feel
by: silken_dreammaid

Last but not least by a long stretch, a dark grey and, to my mind, eerie poem. Enjoy.

Whew...again my glass...must be a hole. Let me say that reviewing is more work than I guessed. I have a new respect for our regular reviewers.

My bile is rising over being called a collective fuckwit. However I am saving that thought for later after I've collected my wits and filled my glass.

(Note: Isn't it properly spelled fuckwhit?)
Dark Feel

Lit omitted to post mine
maybe ,y own fault
so for my sins here it is

Dark Feel In Crimson

bound the dark thoughts
restrained to train
hidden the silence of scream

search out creases
scything a course of desire
precipitate scarlet stream
darkmaas said:
My bile is rising over being called a collective fuckwit. However I am saving that thought for later after I've collected my wits and filled my glass.

(Note: Isn't it properly spelled fuckwhit?)
Maybe in Canada or England, but MicroSoft likes "halfwit" which I would presume is a more "Hyndeish" (i.e. genteel and ladylike) version of the aforementioned state of sagacity or lack thereof. :)

Regards,                                 Rybka
I've considered all variables at play here and came to the conclusion that fuckwhit is a much funner version and therefore Hynde-ish-er. :D

I must include darkmaas' own "Dark Feel" poems here. They are much to good to leave out.

I giggled aloud when I read Dark Feel in Pink Chiffon, enough to have the rest of the household run to see why I was giggling...

But I really must recommend Dark Feel in Wormwood.

I think darkmaas is an amazing poet, and this poem only strengthens my opinion.

Here is an excerpt:
I came upon old Oscar
Fat and droll and fey
In studied languor, posing
By dark eyed Salomé.

That dancing levantine
With her baptist on a tray
She brushed his lips, “Iokanaan,
Ta bouche, je l’ai baissé.”

Go read this great poem. And while you're at it, go read the rest of his poetry. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for the great title, too.

And thanks for your comments.


Darkmaas, thank you.
My dark feel poem was actually based upon a sci-fi dream from the other night.
Wandering in a land of amphitheater like domes not understood by me. There was a sort of spa where one would be seated and hook up then go bye-bye for a while to who knows were. There was a polite but silent man all hooked up and ready to roll.

Lauren said:
Whatabout yours?

Modesty forbids...


What a nice post. I am blushing.


A thousand apologies for misrepresenting your poem, but you may blame my dentist and the psychic scars I bear to this day. I would write a poem about it but it would make my teeth hurt.

I would love to stay and chat but I see that sadie is engaged in mortal combat next door with the fair lauren and some sort of man-hating mythical beast. Also my glass is at this moment empty.

We must do this again.
Lauren.Hynde said:
I've considered all variables at play here and came to the conclusion that fuckwhit is a much funner version and therefore Hynde-ish-er. :D

If we could market an Electric Hyndeisher that could be used around the house I think we'd make a killing... maybe even rechargable