Same Title Challenge.

G'day Sexy

Angeline said:

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

how are you, you old bum?

oh. am i interrupting? :D


You can interupt me anytime 'WEG'
Linbido said:
It's bloody night...all...the...time up there,

Welcome back.....anyone who survives a week long night's a hero in my book.

crap, I could have sworn the deadline was yesterday... I jumped the gun...

I'm a loser, why doncha kill me.

disqualified... *sobbing*

and here I was just about to start a thread about all of you slackers who didn't post poems in time.:rolleyes:
Ok, I just finished my poem, and even posted it - at which time my sisters computer decided to try it's hand at critisism and crashed internet explorer on me. SO, if it doesn't get posted I'll be behind a day...

and to think I use to be right behind Perks. :(

Just Saw it.

I just saw this thread. I'm still learnign my way around here, so let me see what i can do in the next hour or so. Any style or out restictions (other than 100 page epic poems being right out?)
Nothing is right out around these parts... lol

I just submitted mine. It's a triple sideways double mirrored acroustic Kyrielle rondeau with a reversed Terza Rima scheme. :p
I just submitted mine. It's a triple sideways double mirrored acroustic Kyrielle rondeau with a reversed Terza Rima scheme.

you are such a liar. lol. i thought you were going to sleep!

and go for it thunder. just slap that title on--write whatever the heck you want. that's what we all do. :)

P.S. Mine's a Sapphic Verse.

Okay I finished. Where do i submit mine?

I will warn you all that this turned out a lot darker than I ment it too. must be my mood or something.

Lauren Hynde said:
Nothing is right out around these parts... lol

I just submitted mine. It's a triple sideways double mirrored acroustic Kyrielle rondeau with a reversed Terza Rima scheme. :p


And mine is just 10 seven line stanzas with a repeated line in each stanza.

Yu all are makign me feel ignorant. LOL

champagne1982 said:
The challenge:
  • Title- Solstice
  • Submission deadline: Sunday the 21st of December
  • Posting date: Monday the 22nd
I sure hope you want to play.
It was after 8pm in California (after 11pm in NYC) when read your post. Literotica is irregular about posting time hence I decided to meet your challenge withing 5m. Except that my title is "summer solstice". I hope I sent my poem on time.
Re: Re: Same Title Challenge.

Senna Jawa said:
Except that my title is "summer solstice".
After it is accepted it will be the fifth, which starts with word "Summer" (but one of them in a bit irregular way); here are the previous ones

    summer end
    summer night
    summer phone

Spring and wint(er) appear in my titles twice each, and autumn three times.

(I am talking only about my posts on Literotica).
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