Same Title Challenge


(In fact, so far in that I got up this past Sunday and almost posted my poem -- before I realized that it was due NEXT Sunday. *sigh*)
*hands sandj some pencils... magic ones that never wear out and only write the most profound things.

lol Imp. I got up to go to work. It's old age!
*whispering* In, but I may be posting something that is only half written, the wretched thing is not falling into place as I want it to.
*signing in*

We never used to be so formal. [muttergrumbleshuffle]
still waffling, unsure as to whether or not the muse will visit with that title as a starting point....
I had trouble with that title, too, Trendy... but I drug up something. You can, too! Welcome!
Ok, I've got something. And it's not half-bad.

Now if I can just remember to post it on Sunday.....
Have to go out of town unexpectedly, but I will be back late Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be able to post it then. My apologies.

third try went in the garbage early this morning...not sure if I can pull this one through :confused:
I wonder if we should trash this one and start over?

The title is so limiting... it's a hard one to find a unique approach. We can find a new title and give extra points to anyone who came up with something for this one.

A show of hands, please?
BooMerengue said:
I wonder if we should trash this one and start over?

The title is so limiting... it's a hard one to find a unique approach. We can find a new title and give extra points to anyone who came up with something for this one.

A show of hands, please?

Noooooo. We can do it!
I've gotten mine written.

You have given us too much time Boo. Attack this piece much as we all attack a passion poem and then, just edit out the spelling and grammar foibles and remember to Keep It Simple :kiss: Stoopid ;).

The poem is about looking back. Now, think about how we look back at a character-shaping event and view it with an older, not neccessarily, wiser, eye.

<weg>If you need a sneak peek for inspiration, I'll post mine early... </weg>
BooMerengue said:
I wonder if we should trash this one and start over?

The title is so limiting... it's a hard one to find a unique approach. We can find a new title and give extra points to anyone who came up with something for this one.

A show of hands, please?

no no! the fact it is a challenge :kiss:

...and speaking for myself, even though I might not be able to finish this one, it will definately be interesting to read other poems, never mind the fact that they pulled this one through, omgosh!

and Boo, it ain't over til the poetry sings!!!

please don't cancel :heart:

lol, maybe I should dig my first poem out of the garbage and post it anyways :confused:
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champagne1982 said:
I've gotten mine written.

You have given us too much time Boo. Attack this piece much as we all attack a passion poem and then, just edit out the spelling and grammar foibles and remember to Keep It Simple :kiss: Stoopid ;).

The poem is about looking back. Now, think about how we look back at a character-shaping event and view it with an older, not neccessarily, wiser, eye.

<weg>If you need a sneak peek for inspiration, I'll post mine early... </weg>

thanks Carrie, this might help, it's just so much is filled with saddness and I don't want to post saddness
echoes_s said:
thanks Carrie, this might help, it's just so much is filled with saddness and I don't want to post saddness
The sadness of the past is merely the foundation for the triumph of the future. Please feel free to post whatever words your poet muse has given you. If they come from the depths of your being I'm sure you will show us the beauty that's hidden in there. I've seen it in your other poems, make us see it in this one, too, please.
champagne1982 said:
The sadness of the past is merely the foundation for the triumph of the future. Please feel free to post whatever words your poet muse has given you. If they come from the depths of your being I'm sure you will show us the beauty that's hidden in there. I've seen it in your other poems, make us see it in this one, too, please.

what she said.

:cool: <-----------gasping for breath
Well, it's my Sunday, and I could post mine now... but I'll wait until tomorrow because I'm hoping the last line will fix itself before then. lol
Well, I have one but it has no first line. It starts on the second... how weird is that? But my mind is a total blank, and I'm afraid if I mess with it it'll get worse. It's surely not my best, but it tries to say what I want, and that'll have to be good enough.
BooMerengue said:
Well, I have one but it has no first line. It starts on the second... how weird is that? But my mind is a total blank, and I'm afraid if I mess with it it'll get worse. It's surely not my best, but it tries to say what I want, and that'll have to be good enough.

If it starts on the second, then it's really the first. :)

I just finished mine. Tomorrow and here, not submitted, correct?
Angeline said:
If it starts on the second, then it's really the first. :)

I just finished mine. Tomorrow and here, not submitted, correct?

Correctimundo, Senorita!! (is that really a word?) Post them here, and then when all are posted all entrants take a few minutes and comment on each entry. That way for those who want to submit them, they'll have an idea of what revising to do.

When you see mine, you'll see what I mean. It starts on the 2nd