
Himself seems to be particularly fond of jasmine so I keep jasmine incense and candles to burn when He is coming... and I keep jasmine body lotion to massage Him with. I will also wear jasmine oil if I know He is coming.

Other times, I prefer vanilla... it is just my favorite!
(sorry i am late)

scent - yes, certain smells do a lot for me
as does taste (yes, cellis ... I will get to that thread too)
and ... sounds!!!

but ... (saving myself a ticking off) back to scent.

I love leather. I adore leather, I even crave leather. (Calm down girl!)

I also like lavender.
And R when he uses certain aftershaves ... I just can't wait to inhale His natural scent mixed with those.
Ohhhh and freshly laundered sheets.

and new mown grass - just after a sprinkling of rain
and damp earth
and ...

(ok - so I am a bit of a romantic)

and ... O/our smell at the end of a hard play session.

(please don't let anyone pick up on the sound reference! Well, not until after dinner anyway!))
I love the smell of leather.

I love the smell of a naked sub fresh from the shower, with driptlets of water still clinging to his body. I investigate him fully with my nose, drinking in his pheromnes, and his natural man musk, that only a fully aroused male can give off.

A few scents

Just a few of the smells that take me there ...

a wet wooden spoon
a shirt worn all day
the room after play
fresh thigh highs out of the package
rain bath body wash
the way my hair smells after numerous peaks are transcended

k ... going to leave it there at the moment. my eye is twitching.
bunny bondage said:
i smoke djaarum blacks! we'd get along fameously!

smile ... i don't smoke them personally, but know Someone who does and i love the smell. So since you smell like djaarums, there's a good bet that we would get along pretty well. Funkless friendships is a good start. ;)
Mmmm, yes, pipe tobacco. Nothing smells better.

Well, maybe the lingering scent of perfume on your clothes the next day... or the lingering scent of something else ;)
Shadowsdream said:
I miss the scent of pipe tobacco..once so common and now so rare.

Oh yes, there was this cherry laced blend that was so sexy, I wonder if they still make it?
Ebonyfire said:
Oh yes, there was this cherry laced blend that was so sexy, I wonder if they still make it?

there are many pipe tobacos with cherry

I love the aroma myslef

bu almost 8 months tabaco free
when i smell the cologne called English Leather, ummmm
makes my knees weak and my mouth water
tyingemu said:
when i smell the cologne called English Leather, ummmm
makes my knees weak and my mouth water

when I was younger, my favorite male cologne was Bill Blass. That stuff just knocked my socks off.
I enjoy the scent of pipe tobacco also.
The smell of a boy fresh from the shower.
Wet leather.
Lavender and roses.
Lavender and rosemary.
That clean sweat smell when things are going well in training.
Sheets that have been dried in the summer sun.

Helena :rose: