Seeking A Little Advice... Again!

mac, i have an idea. when you've been on campus for a few months, take another look at this thread again and see how you feel about it. :>


That's a thought, thanks.

And thanks for everyone's advice, it's really appreciated. Though I do hope you're all right. Cuz the following months look like hard and harsh times for me (*violin*).

But I'll trust things'll be fine.

Again, thanks a lot for the overwhelming number of people who gave their two cents. It's really appreciated.
Room 23

Well, as a follow through, I'm now comfortably installed in my apartment/dorm on campus. I have the luxury of being alone which I'm happy with...

The day before I left, I ended up having supper at my friend's apartment (the one I have a crush on) with her boyfriend and 2 of my other friends... We had fun and had cake and everything went fine.

Before I left to go back home, I sat 'em both down and told them bluntly I doubted our friendship was going to keep on going. I'd be 12 hours away, time changes, love changes and best friends become strangers type of thing... So we'd probably lose contact sooner or later.

I told them everything (except what I wasn't supposed to tell her, that I kept to myself) but I let them know what I thought of them and that I appreciated the time I had spent with them. It was great, I cried (lol that's not true) and then I had some more cake before leaving.

Therefore, in conclusion to all this mayhem, I kept everything to myself like you told me to, I don't plan on maintaining friendship with them... er, I should say I don't plan on keeping much contact unless they insist (which I doubt they will for very long, if at all).

I should visit my parents once the year's over so I might drop by and visit them... or him and her but just to see how things are going.

This being said, when I had them both sit down to say the final goodbyes (because I have, after all, been friend's with him since I'm 7 and her since I'm 13), it was incredibly hard to look at her and say nothing. Fortunately (I hope), I managed to keep it all to myself and not say anything. So congrats to everyone on a job well done.
My next door neighbor (that is to say, the guy living next to me) invited me out for a cold beer with him and some of the other people on campus. So I can escape and numb myself, change my ideas, for some time... and at least I'm already interacting which is a big step for me, considering I mostly keep to myself and tend not to interact with others much... I guess I'm weird like that.

And as hard as it was shutting up, I really enjoyed the fact that they would make a friendly supper before I left. It meant a lot, so it made the night that much easier.

Lastly, I'll terminate this whole big ordeal of a shinanigan by thanking everyone who wrote their opinion/advice. This was the first time I've EVER admitted loving this girl to anyone since I've known her... (be proud to be the firsts to hear it) and tbh, I was expecting more ridicule than anything but thought: What the hell, might as well... and the response was amazing and truely helpful, more than some might imagine. And trust me, although I still feel squeezed by the feelings that are love, or as close to it as possible, I still feel somewhat liberated that I'm no longer the only one who knows.

So for the last time, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for helping out, it was REALLY appreciated.

Ok... now beem me up, Scotty.

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Mac98 said:
My next door neighbor (that is to say, the guy living next to me) invited me out for a cold beer with him and some of the other people on campus. So I can escape and numb myself, change my ideas, for some time... and at least I'm already interacting which is a big step for me, considering I mostly keep to myself and tend not to interact with others much... I guess I'm weird like that.
Good for you. :)
mac, everyone eventually finds folks to hang out with. there's a saying: the friends you make in college are the ones you keep for the rest of your life.

so to sum up: college friends are apparently like herpes. :D

i think it's great that you've chosen to keep it to yourself. well done. :>

college friends are apparently like herpes. :D

Amen! hahaha

I hope so... all the other friends I've ever made during my life I've left... they all ended up being pricks (yes, even my best friend who's going out with my friend I've been talking to you all about for the longest time).

So if I can manage to start up a friendship with these guys, hopefully you're right and I'll end up making the greatest friends I've ever had and forget about the old life I never really liked in the first place.

Yay for new beginings!