Seeking Writers and Inspiration 2024 Edition

Hello Lit. I am seeking female writing partner for the scenarios below. Please PM me if you are interested

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Kevin Burns had been through an extremely rough stretch in his life. Shortly after his parents had died in a car crash, Kevin's wife Alexis was diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of cancer. Four months later he was alone. He took time off from work to try to work his way through the situation, but it didn't work. Everywhere he turned there were reminders of Alexis. He hated being in the house, because Alexis had spent so much time making it theirs, but he saw her in every room. When he went to the store, or just walked around town there were reminders of her everywhere. He even tried seeing a therapist, but Kevin did not see the results he was hoping for.

Finally, Kevin decided that the only way to move on was to relocate. He put his house up for sale and there was a buyer the first day. He decided to move to a small town about 25 miles away. He would still have about the same distance to commute to work, but he wouldn't have all of the reminders of Alexis. He found a small, three bedroom house that had been for sale for a while since it needed a good bit of work. Kevin thought it was perfect. He would do most of the work himself, which would keep him busy and allow him to focus on moving forward.

After settlement on the property, Kevin got right to work. He moved in with only his clothes and a sleeping bag. His first purchase was a bed and a dresser, which would be delivered in a couple of days. That meant that Kevin would start working in the Master Bedroom. He scraped and sanded the walls on the first day, and did the painting the next day. On several occasions he heard the neighbors cars coming and going, but was too focused on getting his work done. When he finished the painting, he went to the kitchen and took a beer out of the refrigerator. Carrying it out onto the porch, Kevin sat in an old chair the previous owner left behind just as one of the neighbors was pulling into the driveway. He saw the neighbor get out of the car carrying several grocery bags, and was shocked to see how beautiful and sexy his neighbor was.

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Gregory Hart was a 34 year old lawyer that had everything that anyone could ever want. He had a penthouse apartment that overlooked Central Park. He had the finest furniture, artwork, and clothing. He worked for his father's law firm, and he had not been given anything, despite the fact that his father was the boss. He worked his ass off to get everything. He was ruthless in the courtroom and out. It was probably why he did not have many close friends. He had a lot of acquaintances, but nobody that he would consider close. Many of his acquaintances were that way because they wanted something from him and knew he was powerful enough to get it for them.

Greg went into a small diner for lunch because he knew that there would not be anyone there that he knew, and that way he could think about the case that he was on. When he did not see a booth, he got upset. He did not want to sit out at a table, but he had no choice. He sat at a table and laid the file down. After removing his coat he went to work on the file. He was short with the waitress that came to take his order. "Turkey club white toast and a diet coke." He did not even make eye contact with her.

When his food came he closed the file and pushed it aside. Only then did he look around. In the booth next to him was an attractive young woman who seemed a little disheveled. He looked away, but couldn't help but look back at her. There was something about her that kept his eyes moving back to her.

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Will add other scenarios here in the near future
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Had an idea for a story I am looking for a female writer interested in writing with me. You’d play a recently divorced older woman moving in next door to me. I am a younger male still living at home with my parents. They have you over for dinner to welcome you to the neighborhood and offer my services to help you with anything you might need done around your house. After having me come over a few times you plan to seduce me and turn those favors into more sexual favors. PM me if interested
Hello Lit!

I'm looking to play a story, maybe two. My signature contains links to my RP profile and my story ideas thread, but here are some stories I'm immediately interested in (with links to their more detailed descriptions and idea snippets):

[TAKEN] Captured by the Northmen - dark fantasy, captivity/slavery, non-con, flexible roles, M/F or F/F

In the Shadow of Order 66 - Star Wars, covert action, reluctance, corruption, flexible roles, M/F or F/F

Feel free to PM me with questions, comments, or what-have-you. :)
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I am looking to play a story where the young man finds himself ruler of a kingdom. He has long been mistreated by his family anything from unseen to abused depending on the family member. Yet, now he is to rule. Can he assert himself or will they continue to walk all over him.
In the meantime, not wanting to lose her place of power or influence, his sister in law, wife to the late king, seeks to seduce him to maintain both her status and a peace agreement that might be the only thing that stands between her people and the complete exploitation of their beautiful tropical home.

I have written a version of this before so have ideas of things I’d like to see happen, but would love to colaborate with someone on further details and allow you to shape your character and the plot alongside me.
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I am looking for players to join me. Descriptions as below

1. A Playboy businessman is coming to 50 and he plans to look for a perfect Wife. A good obedient wife, that can bear his children and take care of him at his old age. Someone young and beautiful, that can fulfill his lust and share his next chapter of life.

He was traveling to India on a business trip when he saw a lovely girl selling flowers at the road side. Her smiles captured his heart and he lust for her instantly. " Go, find out where she lives and I want to marry her." He instructed his driver. ( He married her with money but he soon found out that money don't buy love)

2. John and Jenny are experience swingers and when they moved to a little town at the country side, they plan to convince their neighbor, Adam and Lisa to join. them. (There will be discussions and plans and lots of sex) I will play John and Adam, needing one or two players to play Jenny and Lisa.

Drop me a note and we can discuss the threads.
A new life for a young innocent Student.

This is a closed thread for cgraven and evleah

Ginger Metcalf had made a fortune by knowing his market and what they wanted, and Ginger was more than welling to sell his product, drugs! He sold whatever was desired. Oh, he had made enemies over the years and he dealt with them harshly and quickly. Ginger was aware of his lack of education and he knew he could trust no one but himself so he decided to go back to school to be specific the local college to study accounting. It was there that he first saw her.

She was a cute little thing, with a trim young body, that made a red blooded man just want to fuck her. Ginger soon found out that she was not the kind of girl that would just let you fuck her. He had made it a point to get to know her and date her. The first date she had made it quite clear that she was not going to fool around with Ginger and had no intention of letting fuck her tight young body.

Ginger did not take being told “NO” well and when this young beauty told him she was not the kind of girl to fool around before getting married he made up his mind she was going to pay for telling him “NO”! Ginger’s revenge slowly began to take shape in his mind, an evil smile bowed his lips, this stuck up young beauty would pay for the rest of her young life for refusing him.

Always with an eye to turning a buck he made up his mind to play the perfect gentleman, lull her into caring for him and then he would spring his trap. He would sell her into white slavery there would be only one condition on her sail, and he smiled at what he had planned for her.

They were on their second date. It had been a day that a young girl falling in love could only imagine. It was just after a romantic dinner when Ginger blushed and said he had to make a stop before the theater. They drove up to an isolate mansion, Ginger smiled to himself, soon, very soon he would have his revenge.

If interested PM me.

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Looking for a lady of lit to slowly be corrupted.

Thinking of ‘Indecent Proposal”

I’ll write the male roles and looking for author for female role (s) as the high roller at casino slowly lures wife away

Lots of ideas on what the ‘1 %’ really does to draw her in
The Teacher & The Old Student - Luna had been an excellent student but had a very close friend who was a teacher. He was going through a very bad divorce. His wife took almost everything from him. She took his home and his car leaving him with a piece of shit car that belonged to his ex wife.

You wanted children with your highschool sweet heart but she didn't wanna ruin her figure, she hated children, something you never knew till the end of your marriage which hit you like a ton of bricks and do your age you fear now you'll never have children. He had his eye on Luna but due to her being his student he was afraid to truly act.

However a few days before graduation you kiss her, sharing how much she meant to him. He told her to take her time to think about it. Now Luna graduated and she was heading to the lake to tell him her answer. When she gets there, he has a picnic ready and waiting for her.

Hidden & Forbidden Love - You play a changeling the last of your kind. You are able to take on almost any form. You can copy any human, most animals and even turn into hybrid creatures like a werewolf (Just an example of what he or she can do) you have a very lonely until our characters met. They met in high school the funny thing about them meeting was your character is over a hundred years old (but can appear as any age) you wanted an education to have a job one day.

You wanted to get a diploma and you love history and learning new things. Ever since our characters met they have become inseparable and over time you've grown to fall in love with her but the problem is is she doesn't know your true form and your true form can be as terrifying or grotesque as you want.

(There is a lot we can do with this so we can brainstorm.)

Blinded By Fury - You were rich and have beautiful woman left and right. You also have a very good friend who was simple looking she was a nurse who had known him since she was young unfortunately on his birthday. He is in a car accident that takes his sight. You have been through a lot and you will only allow one person to tend to you which is my character because you trust her and Trust to keep your private life private.

But as you find you're getting around being blind all the women in your life have disappeared except for your friend basically he's going to see that she may be ordinary but she is special more special to him than he realized until this happened.

The Warden & The Free Spirit - Sarah was thrown in prison for supposedly a hit and run. It turned out there was a witness that was there with her phone recording what happened but her phone never made it imto evidence. The woman that had the film was hiding because she didn't want to get involved so the warden has been spending a lot of time with her because even he agrees that she's innocence I was trying to help her but they have a relationship with the warden and the prisoner specially because she found out she's pregnant with the wardens baby.

The Infection - Its 2035 and not much has changed since 2024 presidents came and gone vice presidents came and gone the Congress got more and more ridiculous and then a certain infection accidentally fell out of the lab that was in New York City. What people did not know is that there was a certain group hidden people only the CIA knew about and only a couple of people who were in the CIA longer than most people have been alive. They have been trying to weaponize a virus that if dropped could ravage a whole country quickly.

Sadly it got leaked and now its out...

Thankfully in the United States not many people will become infected there are certain people that are immune to this virus but those who we're not we're known as the night walkers which frankly is another word for Vampire. Those infected with the virius were not all blood thirsty, many killed those who were those who raped, killed or drug king pins. Sadly there is a group who are bloodthirsty and will kill anybody that gets in their way.

Our characters are best friends and have been best friends since high school unfortunately you have become infected with the virus and are slowly turning you are a good part of person and have been drinking Pig's blood or cow's blood because you can't stand the thought of taking human life but as the Cravings get stronger and you get scared you know that you can talk to my character Luna. Your teeth have not grown out yet but you feel everyday that you're just a little closer to it.

What he doesn't know is that my character Luna loves him more than life itself and he will be surprised at what she's willing to do to keep him in one piece and healthy...

The God Of Wars Heart - You play Ares the god of war and you have been made Mortal because you have misused your powers until you've learned to love someone other than yourself you'll get your powers back but not until then unfortunately you're badly wounded my character is the one he falls in love with when he gets his powers back he has to decide whether to stay with his mortal lover or to change her into a goddess but would she is the question this is from the Golden Age which means this would be before God.

To Be Continued
The Bond of A Vampire - You play a vampire who is a king (or queen) of all vampires and you have been friends with a human for many years, since she was five and she is now 18 years old. You try and stay hidden because a group of vampire hunters has been after you for three hundred years.

On your way to see your friend you were attacked by one. They shot you with poison thats slowly killing you. As you slowly die your growing older and weaker. Only thing you can do is get the help of your friend to feed off her to heal.

A Shifters Life - You have been a shifter since you were born. It started when you were four years old. Your own parents packed were killed and when your foster parents found out they waited for you to be out for the day. You came home and everything was gone accept what was in your room.

You had to take care of yourself so you did whatever you had to to survive and now at your age you own a bar and you have a huge crush on the waitress that works there she is your employee but you know the thing for her and afraid that if she finds out what you are she quit and forever out of his life.

True Lovers Blood - Vampires have come out of the shadows and wanting to live side by side people. Unfortunately not all vampires want to stay good and not all humans want vampires at all they want them to go back to the Shadows or better yet fry in the sunlight. Your characters name is Bill Compton . Since vampires are out a synthetic blood was made for them and every store and bar carries it.

My character is a waitress at a bar called "The Raven" They have been friends for months and he wants to get closer to her unfortunately when he thinks about kissing her that's when his things come out she has never seen the vampire side of him.

Note: They will end up having sex but his maker the one who turned him will end up coming by to try and kill her. We can brainstorm on more on what we can do.

T-Virus Chronicles - You are Albert Wesker and you are the head of the Umbrella Corporation. You have worked for umbrella for at least 10 years now and umbrella has created a T virus which was used as a weapon. A couple of years ago you sought out a very young scientist at the time she was only 17 years old. Rose was a very beautiful young woman with an old soul, something Albert noticed quickly. It was part of the reason he hired her.

Rose was brilliant so much so she graduated high school when she was only 10 years old. Then she decided to go to college and graduated college by the time she hit 16. Such a genius was extremely rare. Albert admired her from the first month she was there. They worked very close to each other. By the time she was eighteen years old Albert could see they had chemistry with each other. They became fast friends and became close.

So close you would do anything for her, one day there is a security breach and someone from S.T.A.R.S gets in. Rose is taken hostage and Albert being concerned about her injected himself with the T-virus and the side effects and power were almost instant. When she sees him she will notice his red eyes and will know what happened. After she is safe they start looking for a cure for him. Unfortunately he will love the power and the ability to mutate.

(Much can happen with this so we can brainstorm.)

My Brother The Vampire - Our characters are brother and sister. There was a ten year age difference but they are very close and love one another. You go overseas with your girlfriend and something has happened and you two are attacked. Your girlfriend is killed and you have a weird bite mark on your neck you're over there for 6 months and what my character does not know is that you're learning to control the urge to feed because you are becoming a vampire and you know it.

You try so hard not to feed because it means hurting or possibly killing someone. You met who bit you and you were warned when you feed getting blood lust is very easy. Only way blood lust does not happen is if your victim doesn't fight you. Its why you come home because you trust your sister. He will come to find out his sisters blood is very special. It makes him stronger, faster. He can walk in the sun but also thr biggest feature is the fact her blood keeps him well fed up to a week.

Vampires and werewolves are sextual creatures so vampires will feed while having sex and werewolves would turn into there hybrid werewolf form no matter when it comes to sex.

Note: If you don't want to be a vampire a werewolf

The Wolverine
- Logan was a mutant that had special claws that could come out. But he also can heal so he is older then he looks. He looks like he was in his forties but he was actually over 200 years old being what he is it's part of the reason why he stays away from people but he does have one friend that he trusts.

Except she doesn't know what he is because he is afraid when she knows he's a mutant that she may be in danger when she knows the information. Her name is Luna and Luna is on the side of all mutants. When you cornor a person with powers of course they will fight. Logan is madly in love with Luna and wants a quite life with her.

Luna is not one who is weak however because she does know martial arts she still is considered weak in the eyes of mutants.

The Love Of A Centaur - You are the king of your people, whats left of them that is. For 100s of years they have been hunted and killed for sport. They are strong, cunning and very loyal. Centaurs also can slip into human form in order to mate, since all centaur's are male its some of the reason they are a dying breed.

Our characters are both best friends, she is a beautiful human girl who gets along with everyone. The thing is he is in love with her and because he is a Centaur he hasn't made a move on her afraid she may not love him in that manner.

I was thinking her touch makes him human because she is his soul mate. Her touch only works when both parties want to have sex only.

Wrong Turn - Luna is a beautiful 18 year old woman who loves nature. On the first day of spring she goes for a hick, unfortunately she gets lost and stumbles onto a land that no one goes near. No one goes near because she was on land that belonged to a very dangerous group of people. The leader just lost his wife due to an outsider killing her.

Trying to get off there land she tries to find the way out of the woods and to her car, she will stumble onto the leader of these people and finds him badly wounded. So she could decide to not help him or she can choose not to. (But of course she will help) She gets him home hurting her ankle at the same time due to a hidden hole in the ground.

Protection Of The Slaves - Slavery was a very nasty thing. There was a white woman who worked with slaves but not in the way people would think. She was a young woman, she was not married and had a huge plantation. But everyone one her plantation wanted to be there, she was able to feed them, educate and to make a home for them.

She wanted slavery to be abolished and she worked with the Underground Railroad as well any slave she had purchased and freed on her land if they wanted to be free and go elsewhere she hooked them up with the Underground Railroad. You play as a slave with a young child because of your child you are afraid of her afraid that what you see is a trap your wife was killed when giving birth to your child.

This story will start with you and your child being up for sale

Important Notes - PM if interested in any story, also what you read for the idea of my stories are just an idea, it can change because I'm all for brainstorming with the writer this way the story is both of ours not just mine I truly care about the writer I write with.

Stories in Red I'm very interested in doing asap.
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Tales from Moms' Weekend, Part I: Shooting My Shot with Mom (or: How a Game of Beer Pong Got Me Balls-Deep Inside Mom)

[Prompts aren't necessary. Let's keep these requests concise.]


This is the first of an unknown number of prompts set at a Moms’ Weekend at a university.

If you’re interested in playing this out or if you have any ideas for other stories (maybe we play out what happened with Michelle?), please PM me! Include your kinks, limits and any ideas that you may have for the story. I would like to include as many of the below kinks as possible:

Clothed sex
Foreplay (kissing, oral – giving and receiving, rimming – giving)
Loud sex
Rough sex (hair-pulling, spanking, light choking)

As far as descriptions of our characters go, I like written descriptions or faceclaims. Faceclaims must be of celebrities (21+) or pornstars.

Please do not push to jump into the story right away. I prefer to take some time and establish some things (compatibility, kinks, characters, backstory, etc.) before starting a story.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to writing with you!
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Practically anything Femdom
past, present, future

a few limits, of the more extreme variety

real life gender not important

I would prefer the submissive male role, but can play the dominant female

I could post dozens of possible scenarios, but that rarely works and is seen as limiting by some. Anyway, you should have the idea. The possibilities can be discussed via private message.

Please PM me if interested. Or remotely interested. Or curious. Or bored.
Im back.. long story.. looking for writers to play with. Check out my threads to see if you like any could restart them for us or like to hear your ideas as well
Hello. After a very long gap, I am a returning writer looking to tap into my submissive fantasies.

I am generally looking for anything involving rough play, degradation, humiliation, and intense control play. I am also hoping to find some cuckquean opportunities.

You can familiarize yourself with my old writing, or I'd be happy to ask questions, offer test samples, or just talk about possibilities via PM.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. <3
Amateur writer looking to ease out of "retirement" and is looking for a female to play as a hot PI who was hired to investigate the man who works as both a porn businessman and is also a biker.

I also have an idea brewing for years about a female teacher that's a hotwife and is interested in playing with studs including with yours truly. Men are also welcome to play the possible aforementioned roles too!!

I look forward DM me for more details if interested, I don't bite!!!
There are two stories I would like to continue. The first is Sisterly Love,

For two years Kate had slowly but willingly fallen under the spell of Gavan Master. Master’s seduced Kate and she was his body and soul. He had seduced Kate step by step till she became his nude model, then pornographic model and finally his willing little sexual slave. For the last six months Kate, to prove her love and devotion to Gavan, Kate had precured innocent young girls for her Master, Gavan's dark perverted pleasures.

Once more Gavan was bored and looking for another young innocent beauty to toy with and to stripe her innocence away on layer at a time until he had corrupted her into a life of dark forbidden pleasures. Kate, as usual was tasked with finding this delicate and naïve beauty when a dark evil idea crept into her mind. Kate smiled as she wrote her letter, as she had decided that her younger sister Susie would be the next little beauty for Master’s amusement.

Kate was two years older than Susie and, in her mind, Susie had always been the darling of their parents. The academic star at school. Every thing had come so easy for Susie. Kate wondered just how long Susie could hold out against Master Gavan’s dark seduction, she longed to see her young sister fall from grace.

Kate was waiting for Susie at the bus station, waiting for Susie to fall in to the trap she had laid for her younger sister.

Here is the link

The second is A New Life For A Young Innocent Student.

Ginger Metcalf had made a fortune by knowing his market and what they wanted, and Ginger was more than welling to sell his product, drugs! He sold whatever was desired. Oh, he had made enemies over the years and he dealt with them harshly and quickly. Ginger was aware of his lack of education and he knew he could trust no one but himself so he decided to go back to school to be specific the local college to study accounting. It was there that he first saw her.

She was a cute little thing, with a trim young body, that made a red blooded man just want to fuck her. Ginger soon found out that she was not the kind of girl that would just let you fuck her. He had made it a point to get to know her and date her. The first date she had made it quite clear that she was not going to fool around with Ginger and had no intention of letting fuck her tight young body.

Ginger did not take being told “NO” well and when this young beauty told him she was not the kind of girl to fool around before getting married he made up his mind she was going to pay for telling him “NO”! Ginger’s revenge slowly began to take shape in his mind, an evil smile bowed his lips, this stuck up young beauty would pay for the rest of her young life for refusing him.

Always with an eye to turning a buck he made up his mind to play the perfect gentleman, lull her into caring for him and then he would spring his trap. He would sell her into white slavery there would be only one condition on her sail, and he smiled at what he had planned for her.

They were on their second date. It had been a day that a young girl falling in love could only imagine. It was just after a romantic dinner when Ginger blushed and said he had to make a stop before the theater. They drove up to an isolate mansion, Ginger smiled to himself, soon, very soon he would have his revenge.

Her is the link:
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Trying to get back to story writing. I have several stories, both old and new, that I like to have partners with. While the stories may have a serious theme, I don't mind making it loose and fast, like a porno.

Star Wars. Don't really have an overall theme for this one. I just had a desire for my character to have a relationship, even just as fuck buddies, with a busty female Mandalorian.

Corrupt Management, the characters you see on tv and video games and movies are real, except their are artificial. They're called Toons, regardless if they're animated or not. They are owned by companies who buy and trade and use them as they please. My character is a high level accountant with the Company, who is sympathetic to the Toons. Will often give them money to survive, or work deals to get them a job, even buy their freedom, if he can.

It's expected that the high officers of the company have at least one Toon lover on the side. My character only has one as a facade, enabling him to work out the necessary details to keep the company going.

Spiderman The City is hit by a new drug called Slime. It's a potent cream. There slightest touch of it on exposed skin instantly causes a sexual rush, much like viagra. For men it gives them raging hard ons and spew like fountains. For women it grows their chest and backside and their drive. No one knows who is making the drug, or how it's even made. All that is known is, a lot of people want to find this producer and cut in a deal for it.
Even The Wolverine Needs Love - Your name is Logan but people call you the wolverine. You are over a hundred years old but only look to be in his 30s - 40s. Because he can heal himself he can live longer then most. He works with the Xmen and you do not like humans.

At least most of them...

Our characters have been friends since she was six and she is now nineteen. She has no idea he is a mutant. Even though he is very cold with her he is trying not to fall in love. Unfortunately Logan is starting to fall in love with Luna and Luna has been In love with him since she was seventeen but knew she was to young to tell him.

But not anymore...

On the night he is to tell her and show her what he is they eat at a restaurant it gets robbed and is forced to show her the hard way, asking if she trusts him and the second she shakes her head yes his claws come out.

Anything can happen with this story and all input would be great. She will be the first human not afraid of him. He also has a small issue called Blood Rage. Basically if he gets beyond pissed off the wolverine in him takes over and he can be a monster hurting anyone.

But not Luna she is able to snap him out of it every time. No one knows why Xavier thinks it's because of their love and connection. I'd like then to possibly have a child but that is just an idea doesn't have to happen.

Pm if interested
I'm having a moment (someone send help) --

Where, when reviewing previous RPs, I've been struck by one set in the "G.I. Joe" universe. It doesn't have to be - for the sake of this story - but I like the idea of two spies, coupled together, on opposing sides. They've been assigned to each other - one is meant to spy on the other - and it's a good old fashioned "Good Guy vs. Bad Guy" set up. Except...well, if it were that cut and dry, there wouldn't be much of a story, would there?

Clearly a very open framework - looking for a male writer to brainstorm and play this out with me. If interested, please send me a PM!
I have an idea for my own take on doing a Star Wars: The Old Republic SRP.

It would require one RPer to play as many as three different characters in their own separate but parallel storylines. A Jedi Knight still fighting the Sith, a Republic politician, and a Sith warrior.

So if interested please open a conversation with me to discuss my take and my ideas for the characters.
Hello been a way for a long while but the itch to play has risen once more and there is no place like lit to find a good rp partner. At the moment I have two ideas floating around in my brain, but the type of partner I am looking for both are roughly the same.

* I like buildup and a natural flow in the story. So sex is a tool in the story but not the whole story. So I prefere a partner that also enjoys the road towards the culmination, and also knows when it's time to start building up towards the next one.

* I like assertive people, but try to stay away from the keyboard alpha/ fragile macho type of characters. There is a line between confidence and arrogance, and between being a leader and a bully. It is more fun when my partner knows where that line is.

* concent and communication. I think communication about wants and needs is important, it is also important to respect each others limits and not try to force some kinks into it when they have been discussed and vetoed.

As for the stories I have in mind (both are open for workshopping)

Undercover cop/filled

Metal Teacher:

Young classy teacher lives a double live. In her small town she is known as a Conservative teacher, but in the week ends she goes to the city and turns into a groupie for indie metal bands. And last weekend a senior from school saw her backstage at a show
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The making of a married Indian slut.
I am looking for a long term role play on this subject.
Seeking male writers
I want to basically replay and relive my real life sexual escapades.
PM to discuss.
Hello lovelies 🌺 Looking to ease back into the world of SRP, (Lit in general for that matter), with a simple, lighthearted and sprinkles of supernatural dust. Something along the line of the 2000s romcom, Just Like Heaven. I'm open role reversal if that makes more fun. Send your thoughts to my PM.


Note - My SRP profile still relevant albeit a bit dated since last edit.
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The Animal Walker - Your name is Sam Merlotte and all your life you have been hiding a secret from the world. You own Merlotte's Bar & Grill which is a very successful buisness. Being in a small town everyone knows everything about everyone, which was the reason you kept your ability to yourself. But things change when my character moves to town.

She starts off as a waitress but in time she will actually be a performer who with her gift will make his buisness even more successful. They become fast friends, they both want the same things. They want to have a spouse, have children and just find happiness. For the first time he wants to share what he is to her but is afraid he won't accept what he is since he isn't human. He followeds her around and befriended her as Sam but also as a dog.

You can take on the form of any animal he has seen a aide to her no one has because he was the Tibetan Mastiff that follows her.

The Gift Of Body - You play a woman that has an ability to take on the form of any human being. No matter the gender or race, you also can keep your female form but form a working penis. Our charaters have been friends for years but she has no idea what your character can do.

She has fallen in love with my character but has no idea if she would want her because my character is attracted to men. It's why you show her what you can do to show her gift but also to do what she need her to do to be happy.

The Rivendell Maiden - A Lord Of The Rings Story

You play Elron you are the king to Rivendell and father to Arwen. You are one thousand years old and don't look any older then someone in their 40s. You have the same views as your daughter when it comes to humans. Nineteen years ago you were hunting stag with a few of your personal guard when you came across a human woman who lay dying from an orc attack. She beggs you to take her five month old daughter and the second your eyes lock on to hers you feel a great power within her though you are unsure as to what.

Before taking her back to your kingdom you bury her mother and take her to her new home. You watch her grow up every year she gets older the more beautiful she is becoming. By the time she was sixteen years old you have started to become very close to her. So close you teach her Elvish as well as the language the humans of Middle Earth used. A year later at seventeen she knew Elvish fluently and ordered your closest archer Legolas to teacher her to hunt but to also fight as well. It's then you realize that you have fallen in love with her.

Now she is ninteen and you feel it's time to tell her of your feelings. You have a very tight bond with her. Not all your people like her but she is under your protection.

Note: I am thinking she is part elf though that can be discussed. My idea is she can use Elvish magic. An example of what I mean is in this video. If you are interested please let me know. I am working on the start so if I find interest the intro will be done.

Pm if interested we can discuss this further and I would love to hear ideas. Now I don't expect anyone to know Elvish but when speaking in Elvish I figure the text will be in a different color. Hope to do this soon been wanting to do this story for 10+ years.

The Secret Affair - You are the head of the Yakuza and have been for many years. There is always a figure that stands beside you always. Your men have no idea who the person is because she is covered from head to toe. All they know is a name the stranger goes by and it's Raven. They have no idea she is a woman and has no idea she is from America. They have been friends for many years, her father was in the military. He was stationed in Japan and it's when she met him seven years ago.

She is his body guard and is the best fighter he has ever seen. But behind closed doors they speak openly and honestly. He has feelings for her and is being pressured by his father to take a wife and have a son. They know about Raven and prefer he be with a Japanese girl. But a year ago Raven protected his parents from an attack. Raven spent a month in the hospital healing.

In protecting his parents they respect her and if their son wanted her as his wife they would give him their blessing. This idea is another I have wanted to do for a long time. When they speak in Japanese the text will be in a different color since I don't know Japanese lol I wish I did.

Pm if interested in any of these ideas we cab brain storm.
The Animal Walker - Your name is Sam Merlotte and all your life you have been hiding a secret from the world. You own Merlotte's Bar & Grill which is a very successful buisness. Being in a small town everyone knows everything about everyone, which was the reason you kept your ability to yourself. But things change when my character moves to town.

She starts off as a waitress but in time she will actually be a performer who with her gift will make his buisness even more successful. They become fast friends, they both want the same things. They want to have a spouse, have children and just find happiness. For the first time he wants to share what he is to her but is afraid he won't accept what he is since he isn't human. He followeds her around and befriended her as Sam but also as a dog.

You can take on the form of any animal he has seen a aide to her no one has because he was the Tibetan Mastiff that follows her.

The Gift Of Body - You play a woman that has an ability to take on the form of any human being. No matter the gender or race, you also can keep your female form but form a working penis. Our charaters have been friends for years but she has no idea what your character can do.

She has fallen in love with my character but has no idea if she would want her because my character is attracted to men. It's why you show her what you can do to show her gift but also to do what she need her to do to be happy.

The Rivendell Maiden - A Lord Of The Rings Story

You play Elron you are the king to Rivendell and father to Arwen. You are one thousand years old and don't look any older then someone in their 40s. You have the same views as your daughter when it comes to humans. Nineteen years ago you were hunting stag with a few of your personal guard when you came across a human woman who lay dying from an orc attack. She beggs you to take her five month old daughter and the second your eyes lock on to hers you feel a great power within her though you are unsure as to what.

Before taking her back to your kingdom you bury her mother and take her to her new home. You watch her grow up every year she gets older the more beautiful she is becoming. By the time she was sixteen years old you have started to become very close to her. So close you teach her Elvish as well as the language the humans of Middle Earth used. A year later at seventeen she knew Elvish fluently and ordered your closest archer Legolas to teacher her to hunt but to also fight as well. It's then you realize that you have fallen in love with her.

Now she is ninteen and you feel it's time to tell her of your feelings. You have a very tight bond with her. Not all your people like her but she is under your protection.

Note: I am thinking she is part elf though that can be discussed. My idea is she can use Elvish magic. An example of what I mean is in this video. If you are interested please let me know. I am working on the start so if I find interest the intro will be done.

Pm if interested we can discuss this further and I would love to hear ideas. Now I don't expect anyone to know Elvish but when speaking in Elvish I figure the text will be in a different color. Hope to do this soon been wanting to do this story for 10+ years.

The Priests Secret Afair- You have been working as a priest for twenty years, you started when you were only ninteen. You have a friend who means a lot to him, they have known each other for six years now. Her name is Luna and you have been in love with her since you met her. She comes to you for advice with her choices and even talks him her confession. Due to your hidden love for her you wanted to prove said love

Luna has wanted children since she was young, and you can see it in her eyes. So you decide to risk your priesthood to be a father to her child. But what she doesn't know is all the men in your family are extremely fertile and all it takes is Cummings inside a woman once to get a woman pregnant. The first time they have sex he has a condom on but right before your ready to climax you pull out of her, get her on her knees and before entering her again you take the condom off.

This has a small dash of supernatural you can be completely human or can be anything from a warlock to a vampire or werewolf.

The Secret Affair - You are the head of the Yakuza and have been for many years. There is always a figure that stands beside you always. Your men have no idea who the person is because she is covered from head to toe. All they know is a name the stranger goes by and it's Raven. They have no idea she is a woman and has no idea she is from America. They have been friends for many years, her father was in the military. He was stationed in Japan and it's when she met him seven years ago.

She is his body guard and is the best fighter he has ever seen. But behind closed doors they speak openly and honestly. He has feelings for her and is being pressured by his father to take a wife and have a son. They know about Raven and prefer he be with a Japanese girl. But a year ago Raven protected his parents from an attack. Raven spent a month in the hospital healing.

In protecting his parents they respect her and if their son wanted her as his wife they would give him their blessing. This idea is another I have wanted to do for a long time. When they speak in Japanese the text will be in a different color since I don't know Japanese lol I wish I did.

Pm if interested in any of these ideas we cab brain storm.
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