Self Promotion THreads - A Do or Don't?

Should self promotions threads be embraced?

  • Yes - promos should be common place.

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No - I hate any form of advertising.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pure said:
Well, all 'registered' postings are a form of self promotion.

Just like the actors that appear on Leno around the time of their new film (which needn't be discussed for the promo to work).

What's been objected to, above, is blatant, crass stuff. Yes banish it, and bring on the subtle, the devious; the pictures of runners showing their socks, and the clearly visible MG monogram.


How is every registered post a form of promotion? what if you have nothing in your sig line?
There is nothing wrong with a little shameless self-promotion. That's why we have signature lines. To really drum up readers for a story, however, you should just post a link to your story in the Feedback BB. That's actually a place where people go to find out what is new, and the authors are actually asking for abuse, er, I mean feedback.
I agree with the group's consensus that blatant self-promotion in AH is counterproductive.

destinie21 said:
How is every registered post a form of promotion? what if you have nothing in your sig line?

Although I wouldn't say every post is a promotion, it tends to serve that purpose. If posters seem interesting and intelligent, I am likely to seek out their work.

Putting a link to an individual story in a sig line is pretty unobtrusive and inoffensive. Since I'm more attracted to authors than to individual stories, I rarely click on a sig line story link. I generally prefer to go to the author's profile and read the titles and descriptions. The bio and picture in a profile is important to me, too.

Incidentally, I feel that authors who don't put a link to their profile in their sig line are doing themselves and potential readers a slight disservice. I find myself more likely to check an author's work out if I can just click on a link, rather than having to search for them.
gauchecritic said:

Self promotion? 'Self' promotion rather than promotion of work. Guilty as charged.


Oh, yes. There's always that. In fact it's what we do all the time in hre, innit? Promoting ourselves as persons. Leving little marks on the world in any way we can. This may be silly and ineffective, but a post in here is - albeit microscopic - yet another step towards imortality.
Icingsugar said:
...but a post in here is - albeit microscopic - yet another step towards immortality.

Microscopic it is not. If I self-published my stories I might get a few hundred readers. Posted on Lit I have nearly a quarter of a million views. That's more than many classic authors had in their lifetime and for what? I may think my stories are great but by comparison with even minor lights in English Literature's history my output is crap.

Links in sigs are nice, I look for them and if the writer appeals to me I click. Simple as that.:)
KenJames said:
Although I wouldn't say every post is a promotion, it tends to serve that purpose.
Dear KJ,
My posts are not meant to do that, and I don't use a sig line. It's been months since I cared whether anyone reads my stories.
Ps. I'd really rather that people at the AH didn't read them.
/Ps. I'd really rather that people at the AH didn't read them./

Well, that's why I read a few. Indeed there's one I'm studying as a kinda porn classic.


PS. I mean "erotic"

PPS. I think.
MG - Isn't it somewhat dependant on what sort of story it is..

Here in Literotica, we have the unique duality of talented writers, intelligent, literate well-read people .. Who write pornography. I mean, (just as an example) only amongst this bunch of reprobates would the concept of setting out to write erotica in cyberpunk raise its ugly head. Most people wouldn't, couldn't give a damn, as long as it got their rocks off for them.

So just how much literary effort does one put into a piece of 'stroke writing? If it achieves it's intended purpose, i.e. gets the reader into a state of orgasmic bliss, why worry about it anymore?

But we do - And we're here in the AH talking about literary techniques, about Third Person Omniscient (And my head STILL hurts from that discussion), about the merits of first person over third person, or third person over second person, or .. or .. or ..

It certainly isn't what I expected when I started browsing the AH board here.

But it is what convinced me to delurk.

Raphy, almost considering putting a pic of himself in his AV (no, 'dita, not my dick)

edit cuz i aer speel guud
Pure said:
Well, that's why I read a few. Indeed there's one I'm studying as a kinda porn classic.
Dear Pure,
I always thought you were a little ..... odd.
Ps. I like to think of my writing as "smut."
Pps. The only thing I've written that is at all out of the ordinary is "Frieda the Cat," and that's not even smutty.
Ppps. The above it NOT self promotion. There's no active link. Don't read it.
Last edited:
Okay, maybe I should clarify. I didn't mean to imply that the AH is the appropriate venue for self promotion, I was interested in people's thoughts. I agree reading a long list of pure advertising would be annoying and a hassle to wade through. What I was more after is other author's opinions on whether self promotion works or should be frowned upon .....

Back to writing ....

Fly ....
MathGirl said:
Dear KJ,
My posts are not meant to do that, and I don't use a sig line. It's been months since I cared whether anyone reads my stories.
Ps. I'd really rather that people at the AH didn't read them.
Some day, I may attain the Tao of MathGirl, but I'm not there, yet.

FlyontheWall99 said:
Okay, maybe I should clarify. I didn't mean to imply that the AH is the appropriate venue for self promotion, I was interested in people's thoughts. I agree reading a long list of pure advertising would be annoying and a hassle to wade through. What I was more after is other author's opinions on whether self promotion works or should be frowned upon .....

Back to writing ....

Fly ....
Although I feel it's perfectly fair to describe my stories as "pornography," I like to feel they offer more than mindless sexuality (not that there's anything intrinsically wrong with that). I attempt to provide a reasonable depth of characterization, interesting and possibly provocative situations, and even (drum roll) a "message." The message is typically "an open, relaxed and playful attitude toward sex is liberating," or possibly "sex is fun," but it's still a message.

A handful of Literotica readers seem to feel I've been partially successful, which I find endlessly gratifying.

The point of that pretentious prolog is that I put a lot of love and craft into my stories, and I want as many people as possible to enjoy them. Therefore, I am interested in promoting my stories (or myself, if that creates interest in my stories), as long as I can do it in a tasteful manner which doesn't turn potential readers off.

Now, if I can only figure out how to do that . . .
The point of that pretentious prolog is that I put a lot of love and craft into my stories, and I want as many people as possible to enjoy them. Therefore, I am interested in promoting my stories (or myself, if that creates interest in my stories), as long as I can do it in a tasteful manner which doesn't turn potential readers off.

Now, if I can only figure out how to do that . . . [/B]

Which is preceisely the same state I am in. I would love to increase my readership and the the potential joy that some of my work brings to others. So if there is a clever way of self promotion, without killing ones reputation in the community, or be labelled a "blowhard" then I would love to know how to do it ....

Back to writing ....

Fly ....

P.S. I wouldn't be worried if anyone labelled what you write as "pornography." I myself am quite happy with the label of "stroke writer" which seems to connote some negativity around the traps ....
FlyontheWall99 said:
P.S. I wouldn't be worried if anyone labeled what you write as "pornography." I myself am quite happy with the label of "stroke writer" which seems to connote some negativity around the traps ....
Well, I prefer the term "erotica" to "pornography" because, as you've no doubt already noticed, I have a rather wide pretentious streak.

Some writers have expressed displeasure at receiving feedback describing "how hard" or "how many orgasms" the reader experienced over a story. I understand where those writers are coming from, but I don't share that feeling. I regard such feedback as high praise.
A few thoughts

1. As KillerMuffin said, the AH is not the place to announce and/or promote your stories. I think most people agree on that.

2. I did a quick tally of the stories and poems currently posted on Lit. Stories = 46,283... Poems = 12671

3. Advertising your work is pretty unpredictable. You do accumulate some readers you would not have had but you also attract the trolls who trash your vote score.

4. Being SEEN in the AH as a personality with stories and/or poems posted seems to have been the source of most of my personal improvement in number of reads and my writing.

5. With 4 to 500 stories submitted and posted every week, the authors on Lit are sort of between a rock and a hard. If you go to the SF Forum and post #3 above applies. If you don't you languish.

As far as a link to your stories in your sig line is concerned, I refer to #4.
KenJames said:
Some writers have expressed displeasure at receiving feedback describing "how hard" or "how many orgasms" the reader experienced over a story. I understand where those writers are coming from, but I don't share that feeling. I regard such feedback as high praise.

Again I have to agree, I have no problem with that form of feedback. In fact I have received more than just descriptions but also a few nude pics during my time as a writer from happy souls who enjoyed what I wrote. It is indeed praise if you accept that most people come to read your work because they want to have a bit of "fun" because in the end, isn't that the result of an erotic story???

Back to writing ....

Fly ....
Probably have no place to comment, being that I don't have any stories on lit, but it occurs to me that isn't it fairly obvious that people are going to ... use .. erotica in the way that it was intended?

Yet another reason for me to throw some up on lit for assassination by the masses, I guess.
raphy said:
Raphy, almost considering putting a pic of himself in his AV (no, 'dita, not my dick)
Ya know, Raff, you're closer to 200 posts now than 100, so I'll settle for your dick as long as it's tasteful, e.g., put a pair of Mr. Potato Head glasses or ears on it, make it flourescent, drape it in a toga, sprinkle it like a frozen yogurt cone, lay it in a gondola, have it spout Shakespeare (Hot blood begets hot thoughts. Troilus and Cressida; III.i)

impatiently, 'dita :rolleyes:
perdita said:
Ya know, Raff, you're closer to 200 posts now than 100, so I'll settle for your dick as long as it's tasteful, e.g., put a pair of Mr. Potato Head glasses or ears on it, make it flourescent, drape it in a toga, sprinkle it like a frozen yogurt cone, lay it in a gondola, have it spout Shakespeare (Hot blood begets hot thoughts. Troilus and Cressida; III.i)

impatiently, 'dita :rolleyes:

And why does no one ever quote Timon of Athens ?
I use the sig line for fun things to say - to see if I get a reaction, sometimes to show my overall feelings on a subject (not always obvious) and to let people know how to get to my submissions and what's hopefully going to come soon. I tried itemizing my poetry just to see if the numbers change in read rate, and they didn't.

I think the sig line is just that, your personal signature here, which can be short, or expressive. I think I've gotten more serious reads in the Hangout by reading other people's writing and giving them some serious feedback. And I've gotten most of my best feedback from the Hangout, too.

Hopefully, my writing stands on it's own with the reading mass that visit Lit. But it's the growth I get from associating with a great group of people who are serious about writing that has helped me improve. (and to get my writing out)

Oh, and the best advice I've read here on self-promotion is in the Writer's resources. I followed it to the 't' and it worked as advertised. Now I just have to get my rear in gear and get involved in the feedback forum. (if Richard G gets his rear in Gere, does he get more feedback?)

-FF (Sun. is the last day I'll fool around with the poetry links - like the colors?)

ps. Perdita knew which movie the last quote was from - anyone know the one I'm using now?
Jenny _S said:
And why does no one ever quote Timon of Athens ?
Well hell, I couldn't quote Shakespear even if I wanted to ...

But no, no pictures of my dick ;)
raphy said:
Well hell, I couldn't quote Shakespear even if I wanted to ...
I'll presume it was a typo, but have to be clear. It's Shakespeare, luvvie.

Lovely eyes, old soul looking.

'dita :heart:
perdita said:
I'll presume it was a typo, but have to be clear. It's Shakespeare, luvvie.

Lovely eyes, old soul looking.

'dita :heart:

Damn! Shakespeare's the only Lit course in College I ever got an "A" in and I can't spell it either :D
Jenny _S said:
Damn! Shakespeare's the only Lit course in College I ever got an "A" in and I can't spell it either :D

Doh - 7:30 am. Should be in bed. Can't type. Can't spell.

*sighs and yawns*
raphy said:
Doh - 7:30 am. Should be in bed. Can't type. Can't spell.
Honeybear, where are you? Why did I think you were on the east coast?
