Self sterilization out of fear and protest of the MAGA movement.

This is FLAT OUT false.

She died because of the complications of a miscarriage. Not because she couldn't have an abortion.

FURTHER, it doesn't answer the question; name ONE woman who was forced to carry a baby to term because she was denied an abortion.
Were you born brain-damaged or did that happen later? She died because no doctor would do anything that would have saved her because of Draconian Texas abortion law. I hope her family sues the hell out of Texas.
Were you born brain-damaged or did that happen later? She died because no doctor would do anything that would have saved her because of Draconian Texas abortion law. I hope her family sues the hell out of Texas.


Are you so stupid you cannot understand that you're lying?

She died from complications of a MISCARRIAGE. Not because she couldn't have an abortion.

AND AGAIN you try to move the goalposts from the question; name ONE woman who was forced to carry a baby to term because she was denied an abortion.

So, answer the question, bro. Or sit the fuck down.

Are you so stupid you cannot understand that you're lying?

She died from complications of a MISCARRIAGE. Not because she couldn't have an abortion.

AND AGAIN you try to move the goalposts from the question; name ONE woman who was forced to carry a baby to term because she was denied an abortion.

So, answer the question, bro. Or sit the fuck down.
She died in Texas when she would not have died in any normal state that has not banned all abortion procedures.

Are you really this fucking stupid you fucking knuckle-dragging mouth-breather?
She died in Texas when she would not have died in any normal state that has not banned all abortion procedures.

Are you really this fucking stupid you fucking knuckle-dragging mouth-breather?

More of your bullshit lies.

Texas has NOT banned all abortion procedures.

It's like you insist on proving how fucking imbecilic you are in public. Something which, at the moment, you're doing very well at.
Whatever lies you've got to tell yourself.
Your continued accusation is baseless.

I know objective facts and adhere to them

You talk of "butchering babies" which is the lie

Not at all, I'm not pretending it's not a person so long as it's unborn.
I don't need to pretend. Definitions exist that you don't Iike. I'm not the one at fault here... No matter how much you claim otherwise.

The word baby is describing a human after birth. Before then, it is not a baby
...even as much as it may resemble a baby.
It is not a person
..even as much as it may resemble a person.

They are terms based on specific circumstances and time-frames which are defined.
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Annnd now its an abortion thread. Again.

Two people fuck. She gets pregnant. At a certain time people can't agree on, she can abort the pregnancy and most people won't call foul. Unless their religion or personal beliefs dictate that a pregnant woman carry the [insert whateverthefuckyoucallit] to term.

Until its born, its called a fetus. There are other medical terms that describe it in various stages of development. I really don't give a shit. You can call it a baby or a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater for all I care. You're still splitting hairs. The problem, which will probably never be solved, is that we can't agree on whether its a baby or not and at what point we consider it to be a baby.

Whatever it is, its alive and has little, if any, rights. If Mom says it ain't happening, then it sucks to be [insert whateverthefuckyoucallit]. This could be a mixed blessing. It might have grown up to be a serial killer. Odds are low but never zero.
Annnd now its an abortion thread. Again.

Two people fuck. She gets pregnant. At a certain time people can't agree on, she can abort the pregnancy and most people won't call foul. Unless their religion or personal beliefs dictate that a pregnant woman carry the [insert whateverthefuckyoucallit] to term.

Until its born, its called a fetus. There are other medical terms that describe it in various stages of development. I really don't give a shit. You can call it a baby or a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater for all I care. You're still splitting hairs. The problem, which will probably never be solved, is that we can't agree on whether its a baby or not and at what point we consider it to be a baby.

Whatever it is, its alive and has little, if any, rights. If Mom says it ain't happening, then it sucks to be [insert whateverthefuckyoucallit]. This could be a mixed blessing. It might have grown up to be a serial killer. Odds are low but never zero.
There is no debate over what a baby is. It's defined. As are fetus and zygote and embryo.

I have no issue with accepting terminology. And I have no issue with abortion.

BotBoy hates that and needs to call me names to validate his viewpoints. I'm fine with him opposing abortion.

There is no debate over what a baby is. It's defined. As are fetus and zygote and embryo.

I have no issue with accepting terminology. And I have no issue with abortion.

BotBoy hates that and needs to call me names to validate his viewpoints. I'm fine with him opposing abortion.
According to YOU there is no debate. Except that there is. If everyone accepted what you define as definition of what a baby is, then there would be no debate. You would find no resistance to what you describe as a "baby."
According to YOU there is no debate. Except that there is. If everyone accepted what you define as definition of what a baby is, then there would be no debate. You would find no resistance to what you describe as a "baby."
That gets to the core of it.
According to YOU there is no debate
Medical definitions exist.

There is no debate

. Except that there is.
To people that don't agree with words.

If everyone accepted what you define as definition of what a baby is, then there would be no debate. You would find no resistance to what you describe as a "baby."
Objectively, human sciences are the authority on medical terminology and definitions. That is established. The only reason why it isn't used by pro lifers is to appeal to emotion. It literally has no bearing on whether or not an abortion is moral. You can be against abortion and make the same points without the use of incorrect terms. You can be against abortion and not need someone to see an abortion video. You can make arguments without either of those things.

The difference is that people who adhere to actual human science are less convinced of your argument if you refuse to accept basic factual information.

The debate isn't because it's not a baby.
Medical definitions exist.

There is no debate

To people that don't agree with words.

Objectively, human sciences are the authority on medical terminology and definitions. That is established. The only reason why it isn't used by pro lifers is to appeal to emotion. It literally has no bearing on whether or not an abortion is moral. You can be against abortion and make the same points without the use of incorrect terms. You can be against abortion and not need someone to see an abortion video. You can make arguments without either of those things.

The difference is that people who adhere to actual human science are less convinced of your argument if you refuse to accept basic factual information.

The debate isn't because it's not a baby.
For me, it was never about whether or not its a baby. I thought I made that clear. Medical definitions do indeed exist. For whatever reason, people disagree. And so there is debate. And so here we are. If everyone agreed with you, there would be no debate. There would be nobody that disagreed with your stance. My point was that people disagree on abortion and the definition of what a baby is, and they don't care what experts have to say. You may disagree. I'm pretty sure you will. And so, there is debate. If there was no debate, this conversation wouldn't be taking place.
For me, it was never about whether or not its a baby. I thought I made that clear. Medical definitions do indeed exist. For whatever reason, people disagree. And so there is debate.
There isn't a debate that is relevant to abortion. Whether you consider a fetus a baby is irrelevant to whether abortions should be performed, unless you're using the term to garner emotions or persuadeable people.

And so here we are. If everyone agreed with you, there would be no debate.
The debate isn't about whether it's a baby.

There would be nobody that disagreed with your stance. My point was that people disagree on abortion and the definition of what a baby is, and they don't care what experts have to say. You may disagree. I'm pretty sure you will. And so, there is debate. If there was no debate, this conversation wouldn't be taking place.
Abortion being legal or illegal is a policy debate, not a medical one. Again.... The terms being obfuscated are to appeal to emotions.
I give zero shits as to why. Are we debating or not? That was my whole point. People don't agree on this. Whether or not they're right to debate on it is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. The topic of abortion is controversial. Different people have different views.
I give zero shits as to why. Are we debating or not? That was my whole point. People don't agree on this. Whether or not they're right to debate on it is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. The topic of abortion is controversial. Different people have different views.

If we're debating a speed limit and you want to argue over whether something is an automobile, we're not debating. That's my point can't debate unless a baseline of understanding exists. I use the medical definitions because it's an accepted baseline. The rejection of that baseline is just demonstrating that there is no real debate's simply a rejection without compromise.

I'm open to viability as a compromise because it addresses my concerns and it addresses anti abortion concerns. But I do so with the proper baseline of agreement.
The issue is, and has always been, "Where does life begin?" How you answer that question pretty much determines where you stand on the issue.
The issue is, and has always been, "Where does life begin?"
That's already answered.

How you answer that question pretty much determines where you stand on the issue.
It doesn't. Unless you think that life is the red line you need to prohibit the termination of a pregnancy. Then it defines it for you.

I know that a pregnancy begins at conception. That is a separate human life. I still support abortion at any point during a pregnancy.
If we're debating a speed limit and you want to argue over whether something is an automobile, we're not debating. That's my point can't debate unless a baseline of understanding exists. I use the medical definitions because it's an accepted baseline. The rejection of that baseline is just demonstrating that there is no real debate's simply a rejection without compromise.

I'm open to viability as a compromise because it addresses my concerns and it addresses anti abortion concerns. But I do so with the proper baseline of agreement.
People don't agree with me so there is no debate. Got it. (y)
People don't agree with me so there is no debate. Got it. (y)
If you have no baseline of facts, you have no debate. It has nothing to do with whether I'm right or wrong.

For example - I use medical definitions to define fetus, baby...etc. BotBoy said that I am lying. What debate is there to be had?

I have no desire to debate accepted medical terminology any more than I have a desire to debate whether gravity exists or whether the earth is round.
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