Sex a la mode

I have this idea for a story I've been wanting to write for a long time - king-sized snickers used as a dildo! YUM! I think it would be cool, really...I'd call it "snickers satisfies"

I've tried Butterfingers with my guy, and believe me, it was a fabulous night all around.

perdita said:
Ha ha, I like that idea. Mexicans use chili in almost everything so we're all hot blooded to begin with.

Perdita :) :p

Which could make homes crowded when combined with the catholic ban on contraceptives...:p
Svenskaflicka said:
Which could make homes crowded when combined with the catholic ban on contraceptives...:p
Oh, Svenska, Svenska, 99% of the world's Catholics ignore that ban, and many others.

In Mexico it is very common, and accepted in the culture, for priests to have common-law wives and a family. The Vatican simply turns its dogmatic head; kind of like the US gays in the military attitude: Don't ask, don't tell.

Perdy :eek:
Originally posted by perdita Oh, Svenska, Svenska, 99% of the world's Catholics ignore that ban, and many others.
Dear Perdita,
They make it difficult in Ireland. Contraception and contraceptives are illegal.
Irish b.c.

Gauche is right, but I think it took a while after 'the pill' came out fighting w/Rome to get birth control in Ireland. Not sure where they are re. abortion, it was a heated church/state issue not too long ago. P.
I believe abortion is still illegal in Ireland. I know a lot of women take the trip to Holyhead, via the ferry, to have the proceedure here. I think most people in Ireland are not anti-abortionists, just the Government is not brave enough to legalise it.
Tatelou said:
I think most people in Ireland are not anti-abortionists, just the Government is not brave enough to legalise it.
Lou, that's my impression too; there are many Irish (from Ireland) in SF. The RCC looks to Ireland as a last stronghold re. dogma, but it will eventually crumble.

Food and sex

I like an obscure Japanese film "Tampopo" (Dandelion).

The sex is implied not explicit and it is fun finding the references to all the classic movies.

You should not watch it on an empty stomach. The scenes with an egg yolk and an oyster are beautifully done.

It has been described as a "Noodle Western for Truckers" but its main theme is about achieving excellence. Although Japanese it is great propaganda for "The American Way" to build a business.

If you can find it, watch it with a good friend and plenty of food.

Yea, Ogg; back on topic

I second Ogg's recommendation. There's a newer Japanese film, "Eat, Drink, Man, Woman". Eat first for this one too, or plan to afterwards.

Good idea, "sex and food in film". Must think of others, anyone else?

mouth watering, Perdita
perdita said:
Oh, Svenska, Svenska, 99% of the world's Catholics ignore that ban, and many others.

In Mexico it is very common, and accepted in the culture, for priests to have common-law wives and a family. The Vatican simply turns its dogmatic head; kind of like the US gays in the military attitude: Don't ask, don't tell.

Perdy :eek:

Thank goodness! The less influence the Catholic church has, the better!:rolleyes:

Really, I think the catholic-priests-mustn't-get-married rule is ridiculous. How is the priest supposed to really understand his "children" in the congregation, if he doesn't have a family of his own? How can he give teenagers advice on sex if he's a virgin himself? How can he truly understand the feelings of a woman who has lost her baby, if he's not a father himself?

I don't like religions... *pout*
Svenskaflicka said:
Thank goodness! The less influence the Catholic church has, the better!:rolleyes:

Really, I think the catholic-priests-mustn't-get-married rule is ridiculous.
Makes perfect sense to me. Who wants catholic priests breeding? Catholics obviously don't! Why should anyone else?
Gabriel_Lee said:
Makes perfect sense to me. Who wants catholic priests breeding? Catholics obviously don't! Why should anyone else?

Well, I was just thinking that if catholic priests were allowed to get laid, they might lighten up, and catholicism wouldn't be so...

*censoring myself in order not to piss off any catholics in the forum*

...all the time.
Gd Grf!

Svenskaflicka said:
*censoring myself in order not to piss off any catholics in the forum*
Dear Svenska,
That's never stopped you before. Are you running a fever?
*picks up MG's glove, rubs sore spot in face*

OK... but it's Cheeky's big ass that gets the smacks, not mine!

"Catholics are up-tight, male chauvinistic cowards, that could use a good laid-getting, to act more like normal human beings!"

*takes cover*:(
Svenskaflicka said:
"Catholics are up-tight, male chauvinistic cowards, that could use a good laid-getting, to act more like normal human beings!"

*takes cover*:( [/B]

So, we should all do our part.

Lay a Catholic today!

sailorm72003 said:
Lay a Catholic today!


p.s. I'm an ambivalent Mexican-Catholic, i.e., it's a cultural thing in many basic ways; I do not pay heed to Rome; I don't go to church every Sunday; I don't believe in the 'immaculate conception'; I don't believe in Heaven or Hell in time and space; I'll fuck when/who/how I want; I don't know what God is or even how to think of it; but I do believe in grace and love (not the romantic kind).
No offense to any Catholics; but, I believe my ex-husband's new woman must be one (non-believer in birth control), as she has 8 children. And he couldn't wait until ours grew up *chuckle, snort*. Oh, he met her on the computer and moved her and the kiddies here from another state. I could absolutely not stop laughing when my daughter told me... I wasn't even bugged that I let him have the marital home anymore.

Originally posted by sailorm72003

When and where dear? :)


Sailor, you missed me by two minutes. Sorry, no longer 'available'; bumped into a ballsy bricklayer who wanted to show me his new wall.

Good luck to you, I'm sure there are plenty of other naughty Catholic gals about.

vertically, Perdita ;)

I went to an all-girl Catholic high school and had to wear my uniform... heehee... does that count?

Just me,
You bet, Wanton. Be sure and polish those patent-leather Maryjanes.

Have fun, Perdita ;)

p.s. Saw your other post, glad you made it back. :rose:
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