Sex a la mode

Thank you Wantonica

I went to a catholic all-boy high school with an all-girl "sister" school so I'll say thanks for the visual and the reminder. Some of my first adolescent yearnings involved those skirts that always shrunk as the year progressed.

To go back to the beginning of this thread I have fond memories of both Hersey's Syrup and Strawberry wine cooler's due specifically to their past uses as "flavorings".
perdita said:
Sailor, you missed me by two minutes. Sorry, no longer 'available'; bumped into a ballsy bricklayer who wanted to show me his new wall.

Good luck to you, I'm sure there are plenty of other naughty Catholic gals about.

vertically, Perdita ;)

Darn the luck. Hope you and the bricklayer made a strong connection.

Wantonica said:
No offense to any Catholics; but, I believe my ex-husband's new woman must be one (non-believer in birth control), as she has 8 children. And he couldn't wait until ours grew up *chuckle, snort*.

Gotta love that!

Perdita, isn't THAT irony?
Geesh, I don't recall my Ghanaian ex saying anything about that. On the other hand I never did cook for him...and our sexlife was still quite hot. :D
He did tell me though of those tribes where they teach the women how to make love to a man before her wedding day. Said something about that if you marry one of those women, you'll be in heaven sexually.

For the record though, I'm all for spicy food. Mmmmm....

Svenskaflicka said:
According to my ex, in Ghana women put chili in the food when they want their husbands to make love to them all night. Apparently, it's got something to do with heating up the blood.
Får jag rekommendera "Impotent Livskamrat Sökes" - en helfräck bok med en del afrodisiaka-recept...:devil:
Wow, food (sexy) and Catholic Priests (how far from sexy can you get?).

In another thread, someone was asking about strawberry flavoring and I could not help thinking about the strawberry syrup they sell in the local grocery store expecting you to mix it with milk. I think it tastes better drizzled all over the breast before you try to get the milk out.

Of course in the quest to find the best flavor, there's chocolate syrup. And maple syrup. And blackberry syrup, and caramel...

Maybe if the 'ban' on Catholic priests getting laid were lifted it would help lessen the problems they are having with sex with youngsters.

Wait a minute. Is someone here having a fantasy about a Catholic priest and food?