Sex Scences

My hozzler was grappid as hell when I was writing. Now it's schlonk.

Sex Scene

She's a Witch - He's a Vampire...


The thud of a slow heart thumped against her ear. Rowan awoke with her cheek pressed snugly against a warm broad chest and froze in alarm. What the Hell? Where am I? She blinked, but couldn’t see a thing in the stygian darkness. The scent of warm familiar skin filled her nose. Memory struck heavily. The drive to Watertown, the cubist's dream house… Oh, yeah I’m in bed with Rick…

The rest of her memories came flooding back. Klaus, the kiss, the bite… She swallowed. At least my throat stopped hurting… Her throat felt fine but her shoulder ached where she had slept on her side, with her arm tucked under the pillow. Her other arm was thrown carelessly across his waist. Somehow, she had wrapped herself around him, snuggling into his warmth.

I must have been in a really deep sleep. Cautiously, she retrieved her arms and shifted onto her back. No blue glow from the barrier, so Klaus isn’t anywhere around… I suppose that’s a good thing, but I can’t see a damned thing. She blinked again but darkness blinded her utterly.

Rick shifted, groaned then rolled and flung an arm across her waist. From the angle of his draping arm, she guessed that he was lying on his stomach. Gently she moved his arm. He abruptly tightened his grip around her waist then curled up onto his side against her, trapping one of her arms under his body. She felt his hand move up her arm to her shoulder. His arm stretched alongside her head, then his broad palm burrowed into her hair, cupping her head.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His voice was husky with sleep and very close to her ear.

“Um, can we get up now?” She writhed to get her other arm free of his weight. It was like trying to move a downed tree.

“Yeah… In a minute.”

She felt his breath then his lips on her throat, then his tongue, creating tiny shivers of delight. He nipped on the tender skin of her throat then his wet tongue feathered down to her collarbone. Her skin tingled and warmed from his heated mouth. A honey thick trail of desire blazed straight down into to her core.

I need to get out of this bed before I do something I'm going to regret... She turned her head away and his fingers curled in her hair, holding her firmly against his open mouth and clever tongue. “Hey…” She grabbed hold of his wrist with her free hand and worked to ease her head away from his mouth. “Wait a minute, I thought you said you weren’t going to munch on me.”

He released her hair and carefully twisted his wrist from her grasp. “Don’t want blood.”

Abruptly, the fingers of his hand closed on her wrist, gently pressing her captured hand to the pillow above her head. His lips brushed her collarbone.

“Uh, Rick, then what are you after?” She felt the wet rasp of his tongue. She wiggled her captured fingers then shifted away from his mouth. Please let me get out of this bed before my sex drive takes over, she thought desperately. After all that magic last night, it's going to be a doozy...

His response was a sleepy chuckle. He rolled slightly, pressing closer with his legs tangled in hers. His mouth slid down into the plunging neckline of her shirt. The buttons suddenly gaped loosely.

“Uh, Rick?” The silk of his long mane slid across her exposed breasts. Her nipples tightened to swollen points of fire. His tongue brushed between the curves of her breasts then skimmed lower. Hunger stirred deep within and she bit back a moan. Uh oh…

“Guess what I want.” A muscular leg insinuated itself between hers. “I’ll even give you a clue.” His knee slid up between her thighs into brief intimate contact.

Her knees compulsively closed around his muscular thigh to stop him but succeeded in only bringing him into closer contact. The heat of a very rigid erection nudged boldly against her. All the unfulfilled passion from before came rushing back in a torrent of liquid heat. Rowan drew a shuddering breath. Shit, there goes my libido into overdrive.

He pressed his hip and his heat against her hip. “Don’t say no,” he breathed. He released her wrist and a warm hand closed on the fullness of her breast. Her nipple was a bright angry point under his palm.

“Rick I…” She fought to keep from arching upward under his caress, like a cat that craved petting. Her body quivered with hungry tension and it wanted what he was offering, goaded by the magic she had expended. I have to stop this. I do not need to become involved with a vampire…

“Say, yes,” she heard him whisper. His fingers closed around the erect nipple, piercing her with a stab of pleasure. “There is no one watching now.” A hot, wet mouth closed on her other breast.

Delicious tension speared from her captured nipples straight down into her melting core. She let out a sharp gasping breath. Her hands found his head and her fingers tangled in the silk of his hair, holding him to her breast. Teeth tugged gently then lips seized and sucked. Her back arched helplessly upward and a moan escaped her lips.

She felt the mattress shift under her. He pulled his mouth from her breast with an audible and wet sound and his hair slid through her fingers. He rose up on his knees in the dark, lifting away the blanket. The air was cool on her fevered skin.

His lips touched then traced the inner curve of her breasts then traveling lower making a wet trail down toward her belly. His hair swept the fullness of her breasts then slid down. She felt his weight settle between her legs with his knees spread between her thighs, holding her open wide.

“Say yes, Rowan.” His whispered words came from somewhere near her belly. His hands closed powerfully on her thighs, raising her knees and pushing her further open. “Say yes now.” Breath stirred the fine curls at the opening to her body.

She took a startled breath. His mouth brushed lightly against the tender flesh of her feminine folds then his tongue stroked. She gasped. His tongue dove deeply. Heat flared up her spine. She choked with the intense sensations of his mouth engaged in the most intimate of kisses. Her heels dug into the mattress and her hips rose into him.

The wet sound of lapping was loud in the utter darkness. She jolted with every tiny stroke of his rapidly moving tongue. Brutal pleasure built and burned white hot. Helplessly she bucked against his mouth and a scream caught itself in her throat.

He pulled away and she collapsed against the mattress, trembling and gasping with unfulfilled need. The mattress shifted and she felt him move up her body. She could hear his labored breath. He stopped and held himself balanced on his palms, poised above her.

The light increased until she could see his face, carved with deep shadows. “Let me give you pleasure,” he said softly. The bright gleam of impassioned hunger smoldered in his eyes. "Let me give you what you need."

She stared up at him vibrating and ravenous to the core. Her shirt was spread open around her, revealing her pale and vulnerable flesh and her nipples swollen hard with excitement. His silk bottoms were gone and his rampant flesh arched between them, swollen and tipped in moisture.

She bit her lip. “I…”

“Say yes, Rowan.” Concentration hardened his stark features and his eyes gleamed a vibrant copper tinged with molten gold. His lips were full, wine-red and moist. He licked them. “Right now.”

Too late, too late, her thoughts chased through her mind. Too late to stop now... As though in a dream, she lifted her hands and cupped his face. “Yes.”

He fell to his elbows with a heavy sigh. His mouth captured hers in a searing, possessive kiss and his arm slid under her to lift her against his fevered body. She felt his hand between their bodies then the bold firmness of his heated flesh seeking the entrance to her moist warmth. He flexed, his back and hips arching, and pressed within.

She arched up into his possession and gloved him in the snug, damp heat of her eager body. They both groaned and his breath stole hers. Her heels hooked over his thighs and she shuddered, her heart pounding against his in their tight embrace.

He flexed above her, pulling back and thrusting with a groan that vibrated through her, taking her with slow deliberation. She writhed under him, her nails digging into his back. His pace quickened with her urging.

Climax built swiftly in a murderous upsurge of pleasure. She felt her body tremble on the excruciating edge then felt an echoing shimmer that felt like less like orgasm and more like magic. Confused, she resisted, holding herself back from the fall into ecstasy.

“You are about to come,” he said in her ear in a voice thick with passion. “Let it go, I’ll catch you.”

She gasped with wavering resistance. "I can't."

"You can." He thrust, hard.

Rowan fell over the blazing edge, shattering in an explosion of rapture, and screamed.

Rick gasped. “Oh, shit…” Abruptly, he climaxed with a moaning cry, flexing within and filling her body with his essence.

Magic sparked and blazed in a wildfire of stunning power. A second wave of glittering delight rampaged through them both. They shouted in unison and shuddered violently, tight in each other’s embrace, inundated with stunning glory. A blazing ring of violet light flared to brilliance around the bed. The wave of pleasure passed and they collapsed, in panting repletion. The brilliant light died down to a soft glow, but remained a vivid violet.

unedited Excerpt from:
Enchantment in Crimson
Coming soon to Extasy Books