Sex & Shenanigans

The Grail!!!!
During covid I was briefly into 3D printing. I looked into building the base at classified scale. Did some CAD work, then realized my printer was not big enough. Nor were my shelves. Nor was my attention span.

I did recently suggest turning a small round table into a Terrordrome and god bless my wife the look of horror on her face only lasted a few seconds. (I’m not doing it, I was just rambling)
It has long been my favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor! I’ve moved further from my pumpkin love, and it’s been a couple years since I have found this one locally, but I have no doubt it is still delicious.
Excellent to know. Baskin &Robbins has an outstanding pumpkin (predating the PSL by decades), but I haven't gone there in a while. It is very pumpkin flavored, which I like.

I will try the Ben and Jerry's version.
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