Sex toys must be designed by men with penis envy

Good lord. I doubt the model for that thing has high blood pressure. If I had a unit that size, I couldn't get an erection with a crane. I can't imagine what use it could have erect anyway, except maybe pogo sticking on some twisted cable version of Dave Letterman's "Stupid people Tricks".

Cirrus said:
Anyway, James, I think we saw the dildo of which you speak yesterday. The thing was about 18" long and might have actually been thicker than a coke can. The only thing I'd ever by that for is a prank gift, and maybe not even then since it was $60.
I feel like a minority I the only one that would love to have a bigger dildo?

As for the real thing, I'm more than happy with what Master came equiped with tho.

I thought it was part of a vast feminist conspiracy to make all us.... averagely endowed.... men feel inadequate.

Why should men feel inadequate?

Not all of us want to be ripped to shreds with the "great engorged cock" that we read about in the stories that some of us write and many in this world enjoy.

I go by that old addage " It's not what you have but how you use it" and if u can use it well average is great and you have no reason to feel inadequate
dixicritter said:


Honestly, I have looked at some that size. I'm looking more for "normalish" length with that kinda thickness. (I'm blushing like crazy admitting


lol. I hear ya on that normal length. I've seen so me that are 15 or 16 long but only 3 inches wide. What the heck is a girl supposed to do with that? Wait... don't answer. Other orifices come to mind.... EEP!
SilentLady said:

Why should men feel inadequate?

Not all of us want to be ripped to shreds with the "great engorged cock" that we read about in the stories that some of us write and many in this world enjoy.

I go by that old addage " It's not what you have but how you use it" and if u can use it well average is great and you have no reason to feel inadequate

Allow me to give one explanation. The same way that women feel that society judges them by weight, men feel the same way about penis size. We watch the porn movies and see these enormous 10" cocks, we look down and we go - oh, I don't have one that big (or at least I don't). Wee read stories written by men and women tht describe these monster cocks impaling women and how they scream with orgasm from them.

Women (and some men for that matter), try to use penis size as an insult ("I bet your angry because you have a tiny little dick"). If a guy says " It's not what you have but how you use it", the response usually is "that's what all guys with little dicks say." We hear it, see it and it causes us to believe it.

On a personal note, I always thought I had an "average" cock. Not huge (like those porn stars), and not small. It took being with several women who were adamant that it was not "average" before I started to believe it. Personally, I now think mine is the perfect size - but it took a lot years to get to this point.
Welcome back Monster!!!

monster666 said:
Good lord. I doubt the model for that thing has high blood pressure. If I had a unit that size, I couldn't get an erection with a crane. I can't imagine what use it could have erect anyway, except maybe pogo sticking on some twisted cable version of Dave Letterman's "Stupid people Tricks".

I have to say, you have been missed!

Penis size - Breast size

Hey, it is the same with breast aize for women. I have not had eye contact from a man in 30 years!

Of course, I in return, will stare at a man's package. However in my experience, I have found that the size of the man's bulge has nothing to do with his erect unit.

I have dated men with big'uns and they did not get that much harder bigger when erect. And, their sexual technique was so limited as make me feel sorry for them. They seemed to think that just having huge equipment was enough.

But I have been blessed to see some modest sized packages expand to a size I found quite surprising, without making you scream and run for the border. Also, whatever the size, th emen seemd to be able to use what they have with a lot of finesse.

I personally am a personality junkie. I get aroused by a man with a giant brain, a giant personality, and giant heart..not a giant cock.

Women (and some men for that matter), try to use penis size as an insult ("I bet your angry because you have a tiny little dick"). If a guy says " It's not what you have but how you use it", the response usually is "that's what all guys with little dicks say." We hear it, see it and it causes us to believe it.

It took me a long time to realize that I was NOT going to ever be a size 10 and would never in my life get close, and so it should be with the men who feel that they haven't got what it takes to make the grade dangling between their legs.

Not all women think that way.

A Friend told me once that " you can stretch it all to Hell but you can't wear it out." Have you ever thought that when a woman says that( about ur tiny little dick) she may be afraid that you will not enjoy sex with her because she is not as tight as she would like to be and your "average" penis will get no gratification in her?

Think about that one :D
I personally am a personality junkie. I get aroused by a man with a giant brain, a giant personality, and giant heart..not a giant cock.

I am with you Eb. . There is a lot more to having sex or making love with someone than just what he has and how he uses it.
SilentLady said:

Have you ever thought that when a woman says that( about ur tiny little dick) she may be afraid that you will not enjoy sex with her because she is not as tight as she would like to be and your "average" penis will get no gratification in her?

Think about that one :D

Let me clarify that I was using the example of a woman saying that to me who hadn't ever seen me naked. She was just throwing it out there as an insult and hoping it would strike a nerve. While it took me a long time to realize that I was above average in size (although not by that much) I also never thought that I was below average.

My point was merely that some (a lot) women use this as an insult, as most men do attach a great deal of significance to the size of their cock.
Emphatically, i agree with all those who have said that it's not the tool, it's the operator that's important in what we do together as sexual beings.

However, there's a side issue here. Sometimes the toy isn't supposed to be a substitute for a penis. Sometimes it's just a toy.

Sometimes it's supposed to be a fucking big toy, too, one that is supposed to stretch your limits, if you'll forgive the horrendously bad double entendre there.

This should go into my post in Quint's On Varying Mileage thread...i should go edit it in...however...

Some of us like to see how much we can take. We need and crave and want and seek the burn, the stretch, the hot red searing pain/pleasure of being stretched open in a way that no real cock (at least not too many) could ever do.

We like big things.

Vaginas shrink. Kegels keep a vagina small and tight and in shape.

Meanwhile, in between sets of kegels, we sometimes feel our partners nudging our legs open and telling us to relax, to breathe, as the thing, the big gigantic thing, begins to open us, to fill us, to make us scream with red sensation.

"We're the ones who buy those penis-like monstrosities," she confesses cheerfully, "and there are more of us around then you might suspect."
cymbidia said:
Emphatically, i agree with all those who have said that it's not the tool, it's the operator that's important in what we do together as sexual beings.

However, there's a side issue here. Sometimes the toy isn't supposed to be a substitute for a penis. Sometimes it's just a toy.

Sometimes it's supposed to be a fucking big toy, too, one that is supposed to stretch your limits, if you'll forgive the horrendously bad double entendre there.

This should go into my post in Quint's On Varying Mileage thread...i should go edit it in...however...

Some of us like to see how much we can take. We need and crave and want and seek the burn, the stretch, the hot red searing pain/pleasure of being stretched open in a way that no real cock (at least not too many) could ever do.

We like big things.

Vaginas shrink. Kegels keep a vagina small and tight and in shape.

Meanwhile, in between sets of kegels, we sometimes feel our partners nudging our legs open and telling us to relax, to breathe, as the thing, the big gigantic thing, begins to open us, to fill us, to make us scream with red sensation.

"We're the ones who buy those penis-like monstrosities," she confesses cheerfully, "and there are more of us around then you might suspect."

I think that is what a lot of men are afraid of. That you will get something so huge and get hooked on it... and he'll never be wanted again. Hell just read a couple of stories about cuckold'ed (sp?) men and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure there are women out there that do that to men. I personally think those men are a) either love that and dig it, therefore allow it and thrive off it, or b) are too weak willed and weak minded to stand up for themselves or walk away from the situation.

Another way to look at the situation... if a potential partner doesn't like your dick or thinks it is too small... well big whoop... there are other fish in the sea... for both of you. Move on. In the meantime, be the best you can be at what you do (whatever it is... hehe.. we all have our specific kinks). I mean... let's be realistic guys... you can't make it bigger. So deal with it. The sad thing is that there are probably about 25% of men that are actually happy and pleased with their cock size. Heck, I admit.. if I could be bigger I would be, not huge mind you, but definitely a tad bigger. Is that wrong? heck no. Is it going to happen... hell no. So it's all a fantasy, a pipe-dream. You are better off spending your time working on your "skills"... and that is true of everyone, not just guys with little dicks or medium dicks or huge dicks... or even men for that matter. :)

Just my 2 and a half cents.

PBW "This little fishy was too small, this little fishy was too smelly, that little fishy was too shiny... but mmm.. this little fishy had a tight wet pussy.... YUMMY! It's a KEEPER." lol

Editted to add: and this is from a man with an average as average can get penis. :)
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My quote of the day

"Give her an inch and ........ she wants eight more"

I made that one up myself (I think).
Actually you can make it bigger by surgery. But why? I personally would not allow a sub of mine to surgically enhance his penis whatever the size. And I would strongly discourage my vanilla lovers from doing the same.


P. B. Walker said:

I think that is what a lot of men are afraid of. That you will get something so huge and get hooked on it... and he'll never be wanted again. Hell just read a couple of stories about cuckold'ed (sp?) men and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure there are women out there that do that to men. I personally think those men are a) either love that and dig it, therefore allow it and thrive off it, or b) are too weak willed and weak minded to stand up for themselves or walk away from the situation.

Another way to look at the situation... if a potential partner doesn't like your dick or thinks it is too small... well big whoop... there are other fish in the sea... for both of you. Move on. In the meantime, be the best you can be at what you do (whatever it is... hehe.. we all have our specific kinks). I mean... let's be realistic guys... you can't make it bigger. So deal with it. The sad thing is that there are probably about 25% of men that are actually happy and pleased with their cock size. Heck, I admit.. if I could be bigger I would be, not huge mind you, but definitely a tad bigger. Is that wrong? heck no. Is it going to happen... hell no. So it's all a fantasy, a pipe-dream. You are better off spending your time working on your "skills"... and that is true of everyone, not just guys with little dicks or medium dicks or huge dicks... or even men for that matter. :)

Just my 2 and a half cents.

PBW "This little fishy was too small, this little fishy was too smelly, that little fishy was too shiny... but mmm.. this little fishy had a tight wet pussy.... YUMMY! It's a KEEPER." lol

Editted to add: and this is from a man with an average as average can get penis. :)
I hear ya on that normal length. I've seen so me that are 15 or 16 long but only 3 inches wide. What the heck is a girl supposed to do with that? Wait... don't answer. Other orifices come to mind.... EEP!
Or, I suppose, you could use it on your sink as a drain unclogger.
Ebonyfire said:
Actually you can make it bigger by surgery. But why? I personally would not allow a sub of mine to surgically enhance his penis whatever the size. And I would strongly discourage my vanilla lovers from doing the same.


Yeah I should have pointed that out...

No *safe, definite, no-chance of error* way to enlarge your penis that is natural. I would *never* get elective surgery on my penis... lol.... sorry, no sir, no way, no how.


I am thinking...

About getting one of those gigantic dildos to use on my gf to prepare her for fisting. Any thoughts from those of you who have either used those HUGE dildos or that have been fisted would be most welcomed by me.
RainCrow said:
Funny that this conversation has been brought up on the message board. Just the other day I was listening to the radio to the morning show. What's called the locker room (yes three guys with big egos to fill) They happened to be talking about longer being better for a woman. I started laughing. They asked for a few women to call in and discuss the issue with them. A couple of them did and everyone of them said that longer was not better if anything thicker would be better, but average was just about right. I agree much with these statements but to my astonishment the guys blew them off like they didn't know anything. They kept saying longer is better. I couldn't believe that they wouldn't listen to a word the women were saying. Like women wouldn't have any experience and they had the 411 one what women want. Now I know not every male out there is like that but I just thought it was interesting.

That is very funny! Kind of a "when I want your opinion, I'll give it to you" thing.

Makes me wonder if these 3 guys were *not* ahem, long and are possibly consoling themselves with the idea that their inability to satisfy their partners is related to the size of their anatomy as opposed to their total lack of sensitivity to their partner's needs.

I'm about 5' tall. My husband is average in length and it still hurts sometimes if he's trusting especially deep - depends on the time of the month. I don't think I could handle someone exceptionally long, nor would I want to.
Fisting can be a wonderful experience.

Be sure you have lots of lube handy and use it. When you think you have enough add some more for good measure.

Also, make sure your fingernails are short and smooth, no rough edges.

Lastly, take it extremely slow. Give your g/f time to adjust to the fuller feelings and relax her muscles. In other words, don't just shove your whole hand in there.

This is one of those things where lots of patience is definately needed. I'm sure you'll do just fine.


(and yes I've had this experience.)
ooooppps, the file didn't attach .. sorry... :(

edited because i can't get it to attach at all....
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