
You've lost me know. Do you fuck with any commoners at all or you just fuck each other?
And if the second is the case, is it because of religion or because of special genetic make up?
I don't understand.

i think that's expected of us ugly commoners :)
Our power comes from our genetic make up.That sets us apart from commoners since vedic times.Money provides privacy and discreetness for our kind.We have lots free times and finances to enjoy art, literature, culinary arts and sexuality.

such a shame it doesn't make you better writers. never mind! you can't expect absolutely everything :)
Popular culture lure and deludes people that they can be a part of glamor and splendor with money.You see bad looking rich guys with their trophie views.This guys are credit cards for their arm candies.They are nothing else.When people get a lot of money by any chance, they do silly things.But money doesn't make you something you are not.I am not talking political power.Our power comes from our genetic make up.That sets us apart from commoners since vedic times.Money provides privacy and discreetness for our kind.We have lots free times and finances to enjoy art, literature, culinary arts and sexuality.But there is a very safe option for modest people: family, work and religion.


Are you stating that you and your kind are genetically superior to other people?
I think he's saying that us old commoners can get it anywhere, whereas he with all his money and condescending attitude has to go to special retreats and pay! ;) :rolleyes:
I think he's saying he is descended from some obscure royal bloodline that no longer has any territorial power and political influence, but still has loads of money.

Or, he is the test tube offspring grown from Hitler's left testicle and he escaped from a fugitive Nazi scientist's laboratory located in Argentina.

I'm not sure which.
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You can call us lucky, privilged etc etc.Best human stock of their respective socities.But don't mix it with eugenics.We are not spawn of science.We are not evil.Our power is not political or military.Americans have a term for it: Ivy League.Our security measures are very tight to protect us from envious treats.

Awesome. We are finally making progress here. Maybe.

National Socialist movement destroyed germany and germans.They used best human stock as sex slaves.Nazis were envious and hatefull.They promised to masses a socialist utopia.They left behind debris and graves.Politicans cultivate hate and envy against us.They steal tax payers money and blame us for social problems.Its envy and hate.

Of course. If your family has no political influence, the politicians should blame their own policy failures!

Deceit, envy, hate, crime belongs to politicans and military.They cause harm to the world.

Absolutely. Monarchies should be restored for the benefit of the common people.
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such a shame it doesn't make you better writers. never mind! you can't expect absolutely everything :)

^ this.

Or with the OP poem, just stick with admiring the arts. Poetry could always use more admirers.
You can call us lucky, privilged etc etc.Best human stock of their respective socities.But don't mix it with eugenics.We are not spawn of science.We are not evil.Our power is not political or military.Americans have a term for it: Ivy League.Our security measures are very tight to protect us from envious treats.

National Socialist movement destroyed germany and germans.They used best human stock as sex slaves.They confiscated wealth of the german people jew or non-jew.Nazis were envious and hatefull.They promised to masses a socialist utopia.They left behind debris and graves.Politicans cultivate hate and envy against us all the time.They steal tax payers money and blame us for social problems.Its envy and hate.

Deceit, envy, hate, crime belongs to politicans and military.They cause harm to the world.


Hello, Ivy League!
If you are the best human stock and Nazis used you as sex slaves what has become of you by now?
I dread to think of such a hybrid.
May I suggest that you start fucking with commoners immediately just for cleansing purposes.
The same as you do participate in a commoner's thread such as this (of your own initiation).
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I was going to write some thing here but the rest of you guys seem to have covered the field pretty well. Except, do not encourage him to have sex with us ordinary people. we do not want the bloodline polluted, and I mean the bloodline of us commoners.
I was going to write some thing here but the rest of you guys seem to have covered the field pretty well. Except, do not encourage him to have sex with us ordinary people. we do not want the bloodline polluted, and I mean the bloodline of us commoners.

You can call us lucky, privilged etc etc.Best human stock of their respective socities.But don't mix it with eugenics.We are not spawn of science.We are not evil.Our power is not political or military.Americans have a term for it: Ivy League.Our security measures are very tight to protect us from envious treats.

National Socialist movement destroyed germany and germans.They used best human stock as sex slaves.They confiscated wealth of the german people jew or non-jew.Nazis were envious and hatefull.They promised to masses a socialist utopia.They left behind debris and graves.Politicans cultivate hate and envy against us all the time.They steal tax payers money and blame us for social problems.Its envy and hate.

Deceit, envy, hate, crime belongs to politicans and military.They cause harm to the world.

I mourn the loss of good ivy league education if you're the product of said branch of the tree (or sprout of the ivy as t'were. Contradiction doesn't a good puzzle make... It just proves that the person making it in the same post is probably lying.

Go, breed ye no more. Inbreeding causes genetic flaws that are extremely damaging to the animal and I think ivy leaguers are in real danger of finding their puppy mills a mess of inadequate penile length and unusual language syntax.

Just wow.
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We are not a race.We are good looking and well to do people.Black, white, indian etc etc...we live like in the hidden kingdom of shambala ...


Ah, I see.....
Keep talking, don't be shy now, it is getting very interesting, I'm more thrilled by every new post of yours... your mystery life... so to speak.
I hope (for your shake) that the others of the clan or whatever you call it (sect?) don't mind you giving away such secrets.
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TQ : they r jus' pullin' ur leg & rollin all over the floor laughing their behinds off !! they haven't had such Fun in years ! Do yourself a favour & shut down this thread ; BTW r U Bawa or Irani [ Parsi or Irani ] ?
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TQ : they r jus' pullin' ur leg & rollin all over the floor laughing their behinds off !! they haven't had such Fun in years ! Do yourself a favour & shut down this thread ; BTW r U Bawa or Irani [ Parsi or Irani ] ?

You are wrong. I am in awe of his superior genes, and wish to have his babies.
TQ : they r jus' pullin' ur leg & rollin all over the floor laughing their behinds off !! they haven't had such Fun in years ! Do yourself a favour & shut down this thread ; BTW r U Bawa or Irani [ Parsi or Irani ] ?

I think, TQ said that he is a Zoroastrian, that's all, so he may be willing to accept that when Ahura Mazda is about Ahriman is bound to show.
Isn't that correct, TQ?
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There are sperm donation banks somwhere out there.You don^t need me.
I need you to sign a contract transferring ownership of your ejaculate and then you can carry on wanking to your beautiful sex people... Now, wait! You need to take this cup and these gloves and just sit here in this little room. There are movies and magazines right here beside this easy chair. Or maybe you would like to sit here at this table with a computer and watch youporn. But, spillage of any seed cells whatsoever means you will begin to suffer punishment... and you don't wanna know - really, no. :caning:
I need you to sign a contract transferring ownership of your ejaculate and then you can carry on wanking to your beautiful sex people... Now, wait! You need to take this cup and these gloves and just sit here in this little room. There are movies and magazines right here beside this easy chair. Or maybe you would like to sit here at this table with a computer and watch youporn. But, spillage of any seed cells whatsoever means you will begin to suffer punishment... and you don't wanna know - really, no. :caning:

Is'nt it a Strict Condition in these Ivy League institutions any Form of Onamism or DIY is to be Sternly Chastized with a Rattan Cane on those Nether globes , Champ ??
Now he lives in a mythical kingdom? :eek: Do you have someone remove all sharp objects and give you a 'hug yourself jacket'?