
Hm, I see TQ is removing all sharp objects from Shabala as per Ashesh9's advise.
But why?
Pity he was not quoted more extensively.
Long live Sex Thread!
I thought this thread was suppose to be about SEX not SECTS!

He probably meant it as sex within his sect which still I find very exclusive and quite unadventurous.
But I can't be sure, can't speak for him.
Romeo, Romeo,
where art though?
Speak up, man.
From the Misadventures of TQ of Shambala

He probably meant it as sex within his sect which still I find very exclusive and quite unadventurous.
But I can't be sure, can't speak for him.
Romeo, Romeo,
where art though?
Speak up, man.

He visits
He sees
He flees .........
tl;dr but I'll try:

we have
sex with insects in the apex of the duplex
while simplex sects vex the pontiflex
in a complex convex vortex of defects
all night