Sexuality & Spirituality

I've stayed away from this thread because I'm not sure how to say what I want. I know all about struggling with your upbringing, I've been doing that for years. I was raised Southern Baptist.....Oh yes, extremely conservative background. My mother's sex talk with me was...."Don't have sex till you're married." That's it, took all of a minute.

I still consider myself to be a religious person. I don't feel that anything I do with my sexuality today is wrong. However, I do know that my religion would have a heart attack if they knew what I

I don't proclaim to have the answers, but if you are comfortable with who you are, then to me that's all that matters.

My two cents: I wasn't raised with much of a religion and am atheist now. Therefore I don't have any problem with wondering what is morally right and what is wrong. I can't understand the concept of being part of a religion that condemns perfectly healthy practices. But I do know there is a brand of Christianity for most people and that you can find a very liberal church. Unless you live in the deep South or something.
My childhood religion was pretty anti-sex. If the girl doesn't lie there mostly clothed and thinking of England she's goin' to hell!

Bad girls do sex. Good girls don't. Bad girls never marry. Good girls get the good husband.

That said, I tied my boyfriend to a mechanical bull and rode him till it tickled during a time in my life that can't legally be posted here at Lit. Mom had a revolving door in her bedroom. Dad fucked his way through the family.


Apparently what they say in church doesn't apply except on sundays.
this has actually been a big problem for me.

i go to chuch and become so inspired that i vow to give up all pornography (just reading and watching, i dont make it), and lit, and to stop masturbating. i usually last 2-3 weeks, once even a month and a half. but then i give in because i cant take it anymore. ive been told by a previous master that this meant that it was in my nature and that if i kept giving in, that it was a sign from god that my actions and feelings were acceptable. but then on the other hand, couldnt they be the temptations of the devil?

on the other hand, i am a virgin, which adds a new complexity to the whole situation. its hard enough to figure out if bdsm is right or wrong when your married. sex before marriage is strictly forbidden. however, when the bible was written, women were married at the age of 12, just when her hormones are starting to kick into overdrive. it wasnt hard for her to stay a virgin till marriage. now im 19, still a virgin, and thinking its entirely and biologically unnatural.

sorry for the rant, just my pov
That is a problem, Titania. It's hard finding out who you are, especialy when you're younger. If I may wax Buddist for a moment (grasshopper, take the pebble from my hand) - personal inlightenment is a journey to find oneself beneath the layers of personal history and cultural expectations. You're going to have to find out where sex and religion mix for you. It isn't easy, I'm still working on it too. That's partially why I started the thread.

I believe it was Randy Travis (Oh no I'm reduced to quoting country music) who said it best "We all have to walk our own road, we can't always go where we're told, in the end where we'll end up the Lord only knows, but we all have to walk our own road..."
Jonnyray said:
That is a problem, Titania. It's hard finding out who you are, especialy when you're younger. If I may wax Buddist for a moment (grasshopper, take the pebble from my hand) - personal inlightenment is a journey to find oneself beneath the layers of personal history and cultural expectations. You're going to have to find out where sex and religion mix for you. It isn't easy, I'm still working on it too. That's partially why I started the thread.

I believe it was Randy Travis (Oh no I'm reduced to quoting country music) who said it best "We all have to walk our own road, we can't always go where we're told, in the end where we'll end up the Lord only knows, but we all have to walk our own road..."

thank you johnny ray. it is hard, something like trying to find solid ground in a desert of quicksand if you know what i mean. im probably going to be working on it for quite some time.
Titania1616, (let me just confess that I'm resisting the urge to tease you and shorten your nick to Tits.)
I grew up with much the same religious indoctrination as you are struggling with now. Personally, I finally came to the conclusion that the good Lord gave us our sexuality and our sex drive. Therefore, it must not be dirty or bad. I think that the religious rules were made in an effort to prevent the spread of disease and to keep women from having children out of wedlock when they were unable to support themselves if single. At least that's how I rationalized it and it still makes sense to me.
I'm not particularly religious now so it isn't a problem for me. I do what feels *right* to me. If I make a mistake, I try not to beat myself up for it.
Desdemona said:
Titania1616, (let me just confess that I'm resisting the urge to tease you and shorten your nick to Tits.)

that would be an interesting new nickname, and would actually make sense too. (42DD)

i think your right though, i just need to figure this out because it haunts my thoughts, and i most definately want to go to heaven (i hate the heat, and the humidity would totally kill my allready frizzy hair!)
Babe, it ain't the heat in hell that will get your hair frizzy..... its the humidity!

Sweet pea, they could call me "tits" too. 42D.
Desdemona said:
Babe, it ain't the heat in hell that will get your hair frizzy..... its the humidity!

Sweet pea, they could call me "tits" too. 42D.

hey we could start a club!:D
Consider yourself the official club queen. What shall we call it?
hijacking just for a sec....

Desdemona said:
Consider yourself the official club queen. What shall we call it?
Can i join too please???? 46DD here... we could call the club "Big Tits R Us"....
Re: hijacking just for a sec....

SierraMoon said:

Can i join too please???? 46DD here... we could call the club "Big Tits R Us"....
LOL. I love it! Of course you can join.
yay, i always wanted to be the queen of someting! you can be the duchess if you want desdemona, and sierra moon what would you like to be?

Duchess Des. I like the sound of that. I think Sierra could be a Princess or some other title. I don't know enough about titles to think of more right now.
Sighing, looking down at my own 38B's...

Well, I can't be a member, I guess. I'll start my own club: BWWST (Big Women With Small Tits)! Any takers?

Touching on the subject of sexuality and spirituality (and starting a bit of a tangent here...): Being a recovering alcoholic, I have spent a good deal of time developing my own spirituality. I was not raised in any organized religion, but I DO believe in a Higher Power, the exact nature of which I am still discovering. At times, I have wondered if some of the early AA's were, in fact, Dom/mes and/or subs (whether they knew it or not!). The parallels are quite startling.

I admitted I was powerless over alcohol/other aspects of my life--that my life was unmanageable.

I came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity/restore order to my life.

I make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of a Higher Power as I understood It /my Dom.

Etcetera, etcetera...

Although I am by no means 12-stepping my way through my exploration of D/s, I know and am comforted by the fact that my Higher Power and my Master govern and add order to different aspects of my life. I draw strength from both.

Spirituality and organized religion are not inseparable--I am an extremely spiritual person affliated with no organized religion. If this is a topic in which you have an interest, you might like to take the Belief-O-Meter (LOL--LOVE the name!!!) at It's a quick quiz that will tell you how closely your personal beliefs line up with different religions/sets of spiritual thought. Quite interesting, really. (BTW, I align most closely with Unitarian Universalism and Neo-Paganism).

I would be very interested to hear if there are other AA's out there who have noticed the distinct parallels between the D/s and recovery paradigms. Good thread!

Happy Day!
Kate, that is very interesting. I am glad you are doing well. I don't know a lot about 12 step programs, and I would appreciate it if you would explain a little more about the parallels you see to D/S.
Kate, that is very interesting. I am glad you are doing well. I don't know a lot about 12 step programs, and I would appreciate it if you would explain a little more about the parallels you see to D/S.

Hi Caroline! Thanks for your well-wishes; they are much appreciated.

I am loathe to turn into a Big Book thumper (the Big Book is sort of the AA "bible"), but I'll try to elaborate. The Serenity Prayer is central to AA, and it will help me explain with more clarity, I think:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

I came to a point in my life when I realized that there were things I could NOT change, for instance, the fact that I am an alcoholic, and the fact that I am, by nature, a sub. Those things over which I have no control, I turn over to my Higher Power and/or my Dom (depending on which is appropriate in any given instance--lol). There is tremendous freedom in acknowledging that there are aspects of my life over which I have no control. Rather than agonizing about them, I can simply (ok, sometimes NOT so simply) turn them over and say, "Do with me what you will--THY will, not mine, be done." Quite liberating for a control freak.

What I CAN change is my behavior--my actions and reactions to those things/people/events around me. Today, I CHOOSE not to pick up a drink. Today, I CHOOSE to give my submission to my beloved Master.

Previously, I was in relationships where I was the "parent", and it was an unnatural state for me. I am a strong-minded, outspoken person, particularly in my work, and there is a point at which I need a balance. When I come home, I want to nurture AND be nurtured--being a sub allows me to do that.

God, has this ramble made any sense? I hope this clarifies my thoughts a bit.

Happy Day!