Sexy men part 4! Let's go again! (Can we please limit the dick pics)

Well thank you, Anastasia. I appreciate your kind words and know what you were politely implying. I don't speak in hyperbole often, and at only 38, I tend to keep my walking staff nearby. I've fractured 3 vertebrae in my neck and back, a recently snapped collarbone has healed back in a nasty way, left rotator cuff really needs surgery, as well as my knees; arthritis in hands, and a few too many head injuries to form the cherry on top. But hey, it's the price we pay to play the game and I've got some good stories to tell. Luckily, construction isn't my only skill. lol
Oh my goodness you have been through the wringer! I hope you are ok and enjoy sharing your photos with us 😍