sexy movies

9 songs has the most explicit sex scenes I have seen in any cencered film. Far more explicit then 9 1/2 weeks or The Sec.
My wife brought it not knowing how erotic it was, the sex that followed!!
Its a Michael Winterbottom film, and the sound track is great to.

9 Songs is a bit short, just a little over an hour, IIRC and doesn't have a hollywood agenda nor long term complications. It seems more like a real life romance based on attraction, sex, casual drug use and music that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives than a movie that isn't real.

It certainly brings back wonderful memories for me.

Great thread, BTW.
try *********.....lots of movies covering any type of sex.....My wife like to watch the lesbian
ones while I eat her.....mmmmmmmmmmmm baby
Ah, yes....

Good choices, but I am surprised that no one mentioned the recent Ang Lee flic, "Lust, Caution," which aside from being HOT also has a fine, albeit terribly sad story.
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The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. It's been a long time but I remember some hot scenes in there, particularly one on a staircase.

Absolutely, this was a great scene. The sweat glistening on her body -- wow :D