Short Shorts


what is a girl to do
for you, grandpapa?

I know you have a naughty side too. I think you know what I like. For now though let me feast ou your beauty with my eyes and inhale your lovely scent.

Sure I do, but don't
be too indecent in your
inhalations, sir.

Méli :rose:

but don't
be too indecent

I'll try to behave, but you don't make it easy for me. My fingertips feel as if they have a mind of their own. They have a sudden urge to go exploring.
not touching

He is very brave,
if he so tries to behave,
not touch what he'd crave

Méli :rose:


but don't
be too indecent

I'll try to behave, but you don't make it easy for me. My fingertips feel as if they have a mind of their own. They have a sudden urge to go exploring.
Man where are these woman when i go shopping.....

If you were to carefully analyze the background that they forgot to remove when they were photo shopping her pic into the grocery store pic, you might be able to figure out the answer to your own question. The one thing we know for sure though is that they're definitely not at the grocery store.
If you were to carefully analyze the background that they forgot to remove when they were photo shopping her pic into the grocery store pic, you might be able to figure out the answer to your own question. The one thing we know for sure though is that they're definitely not at the grocery store.

Thanks for pointing this out to me.
Ok now in my defense, I saw this image this morning did not take a good look at it because I had to go and saw it as I was just about to leave.
I do know that some of these are photoshop, so I should know better, especially me who deals with photoshop.
If you were to carefully analyze the background that they forgot to remove when they were photo shopping her pic into the grocery store pic, you might be able to figure out the answer to your own question. The one thing we know for sure though is that they're definitely not at the grocery store.

Ok on second thought there is no excuse and i take back my last post, this photoshop job is horrible and I do not know were my head was when I seen
this the first time.
Some times you post something really dumb and this was one of those times for me.....
Ok on second thought there is no excuse and i take back my last post, this photoshop job is horrible and I do not know were my head was when I seen
this the first time.
Some times you post something really dumb and this was one of those times for me.....
Either way, photo-shopped or not, her shorts are too long to get my attention anyway.
Ok on second thought there is no excuse and i take back my last post, this photoshop job is horrible and I do not know were my head was when I seen
this the first time.
Some times you post something really dumb and this was one of those times for me.....

No need to feel bad about it. It wasn't a criticism of you in any way, just an observation. As for where your head was, it was the same place as mine. Focused on those amazing tits and wondering how she would move around in that outfit without them falling out. I son't get too bent out of shape about the fake pics here. This whole place is fantasy land for the most part. Homemade pics are just a part of that. This one was especially badly done though which just makes it more fun in some respects.
Thanks for not noticing Fred. I'm sure you were just checking the aisles to see if they had toilet paper, right? :)
I don't look at the background, I just look at the human body, male or female, and the more of it that is exposed, the better it looks. The side view of her tit does look nice.

some daddies like their
short shorts with the nicest brown
pussy they dream of

Méli :rose:
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