Short Shorts


Exercise is good
for you they say, but other
play may be yummy

Méli :rose:


No need to feel bad about it. It wasn't a criticism of you in any way, just an observation. As for where your head was, it was the same place as mine. Focused on those amazing tits and wondering how she would move around in that outfit without them falling out. I son't get too bent out of shape about the fake pics here. This whole place is fantasy land for the most part. Homemade pics are just a part of that. This one was especially badly done though which just makes it more fun in some respects.

I am not bent out of shape, it is funny how bad the photoshop is and I did not notice it. I know you where not criticizing me about it, it is all good. I know you
where just pointing it out. I agree with you, there are photoshop pics all over.
I do photography so believe me i get it. That is the reason why I can not believe I missed it. I was with you, seeing her top, wondering how the hell does she move around with out falling out......
Those don't even qualify as shorts. Cut-off shorts should be cut no longer than the bottom of the pockets for both men and women. Come on guys and gals, show off some butt!

If you dont like what others are posting, post your own, but please refrain from criticizing orhers.
Starter Girl up there got me searching for more drag strip girls......



