Shot fired at Trump?

The journalist wrote that during their interview, Trump “raised his right hand and grabbed hold of [his ear]. He bent it backward and forward.”

“They didn’t need a stitch,” Trump said at the time.

“Usually, something like that would be considered a surreal experience, where you sort of don’t realize it, and yet there was no surrealism in this case,” he added. “I felt immediately that I got hit by a bullet. I also knew it was my ear.”

But Nuzzi wrote in the lengthy piece that “an ear had never appeared to have gone through less.”

She added: “Except there, on the tiniest patch of this tiny sculpture of skin, a minor distortion that resembled not a crucifixion wound but the distant aftermath of a sunburn.”

so, a tiny graze or nick, not even enough to require a single stitch

ears, faces, heads bleed profusely even from the smallest wounds

yes, he could have been injured a lot worse and, for the sake of democracy, i'm glad he wasn't. the last thing America needs is trump being seen as a martyr

yes, he could have been injured a lot worse and, for the sake of democracy, i'm glad he wasn't. the last thing America needs is trump being seen as a martyr

Well put, I agree. The timeline of an assassination/martyr is nothing I ever wanted to imagine

so, a tiny graze or nick, not even enough to require a single stitch

ears, faces, heads bleed profusely even from the smallest wounds

yes, he could have been injured a lot worse and, for the sake of democracy, i'm glad he wasn't. the last thing America needs is trump being seen as a martyr
So the maxipad ear dressing was really just grifter huckster marketing? Say it ain’t so!!!
We are finding out the SS helped the shooter though.
We are?
How so?
First I've heard of this. I'm assuming Gateway Pundit has some exclusive us mere mortals are not privy to?
Nevermind, I found the Washington Post summary.
The big "tell" is that the Secret Service evidently has two standards of protection: one for sitting presidents and vice-presidents, and one for other presidential candidates.
The other big revelation is that the Pittsburgh Secret Service office was good at dictating protocol, but did not follow up to see if their advance directives had been carried out. I expect plenty of heads to roll for this massive shortcoming

(Note to Derpy: "heads to roll" is NOTt an enticement to violence, it's a figure of speech, no need to go pussy-whining to Laurel, she ignores your myriad reports against me in any event).
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We are?
How so?
First I've heard of this. I'm assuming Gateway Pundit has some exclusive us mere mortals are not privy to?
There is an entire congressional investigation going on as we speak that is exposing SS incompetence and purposeful actions that made it possible for the shooter to gain access to his shooting position and make the shot. SS management purposely weakened the Trump protection detail. They denied request after request for added security for the Trump detail. The person who denied those requests is the present acting Director. We'd ask why, but we already know why. Democrats have been secretly hoping and praying that somebody would kill Donald Trump for years. That's what all of the Democrat vitriol, lawfare, media lies, and political attacks about him being "a threat to democracy" were all about. It was to create an atmosphere in the United States that would give rise to an assassination attempt. You and many here climbed on board that train hoping to reach that final destination.
It’s been nine weeks since shots were fired at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania. We still don’t know the extent of Donald Trump’s injuries.
How many years since his home spurs were xrayed???


We can’t even believe his “official” weight!!

so, a tiny graze or nick, not even enough to require a single stitch

ears, faces, heads bleed profusely even from the smallest wounds

yes, he could have been injured a lot worse and, for the sake of democracy, i'm glad he wasn't. the last thing America needs is trump being seen as a martyr
I am glad he was not assassinated, also. Because of armed right-wingers promoting political violence and the over-distribution of guns to crazy people, anything can light the fuse on societal chaos.

It is going to take a while to get America to back away from the brink of this chaos, starting with new appointments to the Supreme Court and then licensing requirements for guns. A lot of damage has already been done to the fabric of our society by gun violence and the persistent threat of more coming from the right wing.
I am glad he was not assassinated, also. Because of armed right-wingers promoting political violence and the over-distribution of guns to crazy people, anything can light the fuse on societal chaos.

It is going to take a while to get America to back away from the brink of this chaos, starting with new appointments to the Supreme Court and then licensing requirements for guns. A lot of damage has already been done to the fabric of our society by gun violence and the persistent threat of more coming from the right wing.

I see you subscribe to the never let a good tragedy go to waste school of politics...
a minor nick, not requiring even a single stitch yet bleeding profusely as ears tend to do

no, i do not believe in any of the conspiracy theories swirling still about this.
Except over blown reports of damage
Did a complete bullet touch him?
THEY caused the problem!
It was their shooter not a Dem
Except over blown reports of damage
Did a complete bullet touch him?
THEY caused the problem!
It was their shooter not a Dem
i don't believe the 'overblown' reports

all i can refer you to is the FBI's investigation which announced 'a bullet, or fragments of a bullet' caused the injury

anyone ok with weapons like the ARs and AKs made available to be legally owned and voting against measures to ban them, plus all of those using violent rhetoric (lies) to promote fear and loathing is responsible

the shooter seems to be less interested in being a magat than being famous... they expected to get away with an attempted/successful assassination on trump but also had other targets planned, democrats, politicians and figures of media interest. If Biden's open air appearance had been scheduled prior to trump's, it would have been him in the corsshairs.
and apparently another "attempt"

The Secret Service said one of its agents was scouting the course ahead of the former president when a rifle was spotted in the bushes outside the course. Agents opened fire at the suspect, but it is unclear whether the suspect fired a weapon.

An eyewitness spotted the suspect, who has not been identified, fleeing from the bushes in a black Nissan, Bradshaw told reporters. That witness reached out to law enforcement with photos of the vehicle and license plate that were used in an alert to other agencies to be on the lookout.
Authorities recovered an AR-style rifle with a scope as well as a GoPro camera in the bushes, Bradshaw said.
"The suspect's demeanor, I would describe as having a relatively calm, flat a fact, he was not displaying a lot of emotions, never asked, 'What is this about?" Snyder said.

The suspect was not armed when he was taken into custody, and the vehicle will be turned over to the FBI, the agency leading the investigation, Snyder said.

So they took this guy into custody, found without other weapons, and are busy trying to determine if this is actually the person they are looking for.

i have no idea of the reality behind this, though this particular event lends itself even more easily to notions of a 'set-up' job, promoting trump as the heroic 'hunted' political opponent.

If it's yet another genuine attempt that got stalled, kudos to the Secret Service agent who first spotted the rifle and it's a positive outcome. Will it shake trump, the fact that he's being hunted by people using the very kinds of weapons he endorses for civilians to own?

a witness took a photo of the car
no weapon(?) found with the suspect
suspect's car stopped and suspect apprehended in another county

guess the work now is to definitively tie this person with the weapon found on the golf course... if there's no physical evidence, how is that going to play out?
So many questions in what we know.

The USSS "saw a gun barrel."
Some guy "took a picture" of the license plate of a car parked on the side of the road as he was driving by.
A "witness" saw the guy who was arrested come out of the bushes.

Compelling case? Or nothing but questions?

Note; I'm not saying he's not the guy. Just saying that the links in that chain don't add up all by themselves.

Unless you were running a covert op...
I'm just going to throw this out there.

Vigilantism is criminal and Bayshore crazy stuff.

If you feel you cannot address your grievances using established systems of justice, seek help or focus on other things.