Shot fired at Trump?

Routh was charged with possession of a firearm while a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number during an initial appearance in federal court Monday morning. The investigation into Sunday’s apparent attempt on Trump’s life is continuing, and additional charges could be brought

the alleged wannabe assassin seems to have been deeply invested (the media's calling it obsessed) in supporting Ukraine
On social media, Routh was a staunch supporter of Ukraine who said he supported Trump in 2016 but later became disillusioned with the former president. He’s been frequently critical of Trump recently.

Routh traveled to Ukraine following Russia’s invasion two years ago, attending a rally in Kyiv on May 1, 2022. Representatives for Ukraine’s foreign legion said Routh contacted them several times but distanced themselves from Routh.

Oleksandr Shaguri, an officer of the Foreigners Coordination Department of the Land Forces Command, told CNN over the phone that “the best way to describe his messages is – delusional ideas.”

there may be grounds to charge Routh with being in possession of a firearm as an ex-felon and aggravated assault against a federal law enforcement officer for pointing an AK-47 at the Secret Service agent. However, it may be difficult to charge Routh with a crime against Trump specifically. Aronberg said the distance between Routh and Trump, between 300 to 500 yards, might be too far for the court to be certain Routh was aiming his rifle at Trump.
Instead, Aronberg said it will be much easier to charge Routh with aiming at the Secret Service agent who saw the rifle barrel pointed at him.
perhaps this has done a service (no shots fired at trump, good) in pointing out what the Secret Service has been pointing out for years: a lack of staffing and difficulty in recruiting. They need around 1,500 extra staff to be effective in the jobs they're tasked with.
there may be grounds to charge Routh with being in possession of a firearm as an ex-felon and aggravated assault against a federal law enforcement officer for pointing an AK-47 at the Secret Service agent. However, it may be difficult to charge Routh with a crime against Trump specifically. Aronberg said the distance between Routh and Trump, between 300 to 500 yards, might be too far for the court to be certain Routh was aiming his rifle at Trump.

Oh! Guess that means that Routh can “take another shot” at it. 😂
it may be something of an American (plus some other places) tradition to shoot your political opponents, but it is not acceptable

musk posted something that saw such a tremendous backlash he took it down but whined about people not being able to take a 'joke'. From where I stand, someone as wealthy and with as much influence via X as him should not be saying this shit:


Musk later deleted the post.

He explained, “Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.”
“Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text,” he added.

Musk did not elaborate on who was in the group that he initially told the “joke” to and who he said had found it “hilarious.”
i would think he should hang out with better people... but then what "better people" would want to hang out with him?
scott jennings blames Kamala Harris and democrats for the alleged planned assassination of trump—for repeating trump's own words to viewers

I used to feel a little pity for jennings having to defend the trump position on things... not an easy task. Lately, though, he's gone way too far to make me feel anything other than to despise him... he's not a stupid man, so knows the things he's saying are lies, deceptions and deliberate misdirection. I am glad his fellow panelists called him out on it.
The good news is that my cable plan doesn’t have CNN, Fox, or any of the other Trump bullhorns
vance has been slamming Harris and dems for saying stuff like 'fascist', 'marxist', 'a threat to democracy'

there's a whole slew of examples of trump saying EXACTLY those same things about Kamala Harris, ESPECIALLY since the first attempted assassination
The good news is that my cable plan doesn’t have CNN, Fox, or any of the other Trump bullhorns
I'm not a fan of either Trump or CNN, but calling them "pro-Trump" is insane. That's a level of paranoia that I can't even fathom.
Rhetoric gets heated in elections all of the time. I remember George H.W. Bush calling Clinton and Gore "bozos" and particularly calling Al Gore "Ozone Man." It was a bit wild, but then so was Hillary calling Tulsi "a Russian asset," given that she's a decorated combat veteran who had multiple security clearances to sit on key House committees at the time. I'm thinking, "when did you serve, Hillary? In what branch? In what war? In what unit? What decorations do you have?"
I'm not a fan of either Trump or CNN, but calling them "pro-Trump" is insane. That's a level of paranoia that I can't even fathom.
I didn’t say CNN was pro Trump. CNN just repeats everything he says with some small disclaimer about it being untrue.
Rhetoric gets heated in elections all of the time. I remember George H.W. Bush calling Clinton and Gore "bozos" and particularly calling Al Gore "Ozone Man." It was a bit wild, but then so was Hillary calling Tulsi "a Russian asset," given that she's a decorated combat veteran who had multiple security clearances to sit on key House committees at the time. I'm thinking, "when did you serve, Hillary? In what branch? In what war? In what unit? What decorations do you have?"
Tulsi Gabbard is strangely pro-Russia. Hillary Clinton calling Gabbard a "Russian asset" is not empty invective.
“This isn’t easy to write, but it needs to be written,” wrote Joe Walsh, the former Republican Tea Party Congressman. “The sad truth is this: It’s not at all surprising that someone would try to kill him,” he said of Trump.

“I mean, think about it. Every day for 9yrs, he’s spewed hate, spread division, and incited violence like no other. Every day. Ever since he came down that escalator. Every day, he’s attacked this person or that person, this group or that group. In cruel, ugly ways. Every day for 9yrs he’s been hating on people and inciting violence against people. Remember earlier this year, when he actually shared a meme of a hogtied, kidnapped Joe Biden?
He’s been like a juvenile delinquent who has thrown a firecracker into a crowd of people every day. Eventually, someone is going to go after that boy. Political violence must be strongly condemned. Always. It’s wrong that someone would try to kill him. Terribly wrong. But it’s not surprising. Not at all. It really isn’t. He has been the country’s megaphone for hate.”
It’s been ten weeks since shots were fired at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania. We still don’t know the extent of Donald Trump’s injuries.
We do know that several days after the “assassination Attempt” he wasn’t wearing a bandage on his ear. I’m sure his bone spurs were much worse.

David Sacks: Would-be Trump Assassin Was Quoting Biden, Harris, and the Media ‘Chapter and Verse’ (VIDEO)​

by Mike LaChance Sep. 23, 2024 9:40 pm

David Sacks, the Silicon Valley billionaire who is backing Trump, recently pointed out that Ryan Routh, the would-be Trump assassin in Florida, was quoting rhetoric from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the media, ‘chapter and verse’ on his social media accounts.

This is part of the reason that the media and the greater left have gone out of their way to blame Trump for the attempts on his life. They are desperately trying to cover for their own awful behavior and words.

Crazy people hear the dog whistles that Democrats and the media put out there and act on them. Everyone knows this is true.

More detail here: