"Show me your papers" about to begin in Texas. How long will it last?

(Reuters) -A federal judge in Texas on Thursday blocked the Republican-led state's new law giving officials broad powers to arrest, prosecute and order the removal of people who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra in Austin agreed with Democratic President Joe Biden's administration that the law known as SB4 interferes with the federal government's powers under the U.S. Constitution to enforce U.S. immigration laws and the ability of migrants to apply for asylum and other humanitarian aid.
So if you get pulled over by a cop and asks for your papers AKA your driver's license and insurance you gonna tell him the Nazi's did the same?
Of course not!

The issue that people are missing here is, what was the probable cause for the cop to pull you over in the first place?
Was it because you were driving erratically, running stop signs/red lights, speeding or being aggressive?
Or was it simply because the cop thought your skin was the wrong color, and that was enough for them to stop and frisk you?

It is because of this last reason that such comparisons to Nazi gestopo tactics are more than valid. There is such thing as probable cause and due process. Any law that allows authorities to circumvent such processes is a slippery slope to totalitarianism and loss of freedom.
Update. šŸ˜€

Federal appeals court to allow controversial Texas immigration law to take effect, if SCOTUS doesnā€™t intervene​

CNN ā€”
A federal appeals court granted a temporary stay of a lower courtā€™s decision to block the enforcement of a controversial Texas immigration law, paving the way for it to go into effect this week if the Supreme Court doesnā€™t intervene.


SCOTUS temporarily blocks Texas immigration law, reversing 5th Circuit ruling​

The nationā€™s highest court stopped the new state law from going into effect until at least next Wednesday, while it considers permanently blocking Senate Bill 4.
seems Alabama's trying to get in on the act, too:

City leaders have condemned the arrest of Twyla Stallworth, 40, in February and ordered the entire Andalusia Police Department to receive additional training in city ordinances and constitutional and state law.

ā€œMaā€™am, Iā€™m not arguing with you. Provide ID or go to jail,ā€ Barton says in the video.

She said she refused because she did not believe she had to provide identification.

Alabama law allows a police officer who reasonably suspects a crime is being committed to ask for people's names and addresses and explanations of their actions, but it does not say anything about showing identification, such as driver's licenses or passports.
Update. šŸ˜€

Federal appeals court to allow controversial Texas immigration law to take effect, if SCOTUS doesnā€™t intervene​

CNN ā€”
A federal appeals court granted a temporary stay of a lower courtā€™s decision to block the enforcement of a controversial Texas immigration law, paving the way for it to go into effect this week if the Supreme Court doesnā€™t intervene.

It did. And an extended hold is now in place.
So Texan Republicans insist on the right of cops to demand production of identity documents from anyone they see?

So Texan Republicans insist on the right of cops to demand production of identity documents from anyone they see?

Documents, schmocuments.
Texas law now permits ANY law enforcement officer to detain anyone whose primary language is Spanish for "suspicion of being illegal" even with proper documentation.

A reign of terror has begun as Operation Make Texas White Again begins.
Documents, schmocuments.
Texas law now permits ANY law enforcement officer to detain anyone whose primary language is Spanish for "suspicion of being illegal" even with proper documentation.

A reign of terror has begun as Operation Make Texas White Again begins.
So a proper Apartheid regime then.

Strange times.
7-2 with Kagan part of the majority. Could be temporary pending outcome of the litigation in lower courts. Letā€™s hope the Texas experiment is successful in bringing the numbers down.
7-2 with Kagan part of the majority. Could be temporary pending outcome of the litigation in lower courts. Letā€™s hope the Texas experiment is successful in bringing the numbers down.
It will move the traffic to New Mexico and California for certain. Arizona will be up in the air.
7-2 with Kagan part of the majority. Could be temporary pending outcome of the litigation in lower courts. Letā€™s hope the Texas experiment is successful in bringing the numbers down.

ā€œThe court gives a green light to a law that will upend the longstanding federal-state balance of power and sow chaos,ā€ liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a dissenting opinion. Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson also objected to the decision.

The majority did not explain its reasoning, but one of the conservative justices, Amy Coney Barrett, wrote separately to note that an appeals court has yet to weigh in on the issue.


The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for Texas to immediately begin enforcing a controversial immigration law that allows state officials to arrest and detain people they suspect of entering the country illegally.

The courtā€™s three liberals dissented.


The applications to vacate stay presented to JUSTICE ALITO and by him referred to the Court are denied. The orders heretofore entered by JUSTICE ALITO are vacated. JUSTICE BARRETT, with whom JUSTICE KAVANAUGH joins, concurring in denial of applications to vacate stay.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR, with whom JUSTICE JACKSON joins, dissenting from denial of applications to vacate stay.

JUSTICE KAGAN, dissenting from denial of applications to vacate stay.
7-2 with Kagan part of the majority. Could be temporary pending outcome of the litigation in lower courts. Letā€™s hope the Texas experiment is successful in bringing the numbers down.
Spanish speaking people terrify you.
Not as much as blacks, gays or trannies, but still....
The key word is illegal, they are breaking the law, consuming valuable resources that should be used on the citizens of this country (homeless vets that actually did something for this country) O'l two scoops gives billions to several money pits around the world and nothing for our citizens, these illegal aliens are filling up valuable housing thus denying our people affordable homes
In Detroit, lately the high end homes are being invaded and robbed by violent south American gangs (got what you voted for) I just watched a video showing one of these muslims In the Netherlands at a supermarket pissing on the pork in the meat case.... so much for your civilized followers of Mohammed šŸ™„
When one of these "poor down trodden" illegals violently rob you, remember this is what you asked for...
Why doesnā€™t a certain political party propose a law that would give benefits to homeless vets, like maybe homes?
Place your bets!

Texas governor signs bill that lets police arrest migrants who enter the US illegally​


BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP) ā€” Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday approved sweeping new powers that allow police to arrest migrants who illegally cross the U.S. border and give local judges authority to order them to leave the country, testing the limits of how far a state can go to enforce immigration laws.

Opponents have called the measure the most dramatic attempt by a state to police immigration since a 2010 Arizona law ā€” denounced by critics as the ā€œShow Me Your Papersā€ bill ā€” that was largely struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility, and Texasā€™ law is also likely to face swift legal challenges.
Iā€™ve been asked for my ā€œpapersā€ in every country Iā€™ve visited.