SCOTUS Rules Texas Can Arrest Illegals

Brown skin has not been outlawed in Texas or anywhere else. ILLEGAL immigrants no matter what color are breaking the law and subject to the penalties described in our laws.

Asylum seekers has become nothing more than a HUGE scam. Of course there are some true and honest asylum seekers, but if you believe everyone coming across the border illegally is a legitimate asylum seeker you are delusional.
Brown skin has not been outlawed in Texas or anywhere else. ILLEGAL immigrants no matter what color are breaking the law and subject to the penalties described in our laws.

Asylum seekers has become nothing more than a HUGE scam. Of course there are some true and honest asylum seekers, but if you believe everyone coming across the border illegally is a legitimate asylum seeker you are delusional.

This isn't even the first time the Right has tried to outlaw brown skin. I believe the last time was Jan Bruer (however her name was spelled) was behind it last time. You can lie to me, maybe even to yourself. You're not interested in the law however. That much is clear.

Nobody believes everybody coming across the border is a legit asylum seeker. Many believe we owe them a day in court but again, you don't give a fuck about laws. That doesn't work for you.

No honest person can look at what is being proposed and has been proposed in the past as anything but making it illegal to be brown.
will the cockroach's be able to demand a refund from the cartels?
Will the cockroach's what?


Come on, Mr. Literate American. Finish the possessive object you're referring to in that sentence and show us the educational standards we expect from people migrating here. :ROFLMAO:
Will the cockroach's what?


Come on, Mr. Literate American. Finish the possessive object you're referring to in that sentence and show us the educational standards we expect from people migrating here. :ROFLMAO:
one of Ish's most endearing habit's is reflexively putting an apostrophe in any word that end's in the letter "s".
I gues's it make's him think he's intelligent.
This isn't even the first time the Right has tried to outlaw brown skin. I believe the last time was Jan Bruer (however her name was spelled) was behind it last time. You can lie to me, maybe even to yourself. You're not interested in the law however. That much is clear.

Nobody believes everybody coming across the border is a legit asylum seeker. Many believe we owe them a day in court but again, you don't give a fuck about laws. That doesn't work for you.

No honest person can look at what is being proposed and has been proposed in the past as anything but making it illegal to be brown.
Dude believe what ever you want. You see this with your view point and I see it with the law.
There is also the very likely possibility that Mexico will refuse point blank to co-operate with any sub-national entity. They would be compromising their own Sovereignty if they dealt with any of the Border states independently. The Texas Governor is making a presumption of power beyond his capacity. Posturing - again?
It's another thing crossed off my 2024 Bingo card.
'People who self-identify as Republicans support laws to allow cops to demand identity papers from anyone they see in public'.
ow send them back to Mexico, they have socialism.

Or is it that the white Europeans can't stand brown people

China could use some diversity. Send them there
Very few from Europe however.
Ah, so you're being openly racist. It's all about where they come from.

"We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speaks those languages. They’re truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them, and they’re pouring into our country"
The City of Fort Worth and The City of Austin respective police departments both announced today that enforcement of SB4 just ain't gonna happen within city limits.

I expect San Antonio/Bexar County and Houston/Harris Country to follow in their footsteps shortly.

Watcha gonna do, Hotwheels Hitler?
So they aren't going to enforce state law SB4?
Lets make sure we're clear on this. Oklahoma just made it illegal to be Mexican. This some papers please bullshit and I will have zero pity when something stupid goes off. Lets be 100% honest. You see Michael Jordon, Taylor Swift and Ricki Martin who are you going to check for proof they are here legally? Unless you're driving you're under no obligation to carry ID on you. Maybe if you're drinking do it in the backyard not the back of your truck. Though if you're not raising a ruckus the cops are NOT going to randomly pull over and ask for ID unless you look 15. Or their old lady won't give them head and thus they were pissed of before they saw you. You were just a chewtoy.