"shut up and take it, bitch"

I like the sounds of her....I want to hear, feel, and see her reaction that in itself pleases me greatly....I guess that is why I have no interest in gagging her, I want it all, every last drop....
Well, it seems the "not quiet" subs and matching doms are in minority there, however i join their fortress :D

I need the response, i need to know, that i doing something to her, i need to see her body fighting with pain and bondage (that's the most erotic view for me), i need her moans - and when need, i do use gag, to i can hear only the moans, not the words ;)
I never says "shut up and take it", i allways wanted the response, the fight, the tension of body, the view of fastening muscles under straps...
...i simply must have it :)

Sorry to say for these who like it othervise - when someone is quiet, i feel i did not doing something well ;)

But, of course, everyone is different. What is not acceptable for me, i found that seems to be preffered to msot others :eek:

Well, i dare to be different - again :devil:

I have had six children, but thankfully, all fairly easy births, no complications, all natural. During my very first birth, the sweet Indian doctor advised me when pushing to try not to grunt and groan because it actually drains some of your power away from the hard work of pushing. I found he was right and that pain was less and my pushing efforts more successful when I was quieter- and in subsequent births this held true as well. Many natural childbirth techniques are very applicable to s&m- when you relax your muscles, they hurt less. When you take deep cleansing breaths, it lessens pain and helps your focus. Etc. etc.

Of course, I know this probably doesn't apply to the situation you mentioned above... but just thought I'd throw this in!

- justina
ownedsubgal said:
while i see here for some it is the "shut up" that speaks to them...for me it is more the "take it" that presses my buttons...often my Master tells me this, in one form or another...an impatient, "be still, bitch"...a tender, even loving, as he kisses my tears, "awww..Daddy knows, Daddy knows it hurts..but it just has to be sweetie...take it"....the knowledge that i must always endure it, always bear it, always deal with it, always "take it"...because that is my place and purpose. it very much helps keep me centered and focused.
Bingo. This hits the nail on the head for me. I like hearing "shut up and take it" more than I like hearing "shut up" because it's just further reinforcement of my place. When I'm making a lot of noise and I'm told to shut up, I just feel like I'm being selfish in my enjoyment (of the pleasure or the pain). I do like hearing "shut up" because it reminds me that it's not about me, it's about my Daddy's pleasure. I like hearing "shut up and take it" more, though, because it gives me something to work toward. I generally make noise because I'm having trouble taking it, and to be silent and still take it is an effort for me! But hearing "Daddy knows it hurts, baby, and I know you can take it" is like gold to me. It usually happens when my ass is being stretched wider than usual - that's pretty much the only time I'll actually whimper complaints of pain ("it hurts, Daddy, it hurts") as opposed to just crying out.

I'll raise my hand here - sometimes I will fake moans, groans, and whimpers. I only do this in one situation, though: when I'm being fucked from behind. If I'm not making noise, I'm communicating how I feel through my face. Without that, Daddy has no way of knowing how I'm handling the situation. So I do occasionally throw in either a positive sound or a negative sound depending on how I'm feeling. I don't see it as being dishonest, it's just providing feedback that can't be obtained any other way.
Being new to these boards I have to admit I love reading others opinions about things my partner and I have talked about at length.

I am still trying to get used to calling him Dom..LOL But he is one thats for sure.

Ok heres my two sense. We love each other deeply so we are out for eachothers pleasure. He knows what pushes my buttons what to say and yes "Shut up Bitch and Take it" is one of his favorites. But so is "Good Girl, Good Slut and so on"

I read him so well I know where he wants to go in any mood. Thats where I get one of my biggest kicks. We change so much its a mood thing. One day it might be where I get to be a smart ass it pushes his buttons, the game is on. Then another day I submit fully.

I guess its to each there own...

But great subject!!!