Shy's quaint country cottage

Hmmm....but are having those limits the real key to being a lovable villain? Me personally...I get sucked in by the often sweet side to their evil deeds/desires.

*shrugs shyly*

I dunno...something about seeing glimpses of the 'human' aspects of villains is what intrigues me. I mean - I often think that a lot of what villains do can be achieved by that of the average person, if in less evil ways. Most of the trauma villains suffer are things that most people suffer at some point in their life...but we don't all go out and wish to take over the world. So that aspect intrigues me. Psychology and blah blah blah...I'm rather boring, right? lol

Then again, I don't assume that a lot of people looking into character development as much as I do. I may watch a movie/show/play or read a book and my brain is constantly analyzing it all.

*shuts up now and blushes*
But you are right...that is why I adore Dexter. His limitations certainly make him lovable...and while he isn't really a villain since he is the hero of the novels/ the average day life he is a serial killer; and therefor a villain.
pricks up his ears, something subtle, almost not there...

You should check the door.

You're right about those same emotions being triggered in "normal" people, with a villain those things simply go further for one reason or another. A simply insult may inspire a bit of annoyance in the hero, in the villain it inspires annoyance that leads to reaction. Hell, several "heroes" show the same emotional range and reaction as villains with the only difference being their intended goals.
*curiously makes her way to the door and looks around, nearly tripping on the basket on her way. Kneeling upon the wooden floor she glides her fingers delicately over the contents, her mind swirling as to who would spoil her in such a way.

Finding the note she smiles softly, then stands and walks outside, her eyes scanning the path, trees and shrubs for the sweet wolf. Yet, she is gone. With a small sigh, she walks back inside, picking up the basket on her way back to her chaise...a little sad that the wolf didn't wish to come join them.

Placing the basket upon the table she brings her mind back to her conversation*

Thank you, Rider, for alerting me to the gift at my door...I nearly missed it.

As for creating a villain...I am trying to. I have been absorbed by the story of Persephone and Hades...and in my mind I am trying to work out the roles. Persephone seems easy enough, but I wish to stray from the 'pure innocence' stigma that follows her. Hades, however, I wish to make him far more lovable than most past stories depict him as. So your last statement does give some more food to thought in creating him.
You're welcome, and don't worry about the wolf. She's sneaky and will find a way in when she wants it.

As for Hades, he's an interesting case. Mythology depicts him as unlucky for most of his life, which is why he wound up with the Underworld when the three brothers drew lots to divide up Chronos' kingdom. If you want some interesting characterizations the Percy Jackson books have a different take on him that could lend some inspiration. Mostly I think he was lonely, and couldn't really leave his kingdom because he had actual duties unlike most of the others. I'm no scholar, but I'm well versed in Greek and Norse mythology, so hit me up if you've got questions.

Oh, as for Persephone, she wasn't purely innocent. In fact, she and Hades wound up being relatively happy when they were together. Not falling over in love, but they certainly didn't hate each other. If I were imagining Persephone, I'd start her as the quasi rebellious/I-want-to-experience-things-for-myself girl who gets more than she bargained for with Hades and realizes that she misses him during her first trip back up. Of course she has to out to help with spring, but she has fond thoughts of Hades.

Anyway, my two cents.
*laughs softly* Yes...the wolf definitely is sneaky. My problem is that I fail to sneak upon her...I is near impossible to sneak up on a wolf.

Most of my inspiration has come from some of the old poems. It has been a long time since I have looked into my Greek mythology; I was a geek for it in high school. I also got stuck with the Persephone role in a play; but I presume that is only because I supposedly look like her.

I like the idea of making Persephone more...ummm...seductive? Hmm...failing to find words to describe her from the vision in my head.

But Hades will be a delight to figure out. And I may just have to hit you up on that offer to talk things out with you. You seem to have a great grasp on it.

Tell me...what inspires you atm?
Sneaking up on a wolf involves cheating. Fortunately she'll forgive you.

As for current inspiration, I'm a little lacking. Normally my ideas are conjured from books/movies, slightly adapted, or dreams. I'm half working a couple of ideas, one about killing God (not The God but a godlike being in a different world), seeking immortality, and a lovecraftian/x-men hybrid.
I kinda get what you mean about Persephone, seductive isn't quite the right word but I get it. Kind of, sultry and evocative. Definitely a different take on her, but could be done.
Lol - well then I am screwed; I don't cheat.

Both ideas are very interesting. How did the 'kill god' idea come into mind?
Eh, basic premise from the synopsis of the graphic novel "Preacher". The execution I'm trying to hybridize some of the first "Afro Samurai" with elements of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Yeah, I set realistic goals.
Realistic? Pft - dream big, Rider. You have talent, ability and the head for it...if we don't dream big then we can only achieve outcomes that reflect that. Dream big = achieve big. Dream small, achieve small.

So...tell come inspiration is lacking for you atm? Are things ok? Would you like to talk?
eh, my real inspiration comes and goes. It's a constantly moving thing. Mostly I'm still learning to find creativity without being depressed. Just a bit of relearning still going on.

How about you, where do you take inspiration from?
I suppose I am lucky in that area. I have always been able to find inspiration in most things. The most powerful inspiration for me comes from things that I am currently lacking within me or around me.

My problem is that when 'shit hits the fan', words fail me. Words are both my hero and my enemy. When I am 'well', words flow if it is a direct connection to everything I feel, think, do, see, touch, feel...everything. When I am 'unwell' I sink within myself...words lose that connection. That is where I am right now. I continue to have inspiration, yet words fail me.

But I have every faith you will be able to relearn to keep your inspiration flowing. Being depressed often allows inspiration to flow because we feel things more intensely in those moments.
When you're in that place, don't let it get you down. Personally if I'm inspired but can't write, write down the ideas, the places it came from, factual things pertaining to it so when you're creative juices are flowing more freely you've got source material to go back too. Plus the act of writing helps the process. Also, do some writing by hand, the extra manual motion seems to engage the brain better.
You know, I prefer to write by hand. I love the feeling of my favourite pen, the texture of the paper, the sound of the scratch as the pen flows, the way the ink sparkles until it dries...I adore it.

And you are right; I must stop kicking myself. The fate of perfectionists, right? *laughs softly*
That's what I've heard.

For some reason I've a hard time writing when I'm sitting at this computer. Might be the program, or the chair, or something similar, but it's harder. I might need a laptop or something to carry around that I use just for writing. could be the computer.

I actually found that it was my 'space' that drained my motivation. I used to have a writing room filled with inspiration everywhere. Since moving we had to downsize and the only space I have to write is my laptop on my bed. Good thing we are moving again and I will have that writing space back.

But you know; for someone who claims to struggle with writing currently, you still manage to do it very well.
eh, I'm a harsh critic of myself. Plus, writing a post at a time with someone else contributing is much easier than trying to conjure up the whole thing on my own. Responding to someone else and their work comes easier to me than when I'm trying to do it just kind of from inspiration. But the space could be an issue, my comp is located in the living room, writing in my own room is much easier. am I going to have to get my rolled up newspaper and give you a smack every time you are too harsh on your work?

*laughs softly*
eh, plenty of people have threatened me with that. Still doesn't help, though I'm working on it. The problem is, when I think something is good it generally winds up being mediocre. So if I'm critical it means I'm looking hard enough.
Well - in all honesty I couldn't use it on you. I'd let Yeishia know and she could use it on you. :p

Actually, I have found that personal perceptions make critical opinions of your own work invalid. So, if you don't think highly of yourself, it chances are that you won't think too highly of what you produce. That is where another writer who you admire and trust to be honest is great. Some one you can throw creative ideas around with, someone you know who will give you honest feedback especially on areas you can improve on, someone to guide you. The second part is the hardest...

Do you have anyone like that?
Hm, yes and no. Most of the stuff I do like that I do here, with regard to threads. I don't have someone who I discuss my other writing with, mostly because at the moment it would be a process of writing it by hand and then transcribing it to the computer. Though I really don't mind that process, it lets me refine what I've hand written and take another look at parts of it. But to answer your question, no, no one for my non sexual writing. I should probably look into it, I'm sure some of the same people would be willing to do the same thing with my regular work, I guess I'm a bit more private about that stuff.
I can understand your privacy. The one time I openly talked about a novel idea I had started, I got slammed with a 'yeah, I've done that before'. Thus, I don't talk about it with anyone more. I don't ask, I don't even hint at it. Which is probably why I have halted that side of my writing...*shrugs*

But at the end of the day; your writing, no matter its content, is still your work. It is all the same really. So I do think having a 'writing mentor' is of great help. And yes, you write with some of the best female writers on this site. That in itself is a huge triumph to you. I am sure any one of them would be willing to give you that objective view point on your other work.
I'll have to start getting some it over onto this comp then, see who's got the time/inclination. Don't suppose I could interest you in reading bits?
Of would be honour for you to trust me with it. So once you get it all typed up, PM me and I can let you know my private email. Or Yeishia can give it to you.

Anyway, for now, though, I must go make dinner. Thank you so much for keeping me company and putting a few smiles on my lips.

*stands up and gives him a gentle hug* This place is always open for you if you want to get away. I have told Yeishia that a few times. But the invitation is open to you too.

Thank you again, Rider. You really a true treasure. Expect me to PM you at some stage to talk about Hades hehe.

*one last hug before leaving to attend the RW*