Six-Letter Post Office [2]

Only those of inferior quality that you picked up from the street peddler in Serbia.
Tio, I would have had to lose my brains to buy from a peddler in Serbia...since bowling balls are manufactured only in the US and Mexico (the latter from Brunswick authentically and licensed, that is).
It would strain my credulity to think that you'd deal with obvious knock-off balls from a Balkan peddler.
One of whom may well design a new course around the tribulations of bursars.
Although someone may adopt a different approach, implying bursars are all like the check-fraud thief in "Catch Me if You Can," leading to curses from many of those because of said depiction. :eek:
Although someone may adopt a different approach, implying bursars are all like the check-fraud thief in "Catch Me if You Can," leading to curses from many of those because of said depiction. :eek:
Those who are so defrauded should take better care to secure their wealth.