
Wantonica said:
She came here and was quickly bewildered... no one in the USA speaks anywhere near proper English.

It's 'anywhere near correct English' Wantonica. Gah, these Americans :D.

The Earl
I always had the idea -- with no idea where I gleaned it -- that the A in "Fuckin' A" stood for "Affirmative." Usually, when I see the term in use, it has something to do with "you're right about that."

Earl -- thank you for the glossary! I am finding it most useful, given my viewing habits ;)

It's 'anywhere near correct English' Wantonica. Gah, these Americans .

The Earl

Thank you, Earl. I am not a snob (except in special circumstances, and then with pleasure) but if there were a s/w program that automatically corrected grammar on Lit. I cannot help but believe there would be many more satisfied writers.

I appreciate the majority of Brits' correct English. It is the only quality of I admire in Mr. Blair, particularly compared to its profound and public display of lack in our Mr. Bush.

Best regards, Perdita
Slang, as The Earl says, varies widely with location
(or vocation).
In two different (and not so different, they are in the
same federal reserve district) parts of the country, I've
heard two phrases for clulessness.
"He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground," and
"He doesn't know his ass from his elbow."