Sleeping on the Wing Poetry Challenge


I also have Irish in me, but, much like my poetry, it's statistically insignificant :p

I'm making challah today. I've never made it before but I watched my mom make it when I was a child, so I have a basic (statistically insignificant) idea of what to do. And I've read some recipes. I'll keep making it every week, and in a few months I'll be a pro at it.

Poetry is no different. You read a little, you practice, and you end up amazed at what you can produce. And the more literate you are to begin with (which we know, for example, that you are), the easier it is to understand the concepts and possibilities.

I know. I'm like a broken record. But I really believe that poetry is not this lofty inaccessible gift given to a chosen few. It's a form of artistic expression available to anyone who works at it.

I'm making challah today. I've never made it before but I watched my mom make it when I was a child, so I have a basic (statistically insignificant) idea of what to do. And I've read some recipes. I'll keep making it every week, and in a few months I'll be a pro at it.

Poetry is no different. You read a little, you practice, and you end up amazed at what you can produce. And the more literate you are to begin with (which we know, for example, that you are), the easier it is to understand the concepts and possibilities.

I know. I'm like a broken record. But I really believe that poetry is not this lofty inaccessible gift given to a chosen few. It's a form of artistic expression available to anyone who works at it.


So I wandered off to look up challah. Wikipedia has a pic of whole wheat dough being braided. Damn, that looks so tasty.

Honestly, if I read up on it, I'd do better. It's one of the very, very few areas in my life where my natural urge to research just evaporates.
So I wandered off to look up challah. Wikipedia has a pic of whole wheat dough being braided. Damn, that looks so tasty.

Honestly, if I read up on it, I'd do better. It's one of the very, very few areas in my life where my natural urge to research just evaporates.

I don't mean to be so pushy with the poetry. Though I guess I sort of am lol, but it's totally coming from my passion for it. Anyone who hangs around the poetry forum subjects him or herself to being yammered at about poetry...very likely by me. :D
I don't mean to be so pushy with the poetry. Though I guess I sort of am lol, but it's totally coming from my passion for it. Anyone who hangs around the poetry forum subjects him or herself to being yammered at about poetry...very likely by me. :D

*cough* toppy *cough*

It's cool, really. See, it boils down to passion. when you are passionate about something, you want to share (thus the core of the social religious experience, and pyramid schemes for that matter). That sort of passion is appreciated by me. I dig it. Not to mention that it can be really hot :D

Seriously, I don't mind. I've even been writing. Been writing some other stuff as well, but it is not for public consumption. Regardless, feel free to hold forth with passion, and I will lend an ear :krose:
*cough* toppy *cough*


nah. Not Ange. *giggling some more*

I'd be more like that if I felt like I had any right to. But seriously, I think it's far beyond validating what we do or whatever; when I see someone with inherent talent as a writer, I think about what I want, which is to read more of what they have to say. It's neato to encourage people to publish too, but my style is more just to encourage people to tell me things they think about. I just really enjoy reading what's in other people's heads.

Ange is no more toppy than I am.


nah. Not Ange. *giggling some more*

I'd be more like that if I felt like I had any right to. But seriously, I think it's far beyond validating what we do or whatever; when I see someone with inherent talent as a writer, I think about what I want, which is to read more of what they have to say. It's neato to encourage people to publish too, but my style is more just to encourage people to tell me things they think about. I just really enjoy reading what's in other people's heads.

Ange is no more toppy than I am.



I know what you mean though. Everyone fascinates me. We're all such little walking wonders, with all these stories inside us.

I love it though when someone realizes he or she loves poetry and just begins writing all these great poems. Maybe not right away, but when I think of some of us here and how we've grown. Anything is possible. :)
Fortunately I'm soft in the head when it comes to both of you. Or is that "I have a soft spot"? Can never remember.
Is soft the right word?

Not for me, it isn't. :rolleyes:

I have been in a worse slump with regard to poetry lately than I have been in for prose. So much so that I have sort of less-than-unconsciously been avoiding this forum. But I remember seeing this thread when first posted, and am planning on reading through the various weeks and--when moved by and sufficiently clear on a given poet's styles, devices, and milieu--am hoping to post some new work.

I have a lot...a lot...of poetic education to work my way through. And that's just among my favorite Lit poets, not even counting people on a list like you're working from. :rose:
