Slightly Strange Turn offs

What turns me off is when a teenager calls me "ma'am." I know it's supposed to be respectful, but I look like I am in my 20s and I don't take myself too seriously, so please, don't call me ma'am. And corny pick up lines. Who does that anymore? And any man who calls me, to my face, "little lady." Anyone wearing socks with sandals. Speedos.

Yeah. I remember when I started getting "sir" when I was out places. Of course, I really only encountered that in the south.
People who use cell phones in inappropriate places, then give you "the look" because you are "eavestropping." Please- YOU are the one talking where you shouldn't be! This is especially true in doctor's offices, business offices, and restrooms. Yes, RESTROOMS. And don't hold up the grocery line because you have to tell your mom that you have a date tonight. Sheesh!

People who complain about how horrible their lives are. We all have a rough time at some point or another- I'll sympathize with you but after a while it gets old. No matter whose fault it is, stop blaming other people. Get up and do something about it.
musical taste...idk if i have a music argument i'm automatically turned off.

intentionally speaking poorly/ ebonics : I think this is something that only irks me when a person comes from a privileged background, or it seems like they're trying to mock my culture.
After the relative success of the slightly strange turn ons thread, I thought it might be time to turn the tables. Actually, I think someone posted a message with that idea, so I won't take full credit.

Anyway, last night I went out to grab some dinner and the waitress would have been a real turn on. She had the slightly quirky features I find attractive, she had a scent that was lingering and distracting... Anyway, the turnoff? She had a bruise on her arm. It was about an inch across and slightly oblong. I have seen similar bruises before and everytime it was a turnoff. I guess I always picture someone grabbing the girls arm hard enough that the thumb leaves a bruise on the outside of her arm.

Anyone have any others? And remember it is slightly strange, I think most people are turned off by bad breath, body odor, etc. (If not there is a slightly strange turn on thread waiting for you).
nail biting here as well. smoking...i will never date, or be with a smoker. its just nasty. excessive drinking.
and basically just acting like a pussy. i want a man to act like a man.
Men who refer to women as "ladies" or "females". As soon as I hear either of those words an alarm goes off in my head and well, fuck, he could look like Johnny Depp but he won't get into this particular lady's/female's knickers.

In my experience men who use either of those words are one, some or all of the following -

sexually inadequate
mummy's boys
Any man who is attracted to Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, or Paris Hilton instantly goes down to the bottom of my pegboard.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D ( I totally agree!)

all of the above... with the added note that a woman with face stubble is just... ewww... i don't even wanna go there.

i'm not hung up on a shaved or trimmed pussy but if you're gonna do it, maintain it. so the genital stubble thing is a definite no-no in my book to. i'd rather it was just hairy than stubbly. if i had my way, however, it'd be a well maintained trim/shave.

You and me both, my friend, you and me both. I prefer baby's butt smooth, though understanding the effort, maintenance, and initial discomfort involved, I gladly settle for well trimmed.

Guys with the limp handshakes. Sorry, but if they can't manage a good handshake, I always think they couldn't possibly be able to handle me.

I was raised that a firm handshake was not only a requisite, but a sign of a self-assured man. It has been an interesting road traveled to shake the hands of men of all ages over the years. Mostly it has been the limp fish grip, but then there are those that over compensate for their manhood by entering into a gripping contest. :rolleyes: A handshake should be firm without overpowering the companion shaker, regardless of gender.

Oh how I want to correct the posture of so many folks, young women in particular. Please! Please sit/stand up straight, you owe it to your body, you owe it to your self-esteem.

Come on, Big E, even leg humpers have to have standards! ;):D

I'm starting to think that this is really slightly strange, but I really don't like big breasts.

Fake ones are even worse, they're definately turn offs for me.

What? No! What's wrong with you!?!?!? ;)

I do agree with the fake ones, however I caveat that statement with well done fakes (please girls, if you're going to do it, spend the extra money and get good ones) and enhancements done for the purposes of regaining realistic original proportions. Beach balloons that have been grafted on don't look good on anyone.

I don't know my IQ, but I'm probably a jeenyus. (I have a BS with a double major in English and math, and I've done 30 semester hours of graduate work in English/literature.) :cool:

I think that swearing can be a sign of an inarticulate, unintelligent person, but I don't think that's always the case. A lot of us potty mouths know when it's appropriate to swear and when we should shut the fuck up.

I can top that! I'm full of BS. ;):D

I agree, we tend to mimic the language of those we surround ourselves with, regardless of I.Q. or education. I tend to swear like a sailor when within intimate surroundings, however, I swear very little when interacting with professionals, acquaintances, or new individuals.

How could she taint such a beautiful piece of skin?

My thoughts EXACTLY!!! I'm not a prude by any means, but what might look good on a nubile young body (of either gender) will quickly fade like the clothing of the 70's or hair styles of the 80's! I equally dislike body piercings and more than two (per ear) ear piercings, especially expanded piercings.

People who use cell phones in inappropriate places ...

No kidding! Like when they're driving, in a grocery store, in a restaurant, ... :rolleyes:

Long hair on men.

I know, I know. Just.... ugh.

I'm with you there, and I'm a guy!
People who BATHE in their scents, especially crappy ones like, oh, anything Axe. I like it better when there's no additional scent, but a hint of hair product or soap doesn't bother me as much. It's just when you smell like you poured a bottle of scent over your head that I get all squicky. There was an old commercial ages ago about Bryl cream or something like that where they'd say "a little dab will do ya". That's a good rule to follow with any cosmetic.

The caked on make up look. Please, if you're going to do a Tammy Faye, do it for halloween, not a run to the grocery store.

Net shirts. Eeew.

Online ppl who rite n txt speech. If u r 2 lazy to ryte lik a grwnup, i m 2 lazy 2 bother wif u. The ONLY people I know who write that way are children and I just don't want to go there. Obviously, its different if I'm on an all ages website or one with a large teen audience, but places like Lit or Fetlife? Deleted and blocked!

People who swear every other word. The English language is a rich and varied thing, with infinite ways to express yourself. When everything is "fucking great!" or "Fucking hard!" or a "fucking pain in the ass" it makes me think that you're lacking creativity.

Anyone who combines the last two (text speech riddled with cuss words) just really turn me off.

Gossips. I don't want to know what your neighbor's Aunt Martha's pekinese did to the mailman's tailpipe. And also, if someone is spreading all that stuff (especially when so much of it is "truth challenged") around to you, there's a good chance that they're spreading the same crap about you.

And evangelists turn me off. I don't even care what it is their evangelistic about. Pagan evangelicals, Christian ones, colonic evangelicals, ones who are proclaiming the Truth of the Cinnamin Roll God, I don't want to hear it. Though I might be tempted in the Cinnamin Roll case. ; )
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Any person that judges another, without saying so to their face when they had the chance. Also, people who criticize a persons actions, appearance, attitudes, and habits on message boards when they themselves are no better in perspective.