so, about the west wing...

I don't watch the West Wing very often, and I've never read this thread, but any day I can see EJ streak is a damn good day! Hubba hubba, baby! :cool:
bobsgirl said:
I don't watch the West Wing very often, and I've never read this thread, but any day I can see EJ streak is a damn good day! Hubba hubba, baby! :cool:
if i had been looking at your AV when they took the picture, there would have been more to see. ;)
EJ, i always knew you'd keep up your end. :> and somehow, i just knew that you were going to use a still from that episode. :D

silverwhisper said:
and somehow, i just knew that you were going to use a still from that episode. :D

am i missing something or am i reading this wrong... what are you referring to?
isn't that a capture and photoshopped version of a still from an episode of either season 2 or 3 of the shield?

silverwhisper said:
isn't that a capture and photoshopped version of a still from an episode of either season 2 or 3 of the shield?

no... this must be why i was confused. lol. it's just a pic i found via google. the original image is of a guy streaking a billiard event. he looks quite dapper don't you think?

btw, i just started watching "the shield" and it's one of the best cop shows i think i've ever seen. i can't comment on the accuracy but it is rather entertaining.
ah. i love that show. absolutely amazing. it sure as heck better not be accurate, b/c it doesn't depict some cops in the best light.

silverwhisper said:
ah. i love that show. absolutely amazing. it sure as heck better not be accurate, b/c it doesn't depict some cops in the best light.

i'm sure that somewhere between that show's writing and the "ideal" lies the truth.

i wish i'd watched it from the get-go on Fx but i didn't have that channel when it started... now that i can see it from the pilot forward on spike, that's what i'm gonna do.
if you use netflix or the blockbuster program, throw seasons 1-4 into the queue. for season 1, there's a commentary on every episode.

silverwhisper said:
if you use netflix or the blockbuster program, throw seasons 1-4 into the queue. for season 1, there's a commentary on every episode.

i used to have netflix but my forced move to directv sort of ate into that budget. :(
silverwhisper said:
ah, sucky.

wait a sec: forced move to satellite? how does that work?

short version of the story:

i live in a devlopment that, for years, had its own in-house cable service (this is the boon docks here and there were no cable companies to speak of when this system was first installed in the late 80's)... it's own dishes, infrastructure, etc. when it got too antiquated and the satellite service they were getting got to be too costly they just decided to discontinue it. now everyone has to get their own tv service. the cable company won't install anything here unless they have at least 40 subscribers (that's the number i heard at least) so most everyone's gone to directv or dish network.

in my specific location i can't get dish network because their satellite is too low on the horizon and i have trees in the way. directv's satellite is it a steeper angle so that was what i was left with, unless i wanted a good ol' fashioned tower antenna. again, i'm in the boon docks so that would give me half-assed reception on a couple of networks and that's it.
Scalywag said:
you know, now i'm wondering if when your neighborhood was on it's own cable system, did they pipe in only the redneck TV shows, sort of their own way of brainwashing? :D
ya know... i was wondering why we only got nascar and CMT during 1992. you just might be onto something.
And here I've been avoiding this thread for fear that I might read about an episode I haven't gotten to see yet. And if that streaker is EJ, then I'm Elton John hisself.
silverwhisper said:
so EJ, are you watching studio 60?

no. i'm sorry i didn't start at the beginning... the ads look appealing. truth of the matter is that i don't watch a lot of tv... "lost," ppt, wpt and wsop are about the only things i make a point to catch. how is it?
i'm picturing aaron sorkin in the studio exec's office: "so it's west wing, but instead of the white house, it's at the oval office."

which pretty much, it is. i really enjoy it, and i'm really enjoying seeing sarah paulson get more work: i thought she was superb in down with love and serenity.
