So how do you wake up in the morning?

I'm starting my day like this:

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I get up, throw on some clothes, turn on the computer and won't feel human until I have at least two cups of tea. It's best to stay away and not talk to me unless it's brief and quietly.
bobsgirl said:
My mother-in-law did that for my father-in-law every day of their married life. So MrB expected it too. He learned an important life lesson early on. I do not cook breakfast. Ever. If he expects me to do it, he will be hungry.

Once in a great while, I'll cook pancakes, and that's about as far as it goes. We all shift for ourselves for breakfast the rest of the time.

During the week, my husband has to get up earlier than God so he can get off work early enough to pick up the kid from school. He usually gets breakfast at work, but he thinks of it as lunch. When I'm up, the last thing before I leave, along with the kid, I usually eat a bowl of cold cereal, standing up, in the kitchen. The kitchen is not big enough to sit down anywhere. The cats are avidly waiting for me to finish so they can lick out the bowl.

I had a MIL like that, too.
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Most days I am simply thankful that I woke up on the proper side of the grass. Everything else is secondary.
it takes a village

1-When my alarm goes off @ 5:15, the cats begin to beg to be fed. In stereo.

2-The second time I hit the snooze alarm, the cats begging begins in earnest.

3-The fourth time I hit the snooze alarm, I jump out of bed and run to the kitchen to feed the cats and start my coffee.

4-About the 6th time I hit the snooze alarm, I'm ready to get up on the next buzz.

5-The alarm goes off and I finally turn off the clock. I grab a cup of coffee and head to the bathroom where I turn on a nightlight or light a candle. I don't like harsh light first thing in the morning. The softer light is calming.

6-The hot shower feels so good, but the next thing really wakes me up.

7-The smell of my conditioner: a mixture of eucalyptus, peppermint, and geranium extracts. Such a refreshing scent to wake up to.
Ok, like Denae, I get up early. But not by choice. I can sleep till noon if given the chance. But I get up early because if I can get to work by 6:30, I will get more done by 8:30 than the rest of the day thanks to all the interruptions.

Usually my alarm goes off about 5:30. Then I hit the snooze alarm. Usually several times. If I EVER catch the mother fucker that invented the snooze alarm, he is a dead man!!!!

Up before 6:00 to hop in the shower. Assuming I am not entertaining myself while in the shower, I can be out in 10 minutes. Run the towel through my hair, a brush over me head twice and then shave before throwing on some clothes and heading out the door. 15 minute drive and I am at the office making really bad coffee and checking my email.
Hog tying is too good for them.

cymbline said:
I am a morning person. I am the one that the grumpy people hate. I talk, smile and laugh. One of my favorite things to do is to say to the person next to me...well if there is one....."wakie wakie wakie the sun is up and so should you"

:D :D :D
These sort of people should be tarred and feathered and carried out of town on a rail. :mad:
Either that or learn to walk as quietly as a ninja, be a master at interpreting negative body language, be proficient at sign language and be able to use a ten foot pole to pass several cups of coffee. Quietly.
quoll said:
These sort of people should be tarred and feathered and carried out of town on a rail. :mad:
Either that or learn to walk as quietly as a ninja, be a master at interpreting negative body language, be proficient at sign language and be able to use a ten foot pole to pass several cups of coffee. Quietly.

Wakie, Wakie, Wakie.... :D

Hey that is kind of drastic don’t ya think. And put that finger away.
quoll said:
Oops, I hate it when it does that. :eek:
That wasn't your finger.;)

I'm sooo not a morning person. I never have been! Not even as a little girl.
And even though I make my children go to bed early, they're not morning people either.
M's girl said:
How do you wake up? All grumpy and sleepy or instantly awake and ready to take on a new day? Need coffee first before you are even thinking about first words to speak? Do you reach out to the person next to you in bed for a cuddle or more?

I'm curious.... ;)

Oh, and PS: forgot the "other, please specify" option. First poll..... sorry :D

I open my eyes... then go from there :rose:
I get up at 4:30. If I'm not working, I still wake up, but sometimes I can cuddle and sleep. Coffee by 6 a.m. or else!
Scalywag said:
Well, I think the lazy ass fuckers are those men who men that expect their SO to get up and make them breakfast, assuming they are capable themself. There seems to be a lot of posts in this thread from women saying they have to get up to make their guy breakfast.
Hmm. . . I'd voted in the poll, but I never posted on this thread.

Before my husband retired, he worked the day shift (from 7-3). We live only 10 minutes or so from his now-former workplace, so he'd get up at 6:15 or so to shower and shave (shaving was required for his job). I offered to get up and fix him breakfast, but he turned me down because 1.) he didn't want to get up earlier to eat it, 2.) he didn't see why I should get up early when I didn't have to.

It was just as well, really. I didn't want to get up and cook for him, anyway. :p
Scalywag said:
If someone wants to or likes getting up to cook breakfast for their spouse, I have no problem with that.
Oh, me neither. :)

My father has been pretty abusive to my mother over the years, and, for the most part, I tend to rebel against anything that she was expected to do.
Scalywag said:

If someone wants to or likes getting up to cook breakfast for their spouse, I have no problem with that. It's the people that make their spouse feel like they have to make them breakfast that I have a problem with, I guess.

Somehow I had a few boyfriends who were actually thinking that, amongst other things, preparing breakfast, lunchbags and coffee in the morning was typically something for me to do. One even sort of demanded it from me, but when I did get up early to do so he would scream and shout at me for nothing, just because he had a bad morning temper... I had told him I would gladly get up and prepare his breakfast if only he would not shout at me anymore. He could not hold up his end of the deal so I said I would not get up just to be verbally abused by him anymore. First few days the bread was literally flying around the kitchen and he was still screaming at me for NOT being there. After a few times I did not hear him anymore, but I still found my kitchen looking like a place where they test missiles, every morning after he went to work. The "amongst other things" in my first sentence finally made me leave him after 3 years....

Having said that.... in THIS case another woman was to blame for his attitude... his mother. She had, up till the day I met him, picked up after him like she was his housekeeper AND personal assistant or something. He was totally lost when I turned out not to be like that. And you know what? I would have gladly done most of the things without complaining too, if only he had been a little wiser... But he could not contain his temper and without helping out in and around the house he was always bitching about everything I did, it was never good enough. If only he could have kept his big mouth shut... I would probably still be slaving around for him...

Sigh.... sorry.... guess I had to get that off my chest after all these years :rolleyes:
I don't even expect to see the paper before I go to work, much less have anyone get my breakfast ready.

I am definetely not a mornign person... maybe you shud start a thread called " How would you like to wake up in the morning"

I like waking up alone. Hit the snooze button a few times - put on some coffee.. watch the sports news - light up a ciggie... and then on we go...

Another person just gets in the way and i hate when my morning routine gets messed up.

what about you??? how wud you like to start yur day??
ooopss sorry... didn't quite read the present day conversation you guys were having...

I'm just gonna shut up and go sit in the corner now :eek:

Oh and I wudn't have anyone MAKE me breakfast. I cud never make anyone get out of bed before they have to.
Oh, but it's okay! I meant it in a good way. After all, I started the thread. It's just that it was such a long time ago someone responded that I had forgotten about it.

I bring my M coffee in bed almost every morning. He almost NEEDS it to wake up. I don't mind because I'm awake anyway so it's not like we are looking at each other to see who goes first this time. On the rare occasion that he is out of bed sooner than I am (usually the weekends when the kids are here - I am awake earlier because they come to me to talk and play and then he wakes up and gets out of bed first) he brings me coffee. The boys (his boys) love it when we make breakfast for the four of us to take back upstairs and I'm the one they ask, hence the rare occasion remark... :rolleyes:

I also would never ask (or demand :rolleyes: - see my earlier post) someone to get me coffee, or breakfast even, but it is a nice gesture of course and very much appreciated when it happens.
M's girl said:
Oh, but it's okay! I meant it in a good way. After all, I started the thread. It's just that it was such a long time ago someone responded that I had forgotten about it.

I bring my M coffee in bed almost every morning. He almost NEEDS it to wake up. I don't mind because I'm awake anyway so it's not like we are looking at each other to see who goes first this time. On the rare occasion that he is out of bed sooner than I am (usually the weekends when the kids are here - I am awake earlier because they come to me to talk and play and then he wakes up and gets out of bed first) he brings me coffee. The boys (his boys) love it when we make breakfast for the four of us to take back upstairs and I'm the one they ask, hence the rare occasion remark... :rolleyes:

I also would never ask (or demand :rolleyes: - see my earlier post) someone to get me coffee, or breakfast even, but it is a nice gesture of course and very much appreciated when it happens.

I agree... And i think weekends are a completely different story.

I have been known to get up and make breakfast for the girl that's spent the night in my bed. Most women are wuite impressed by it.. the problem comes when they start spending more nights at my place - and expect it all the time..

I remember this one girl who I tried to get with for a long time... few times she just stayed over ( nothing happened) and I made her breakfast.. then once we started going out I wud make her breakfast on and off... then gradually I stopped... she started complaining.... i told her I only did that to impress her.. nedless to say se got really pissed off..hehe..
reddevilron said:
I agree... And i think weekends are a completely different story.

I have been known to get up and make breakfast for the girl that's spent the night in my bed. Most women are wuite impressed by it.. the problem comes when they start spending more nights at my place - and expect it all the time..

I remember this one girl who I tried to get with for a long time... few times she just stayed over ( nothing happened) and I made her breakfast.. then once we started going out I wud make her breakfast on and off... then gradually I stopped... she started complaining.... i told her I only did that to impress her.. nedless to say se got really pissed off..hehe..

Well, she had that coming to her I guess, if she acted like that. But see, that is the problem: people expect too much and take too many things for granted all too soon. Although your impress-her-confession was a bit too honest I may add..

It also never works to do things for someone else just to impress them. It never works because if it's not you you will not be able to keep it up.

I try not to do these kinda things. At the same time... I do a lot and don't mind but I hate it when people take it for granted. Appreciation and thankyou's are nice :D (is that childish?)
I'm not sure if I'm a morning person or not--guess it would depend who you ask (or what the day's like) LOL.

I like to get up in the morning long before the kids are awake and just sit back and enjoy my alone time. I definately need a few cups of coffee to wake up. And I can't even *think* of eating or making breakfast till I've been up for a few hours.

Today I woke up an hour before the alarm and I was so tired that I tried to go back to sleep but the birds were chirping and I just couldn't drift back off.
So I got up, had a shower--made coffee and now I'm going outside to watch the sunrise. I LOVE this time of day when I'm all alone and everything is quiet.

Now, if I have to get up, rush around, make lunches, get ready, get everybody else ready, and basically have no "me" time, then I'm a horribly grumpy morning person!