So, what do ya think? No, really!

Richard49 said:
I have one occasionally
Right now I am just cold and lonely

awww! *patpats Richard* i'm so sorry! but the important thing is that even after all the crap you've been through involving the legalities of this little lifestlye, you're still kickin' with desire, unshakable in your self-affirmation! sure in who you are, you are the ideal dom!
Chill break

Originally posted by MissTaken
After having moderated the forum for a month or so, I feel it is time for some feedback concerning what you would like to see more of on the forum, or less.

Please, now and at any time, feel free to pm me with thoughts and feedback concerning the forum. My ears are wide open.

I have some thoughts.

One of which is that I feel that I am posting too much. I love posting, but am going to slow down for a few days.

This is YOUR forum and I want to be sure you all feel comfortable making it your's, not mine.

I will save other thoughts for a later date.

Please, remember, everyone has an opinion and this thread, as well as my pm box is open to those opinions.

I am hoping we can have this discussion without hard feelings and by utilizing the mutual respect that we all deserve.

I have a few comments I would like to add.

First, I do not feel you are posting too much. Being a moderator doesn't mean you shouldn't join the discussion. In fact, I would argue that if you do not post, it only hurts the forum. I have seen nothing wrong with any of your moderating MissT.

I feel that this forum has become filled with too much speech about politics, society, racism, and hate. I will freely admit I have not helped in this respect and I apologize to everyone for that. A certain person came into this forum and started sprouting his tripe and I let myself fall to his level. And it just went downhill from there. I have nothing and nobody to blame for that except myself. There was no excuse for it.

I no longer feel I connect with the majority of the threads that are here. I am not saying that the majority of the threads are bad or whatever, I'm just saying I don't connect with them anymore. I am certainly not learning anything, nor have I been able to provide any added value. This forum is and always will be what the people of the forum make it. Obviously, I am not helping with that. I do hope that many of the old regulars will return to this forum and continue to post on a regular basis.

I have decided it would be best for me to take a "chill break" from this one forum on Literotica. There are plenty of other forums in which I can lurk and post. I have actually had to do this once before, and I did eventually return. I will always be a PM away. I am more than sure that I will return someday, assuming that I am still welcomed. And just to reiterate something MissT said, I am not saying these things to be hurtful or create hard feelings, nor do I hold any negative feelings about this place, or MissT as the moderator. I am just trying to explain the way I feel and why I am taking a "chill break".

I wish you all the best. Take it easy.

vixenshe said:
I feel a moderator should be involved with what they moderate, not simply watch from the wings, and then come in to make corrections or make peace every now and again. I didn't actually know you were moderating, and I think that's good.. it makes you available to people, and I like that.

Thanks, vixenshe!

I am glad to see you posting here, as you know.

MissTaken said:
After having moderated the forum for a month or so, I feel it is time for some feedback concerning what you would like to see more of on the forum, or less.Please, now and at any time, feel free to pm me with thoughts and feedback concerning the forum. My ears are wide open.
I have some thoughts.
One of which is that I feel that I am posting too much. I love posting, but am going to slow down for a few days.

1) Can anyone post too much I wouldn't have thought so, it's the ones who dont post much you should be chasing Miss T (yes I know I'm guilty but it's all still very new to me)

This is YOUR forum and I want to be sure you all feel comfortable making it your's, not mine.

2) I came to this site a month ago and I feel very comfortable thank's to all of you. I find the threads here informative its getting to the stage where I think your all mind reader's, I find something I'm unsure about or strugling with and you can bet when I log in there's a thread about that very same thing!!!

I for one am sorry your going PBW I hope i'm not speaking out of turn when I say your many friends here will miss you hurry back!!
bunny bondage said:
awww! *patpats Richard* i'm so sorry! but the important thing is that even after all the crap you've been through involving the legalities of this little lifestlye, you're still kickin' with desire, unshakable in your self-affirmation! sure in who you are, you are the ideal dom!

I love the complments but I think you have me confused with someone else
I liked RS's policy of using another color text for Official Moderating Posts as a way of keeping church and state separate.

I think the less moderating that is done, the better.

I think that one thing moderators have not done enough is kicking some people's ass off Lit.

When people are cruel just to be cruel there should be no room for them here.

I own a number of discsion lists. When I started I thought let people just go at it. What I found is that the bullies stayed the others left.

Now I am very quick to kick people with certain behavior to the curb.
Richard49 said:
I think that one thing moderators have not done enough is kicking some people's ass off Lit.

When people are cruel just to be cruel there should be no room for them here.

I own a number of discsion lists. When I started I thought let people just go at it. What I found is that the bullies stayed the others left.

Now I am very quick to kick people with certain behavior to the curb.

hear hear! this has happened in many other "online communities" that i've been a part of. the pleasant people take off while the inane insipid idiots stick around. so don't be afraid to just boot folks to the curb. not that i can think of anyone who currently needs it, things have been pretty quiet lately.
bunny bondage said:
hear hear! this has happened in many other "online communities" that i've been a part of. the pleasant people take off while the inane insipid idiots stick around. so don't be afraid to just boot folks to the curb. not that i can think of anyone who currently needs it, things have been pretty quiet lately.

I can think of one or two
MissTaken said:
After having moderated the forum for a month or so, I feel it is time for some feedback concerning what you would like to see more of on the forum, or less.<snip>

One of which is that I feel that I am posting too much. I love posting, but am going to slow down for a few days.

I, personally, MissT, enjoy your posts. I like the way you keep the ball rolling when things get a little slow around here. IMHO, that too, can be the role of a good moderator, to give a push to threads that may have importance as learning tools, by adding that question, that thought, that will get things off and running again. Again, my opinion. But, I LIKE your involvement. So there. LOL.

This is YOUR forum and I want to be sure you all feel comfortable making it your's, not mine.

I will save other thoughts for a later date.

Please, remember, everyone has an opinion and this thread, as well as my pm box is open to those opinions.

I must say, I think Lance's idea about different colors for "official posts" is a kind of cool. RS sort of pre-dates me. The change happened right about the time I came on board/was still barely lurking, so I missed it. Sort of lets everyone know when you've got your "Listen UP" hat on.

Lastly, I'd like to see the political bullshit over on the GB. Its not what i come here for. My opinion. I come here for "BDSM Talk" If I wanted politics and all that goes along with it i would scurry my ass over to the GB. Its what i LIKED about this board when i first came here. I supose i could stay the fuck out of that particular thread, but it seems to me that it takes away from the whole point of the board in general. Am i wrong here????

I am hoping we can have this discussion without hard feelings and by utilizing the mutual respect that we all deserve.
My $.02

RS sort of pre-dates me. The change happened right about the time I came on board/was still barely lurking, so I missed it.
Wow, how quickly did *I* become obsolete?
Does this mean if I start posting again, I'll be seen as a newbie by the current crop of forum folks? What a hoot. That's almost enough reason to come back, all on its own.

On topic:
MissT, you've done a good job Moderating, imo. And the majority consensus seems to be that your style of modding--continuing to past actively, introducing and steering convos--works just fine for the current contributors to the forum, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just because I decided to step back from the forum in order to run it doesn't mean you should do the same.

As those who've been around here for a while know, I was once a very active community member (and moderator) here, but my participation has waned over time. There are many, many reasons for this, a few of which are relevant here as they are content-oriented.

Personally, I'd like to see more posts from experienced players and lifestylers, discussing the issues relevant to those facets of BDSM relationships. From what I've seen, as the trend has moved toward novices and onliners for some time, the focus on how to look for & meet partners and other issues more relevant to novices and those not currently in a BDSM relationship has grown exponentially. But, that's just reflects my personal discussion preferences, and I imagine it says nothing about the value of such conversations, nor the participants.

And, lest I should risk disjointing the noses of the particularly sensitive, I am indeed fully aware that I could introduce those conversations myself and work toward changing the forum's content. However, I have never been one to start threads often, preferring to join into a conversation that others have already shown interest in, which leaves me at an impasse. So it goes, so it goes. It'll probably swing back in my preferred direction eventually on its own; such is the nature of things.
Re: My $.02

RisiaSkye said:
And, lest I should risk disjointing the noses of the particularly sensitive, I am indeed fully aware that I could introduce those conversations myself and work toward changing the forum's content. However, I have never been one to start threads often, preferring to join into a conversation that others have already shown interest in, which leaves me at an impasse. So it goes, so it goes. It'll probably swing back in my preferred direction eventually on its own; such is the nature of things.

Well since I am so lazy, RS, PM me with the subjects and I will start the thread.

I am fresh out of ideas.

Eb <still tired>:D

Yes, I changed colored posts in order to speak "officially" on teh Story Ideas forum and will try to remember to do it here. Thanks for the nudge!


Bullies come and go. Lit's free speech policy as well as technical abilities pretty much prevents anyone from truly being effectively banned. If you ban someone, they can change their IP address and nickname and return. In any event, ignoring bullies usually works. When it doesn't, I try to just laugh at their foolishness. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but whips and chains excite me?" Ooops...I mean, "names can never hurt me!"

Anelize and everyone?
If you see a thread which seems blatantly off topic or wherein large portions of it seem to be off topic, PM me. Soemtimes, these things get by me and fresh perspective is helpful. That doesn't mean I will automatically move the thread, but will certainly give it some thought. So, let me know when you wonder about the existance of posts or threads on the BDSM forum.... Thanks!

Yes, I am glad you brought up the point concerning the issues of more experienced BDSMers. I think we would all welcome adn benefit from more posts and threads being started by those with more experience. I like EB's offer. IF a thread topic occurs to you, let her or I know. We won't draw in people with years and years in teh lifestyle without providing some thought provoking discussion for them, no?

Thank you for your remarks concerning moderating. I must say that this thread, again, was not intended to be a MissT thread, rather a forum discussion thread and I think we are doing well. *hugs* to you!
I don't think you post too much. I, for one, think the thread you start are often thought provoking and helpful. I came to Lit to learn. I think I am in this forum. I wouldn't worry about being as active as you are. It's an asset to the group.
Hi Miss T,
I think generally you're doing a fine job. It's probably been good, that your post is not filled with 'old hands' and highly opinionated persons. I don't think a mod should be a guru. Congratulations on filling a tough role, well, no doubt without a great deal of thanks.

1) Do you feel there is an adequate variety of threads? Thread starters?
Yes, generally. Threads are highly experiential.

2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

More: The hard to classify, and the unclassifiables; the literarily gifted, those who read a lot.

3) Do you feel that threads are managing to stay on topic, or is there too much chit chat and flirting?

They are about the usual mix, 30-70% socializing. It's hard to control.

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?
Yes, for 'learners.'

5) Are there any policies or guidelines that are NOT part of the lit- wide guidelines that you feel need to be revisited?

It appears that unlimited flaming is allowed. I'm not sure why.

Let me know!

Oh, and how can I ignore a directive from Shadowsdream, as well as the rest of you. But please, if you feel my posting is excessive, you must say so. The balance between mod and poster can get a bit tricky.

I don't think your postings are excessive; at the same time, just as at a party, the burden should not be that one person has to 'keep things going' by him- herself telling a joke every 5 mins.

It's good you've tried to bring conflicting 'sides' into dialogue. If there's a drawback it's threads that 'preach to the converted' or consist of ongoing praise for one or two people's postings (i.e., function a bit like fan clubs.).

Overall, you've done a fine job, and probably an impossible one. In a way you're like a gardener, but with one or two added specifications: you must let any weeds and such come in and grow. And you can't plant very many plants. Plants in this garden either sprout up themselves, or are contributed by others.

To mix metaphors, it's not the referee's fault if a game gets dull.
Pure said:

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?
Yes, for 'learners.'


Lets see
I am 53
I have been in this lifestyle since I was 15 years old
I have in in RT time
I am still a learner
Well all I have to say is - as a new, still searching sub, AND new to this site I think the BSDM part is my favorite. It has the most info and the least 'chatter' . I think Miss T. does a fabulous job - Plus she has already given me good advice. Cudos to you. I still haven't started a thread yet - but one of these days you won't be able to shut me up! lol......