Someone you weren’t attracted to… but something changed

I remember my first time seeing the pornstar Kitty Jung. She is shockingly petite. So much so I thought I needed to call the FBI or someone. Yet, the site she was on was pretty reputable. So, I looked her up and was shocked to learn all the porn she made was in her 30s. She’s just among the few who just appear extremely young.

Never really found that petite very attractive before. I tried watching her, and what I enjoyed was how sexually active and aggressive she was in a scenes. There was something about seeing someone who was so small fucking like she was just as horny as any guy that I found hot. The contrast of a woman who is so small acting so wild and slutty is exciting.

I’m not a fan of porn where women more just lay there. I like interaction, dirty talk, and movement from all parties. I like seeing people enjoying themselves. It sort of made me realize body type wasn’t as important to me in a porn than how the actress performs in a scene. Still love curvy women but also more open to petite more.
There are countless people in my life that are simply there. They are neither attractive to me nor unattractive. They simply go about their lives and get a genial hello or a friendly wave from me. If you are a video gamer, you know the term NPC (non playable characters). That’s most people to me. If we are not good friends, then perhaps we’ll have some trite conversation, but little else. But give me a little information, some kind of gossip, and I will become intrigued. ....
you have brought up a fascinating perspective here.
Woman at work. Normally she is quite drab an a bit over weight. And a bit obnoxious too, that kind that is always talking. A few months back she had to go to some ceremony after work and changed into a beautiful blue, sleeveless dress that showed quite a bit of her ample cleavage and nice legs. She also undid her hair and wore it long. I was mesmerized! She became the subject of many deep thoughts and fantasies.
Actually, my brother. I think he felt the same. He came over my house and I was getting dressed. He walked in on me. He ran away and I found him masterbating in the bathroom. I saw him like that and I've been turned on by him ever since.
it just takes the simplest thing to change your thoughts about someone :)
When I was much younger and full of hormones, I would have sex with just about any woman. But there were times when I was friends with a lady, and had no idea she had the hots for me. I didn't see the signs or pay attention to her praising comments. They were ladies that I was not attracted to and didn't even think about sex with them. It was their personality that got me. It was the laughter and fun we had that eventually led to sex.

Another big change for me that led to sex is confidence. I knew a woman who was not very confident because of a bad relationship. Once she was free of that man, she changed and became very confident and happy. I could not wait to get into her pants! Notice I didn't mention a boob job or even losing a lot of weight? Well in some cases those situations create confidence in the woman. The girl I mentioned above did not have anything like that, but since she was confident about herself, she did dress more provocatively. :)
Couple. One was in college. We worked at the same place. She was in good shape and had big tits but not a very handsome lass. Ran into to her at a party one night and ended up talking for a while. I don’t know why but I thought I’d hit it when before I had zero interest. Ended up fucking in the bathroom at work a bunch of times. Great ass and had this light strawberry blond pussy hair that drove me nuts
I've had several instances where there would be some woman (in one case a neighbor, in another case a former co-worker) who I never gave the slightest thought to sexually, but out of the blue I'd have an erotic dream about them - one appeared in a dream scantily clad and flirting, the other in an explicitly sexual dream with intercourse. Afterwards, I find myself so attracted to them that it made the normal, casual interactions I had with them awkward - especially since I knew that my newfound obsession wouldn't go anywhere. It's funny how the subconscious mind works - I'm not a big fan of most of Freud's theories, but I think he was onto something about dreams being more than random nonsense.
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I said something about 'free range, dirt eating kids who still know how to behave in public.'

She looked at me with cool, grey-blue, understanding eyes and smiled...

I wanted to father her kids...
My wife (at the time) had several very attractive friends. Sometimes she would ask me which one I thought was the prettiest or the hottest. It was always her friend Jules, but a couple others were very attractive as well. One of her friends who lived down in Texas, and I only met three or four times, put on a bit of weight between visits. I told my wife after our trip down there that Polly had moved into the number one position. I said the new weight had softened her very angular facial features and made her tits absolutely fabulous. My wife couldn't wait to tell Polly. Have no idea how Polly felt about my compliment.
Last September a man I had know since my birth, text me and ask if I wanted to play around. I thought about it for about 30 seconds and said the door is unlocked. It took him about 10 minutes to get here and 5 more before we were stripped and deeply engaged in having hot sex with each other. I turned the lights down and he said leave them up. I want to see you in the daylight. He and I are now secret lovers. As it must remain that way. He has a SO so we secretly meet as well much of the world would look down on our relationship. He is my cousin. The sex is the best either of us has ever had
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Last September a man I had know since my birth, text me and ask if I wanted to play around. I thought about it for about 30 seconds and said the doors unlocked. It took him about 10 minutes to get here and 5 more before we were stripped and deeply engage in having hot sex with each other. I turned the lights down and because leave them up. I want to see you in the daylight. He and I are now secret lovers. As it must remain that way. He has a SO so we secretly meet as well much of the world would look down on our relationship. He is my cousin. The sex is the best either of us has ever had
How do you think he knew to come right out and ask you? Was there ever any suggestion of attraction between you before that, or was it completely out of the blue?
For me it was out of the blue. He said several times I had brushed up against him and he felt they were sexual in nature. For me my boobs got in the way.
So if it wasn't for the accidental brush on your part, he never would have had the courage to test the waters?
Goes to show you fellas, gotta at least try. You'll never know unless you try! :)
I can't say I've ever "suddenly" become attracted to someone I formerly wasn't or was neutral on. It's gone the opposite way countless times. I'll be attracted to someone, then they speak and...nope.
As stated by a few on this thread, Personality has a lot to do with that. The question can also be Were you attracted to someone then you weren't. it's all about the chemistry.
As stated by a few on this thread, Personality has a lot to do with that. The question can also be Were you attracted to someone then you weren't. it's all about the chemistry.
True... Because in my case, the man I was obsessed with? The one in my love triangle other than the one I married; turned out to be a narcissist.