Sometimes, it takes only one thing to do it for you

Sometimes it can take only one more thing to cause a full cup to slop over the side.

Stay Eve and I'll come back to the poetry forum. :)
Debbie said:
Sometimes it can take only one more thing to cause a full cup to slop over the side.

Stay Eve and I'll come back to the poetry forum. :)

sure, sure that's all we need debbie fluffing up the joint with her lord of the rings porn.
Tristesse said:
I'm up for that if Sean Bean's included.


ya frickin scifi fetish freak. ohhhh alliterative, I'm so poetic.
WickedEve said:
And this does it for me. Being told that my poetry is readable and the rest of the comments is too much. I've enjoyed my time here. Ange, Lauren, take care of replacing me as mod.
I'm making this public so you will all know why I left. I'm seriously not even going to consider the action I'm taking. I'm just doing it.

"You are capable of writing readable poetry and of giving acceptable
critiques. However, quite often you weaken your comments with personal
remarks to the poet. Concentrate on the poem and forget who wrote it. Take
that elsewhere. It is called the "New Poetry" forum not the "Poet"
forum. I believe you already have one of those and that you run it. Use it,
and please leave the "New Poetry" forum solely for poems and commentary
about poems.

Sincerely, YDD"

i look for your comments, and yes i also speak in small 'i's' *grins*
:heart: :rose:

i read your poems and love how you view things, taking us somewhere... :D

You have worked and helped here so much, committed and honest, bitchy and fun, upset or sad, yet always teasing
...always helpful and one of the first to speak up.

i don't understand YDD's viewings, that he is not trying to understand or just wants to piss you off, get you going in a way...
i have not always agreed either.

Forgive me for saying this, do you have the guts to continue, the fight and want to, or is it easier to just give up

i have only asked this in kindness, respect and honesty.

give up on poetry, give up on Lit, because of one person having a bad day, misunderstanding something.

i am trying to come back myself, but not because of what he has said to some of mine, this wouldnt stop me

uhmm, i better shut up :confused:
What's going on here? :confused: Eve?

I too have respect for YDD and his comments. He seems to know some stuff about poetry and his comments are often really interresting to read. But you know, there is a good possiility that he this time he is, you know, just plain wrong. It happens to the best of us.

I fail to see how socialising and making friends is going to hurt your poetry.

Even if you're right, if hanging out here, having fun, making friends and interacting with other human beings is degrading us to, or maintaining us as, mediocre poets, then I know what I choose. Fuck poetry, I'm rather a poetically stagnated social animal than a poetically perfected pariah.

You do what feels best for you of course, but if you don't stay in touch, my sphere would had lost a valueable individual. For what it's worth, your opinion and insight into the poetic is something I value a hundred times more than that anonymous three letter handle. I like YDD too, but let's face it, I'd choose you any day.

easy now

Don't let YDD bum you out!

YDD is just Senna Jawa in disguise, is he not? Since when can Senna Jawa force you to make a rash decision? I can remember you dishing it out to him pretty good on certain occasions!

Count to ten, and write a poem about acronyms-- YDD wearing an IUD, but it's BFD cause yer A OK. okay?

:) :heart: :cool:
Re: easy now

denis hale said:

Count to ten, and write a poem about acronyms-- YDD wearing an IUD, but it's BFD cause yer A OK. okay?

:) :heart: :cool:

thank you Adrian Cronauer
Hi Eve,

I came right to the end to post, I bet someone has already said this, but I want to give you the paraphrased words you have given everyone who says they are leaving:

Take a break if that is what you need to do, take care of yourself, go do what you need to do, and when you are ready to come back, you know everyone here will welcome you!

I understand-- it is hard for me to get anything else done creatively if I spend too much time here.

Best of luck on your site, and I am sure I will see you here before too long!
