
Re: Re: Spankings

foxinsox said:

Hello Shadowsdream :rose:

I've only had one punishment spanking, cos I tried to top from the bottom.

Normally, I'm a fan of a spanking, but I wasn't so keen on that one.

When you recieved this spanking did you understand the reason for it and accept it gracefully or did it fill you with resentment and anger?

There is no doubt both types of spankings are received differently as they are meant to be.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

foxinsox said:

I felt no resentment or anger, because I'd done wrong.

Mortified, that's how I felt. And distressed that I'd disappointed Him :(

A pure and wonderful reaction...your discipline was corrective and a lesson was learned. your acceptance of the punishment and reaction to it shows your pride and value in your submission and your respect for your Master.

Thank you so much for sharing this reality with U/us
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

Shadowsdream said:

Do you think that this wonderful and thoughtful behaviour would lull Me into thinking suzan would never be willfull again?

No I don't, in fact I think you'd be more watchful for it, on your guard more maybe. I also think that if she was willfull too much again you'd release her from her duties and her position at your feet.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

lilfrk said:

No I don't, in fact I think you'd be more watchful for it, on your guard more maybe. I also think that if she was willfull too much again you'd release her from her duties and her position at your feet.

I think you have come to read Me very well. Although I would be delighted with her turn around and with all of My heart and soul..wish that it would be the norm rather than a one time repentance.

I do appreciate and enjoy your participation in this thread very much
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

Shadowsdream said:

you have made all of the correct assumptions.

suzan could redeem herself in this manner as the depth of thought and preparation you explain would definately show a real repentance. It would also show that suzan truly desired her place at My feet and did not wish to be released or to seek her own release. It would be impossible to not be proud of her this day and to have her back at My feet.

Do you think that this wonderful and thoughtful behaviour would lull Me into thinking suzan would never be willfull again?

(oh heavens ... a part 3. My brain hurts!)

Let me see.
Recap/assumption time.

- suzan has pleased You with her show of repentance.
- You are going to allow her to take her place at Your feet.
- You are a vastly experienced Mistress who is well used to all the tricks and guiles a submissive may retort to.

Now the tricky part ... Your question. "Do you think that this wonderful and thoughtful behaviour would lull Me into thinking suzan would never be willfull again?"

What would happen next.

Hmmmmmm ...

You would allow her at Your feet. You would tell her how proud of her You were - and You would be watching her face intently for her true emotions to show before her brain kicked in and she remembered her place.
Depending on the split second response Your eye would have picked up on determinds what happens next.

OK - lets take it that what you saw was the reaction of somebody who is happy and content that she has redemed herself. Perhaps a slight blush and a warm glow in the eyes hearing words of praise from somebody whom she really wishes to serve fully.
In this case, I think You would talk quietly to her, giving her the chance to tell you what has been troubling her and keeping her from fully submitting. In this case, it is possibly only something very minor and it will be sorted out quickly, easily and the journey will continue without further hiccups. Suzan would have learnt that she is able to tell you everything and that that is how it should be.

Now ... the other response suzan may have given in that split second before the blinds came down.
You would have spotted the reaction of triumph. The gleam of having got her own way.
Suzan would, of course, quickly try and hide this and once again put on her mask of being a submissive - or what she thinks a submissive is.

What would you do in this instance.
I think you would want to lure her into feeling a false sense of security for a littl while. You would perhaps set her a task doing something that is easy for her to do. A task that really requires no thought on her part. For instance ... painting your nails.

Then, just when suzan is fully relaxed and thinking she has once again pulled the wool over your eyes once again, You will do something totally unexpected - something that will test her submissiveness to the core.

If she hesitates You wil have the answer You sought.

Ohhhh ... I didn't actually answer your question, did I?

No ... I do not for one moment think that such a show of outward submissiveness would lull You into thinking that she will never be willful again.

You might hope that that is the case ... but You will be on Your guard to watch carefully for such instances - especially as this seemed to be a regular thing with suzan.
I am enjoying being here. I like to read and learn from people that do things differently than I do. I'm a watcher, it's what I do. I watch You and read what You say a lot.

I don't think I'll ever be a 24/7 kind of person in the way that You and your subs are. But I absolutely love the glimpse into Your lives and how Your mind works. For that I thank You.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

Shadowsdream said:

Do you think that this wonderful and thoughtful behaviour would lull Me into thinking suzan would never be willfull again?

In a word, No. I do not believe that one act of repentance would cause you to think that she would change her behavior permanently. I believe you would need to see a consistent pattern over time. I believe Willow is right, that you would probably test suzan to see if her submission is real.
I must say that the three of you have seen this Mistress for who I really am...and it pleases Me very much.

It is a credit to the fact that you do have a true desire to learn yet never have I seen any of you feel the need to kiss My Dominant ass.

I show the 24/7 reality as deeply as I can not to try to make it anyones priority but simply because I can. Very few Dominants have the desire or the time it takes to live BDSM as an all consuming 24 hour responsibility. Very few submissives can or wish to submit in all aspects of BDSM or D/s.

Recognizing what is right for you may be helped by seeing how 24/7 works in reality, it is also why it is the only style I have ever taught. To give the opportunity of separating fantasy of 24/7 from reality and finding out if it really has value as a day to day life style for each individual.

As always and in all things..there is no right or wrong way..just a wealth of information to share..

Now I will think about suzan and where she goes from here.
Shadowsdream said:
I must say that the three of you have seen this Mistress for who I really am...and it pleases Me very much.

It is a credit to the fact that you do have a true desire to learn yet never have I seen any of you feel the need to kiss My Dominant ass.

I show the 24/7 reality as deeply as I can not to try to make it anyones priority but simply because I can. Very few Dominants have the desire or the time it takes to live BDSM as an all consuming 24 hour responsibility. Very few submissives can or wish to submit in all aspects of BDSM or D/s.

Recognizing what is right for you may be helped by seeing how 24/7 works in reality, it is also why it is the only style I have ever taught. To give the opportunity of separating fantasy of 24/7 from reality and finding out if it really has value as a day to day life style for each individual.

As always and in all things..there is no right or wrong way..just a wealth of information to share..

Now I will think about suzan and where she goes from here.

Thank you Shadowsdream.

This new twist in the conversation is giving me a lot of trouble.

I assume that you have seen in suzan a reluctance to fully submit to Your ways. You will have tested her and given her time to show her true feelings, her true self.

You will want suzan to admit to herself, for herself, that being a submissive (to you) is not what she truly desires.

I think You will find an opportunity to allow You both to speak freely, to re-evaluate the positions. Under Your guidance, suzan will eventually admit that she was mistaken and asked to be released from her submission to you. (Well, she will if she is honest).

If suzan does not admit this, or simply refuses to see it, I fell You patience will come to and end. You will be speaking plainly that she is of no value to You as she is and You will remove any collar she may have and send her from Your presence.

Shadows - this was possibly the hardest conversation I have ever had the pleasure of having with You. It made me not only consider suzan's position (a position that I hope I will never be placed in), but it made me try and think how You would react.

Thank you for an interesting (and educational) time.
WillowPuss said:

Thank you Shadowsdream.

This new twist in the conversation is giving me a lot of trouble.

I assume that you have seen in suzan a reluctance to fully submit to Your ways. You will have tested her and given her time to show her true feelings, her true self.

You will want suzan to admit to herself, for herself, that being a submissive (to you) is not what she truly desires.

I think You will find an opportunity to allow You both to speak freely, to re-evaluate the positions. Under Your guidance, suzan will eventually admit that she was mistaken and asked to be released from her submission to you. (Well, she will if she is honest).

If suzan does not admit this, or simply refuses to see it, I fell You patience will come to and end. You will be speaking plainly that she is of no value to You as she is and You will remove any collar she may have and send her from Your presence.

Shadows - this was possibly the hardest conversation I have ever had the pleasure of having with You. It made me not only consider suzan's position (a position that I hope I will never be placed in), but it made me try and think how You would react.

Thank you for an interesting (and educational) time.

The pleasure is all Mine willow for I think it is a valuable exercize to tax the imagination. I see your personality as being loath to disappoint or engage in dishonesty and so I do know that you have to use every ounce of imagination to put yourself in suzans panties..ooops I mean shoes.

I will now decide what My next move would be..
Shadowsdream said:

The pleasure is all Mine willow for I think it is a valuable exercize to tax the imagination. I see your personality as being loath to disappoint or engage in dishonesty and so I do know that you have to use every ounce of imagination to put yourself in suzans panties..ooops I mean shoes.

I will now decide what My next move would be..

The Mistress seethed on the inside as She smiled calmly at the submissive by Her feet. She appeared distracted and uninterested in the comments meant to initiate special attention. If only Her toy would stop being sneaky long enough to learn that trying reverse psychology with the expert never paid off, thought the Domme.
Feigning a lack of knowledge for the intent, She brought the conversation to a mundane level as She watched the sub squirm in frustration. Again and again the hints of wants hidden in words meant to mislead the Mistress into thinking the wants were Her Own. Each hint taking the submissive further and further from the hoped for conclusion. As the game continued the Dommes boredom grew and grew as did Her internal rage.
She sent the sub for the silk ropes She was in the mood for. 
Realizing that this Topping from the bottom was the one flaw in this submissive that drove Her to distraction, the Domme felt that now was the time to break this filthy habit once and for all. If it could not be broken it was grounds for dismissal in Her eyes.


Now where will this go I wonder
I like that

mskittykatt said:
i'm thinking i should bite my tongue but i just have to share the twisted things going on in my head before they just fall out somewhere rather inconvienent.

i'd say a few hours volunteering at an old folks home - playing cards or checkers *having* to listen and show respect would be good practice... and for the sake of applying that to her own everyday life - i'd send her with uncomfortable "grandma" panties so with every movement she felt the constrictions she put on herself with her disrespect.

It strays from the easy road of corporal punishment.

Shadowsdream said:

The pleasure is all Mine willow for I think it is a valuable exercize to tax the imagination. I see your personality as being loath to disappoint or engage in dishonesty and so I do know that you have to use every ounce of imagination to put yourself in suzans panties..ooops I mean shoes.

I will now decide what My next move would be..

Thank you Mistress, for you kind words. I am positively glowing.

I accept your assignment - but beg time to consider!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

foxinsox said:

I felt no resentment or anger, because I'd done wrong.

Mortified, that's how I felt. And distressed that I'd disappointed Him :(

I hope Shadowsdream will not mind the intrusion, but I have read this thread with interest, and I think some of the comments made in this thread I started recently may be helpful to you, foxy, and some of the others participating in this thread.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spankings

CarolineOh said:

I hope Shadowsdream will not my the intrusion, but I have read this thread with interest, and I think some of the comments made in this thread I started recently may be helpful to you, foxy, and some of the others participating in this thread.

welcome to the conversation and thank you for adding this valuable link...there is no such thing as to much information Caroline.

Please always feel genuinely welcome to add a twist and turn that will assist in any way. ~~~smile~~
WillowPuss said:

Thank you Mistress, for you kind words. I am positively glowing.

I accept your assignment - but beg time to consider!

and as always you beg so nicely....
Returning with the rope and a smile of mischief in her eyes the sub waited impatiently to be bound for play. The Mistress then sent her for the vibrator that brought this toy to orgasms that shook the room in their intensities. The way she strutted in arrogance at how easily she had attained her desires this morning only fueled the fire that burned behind the smile of a Domme who never could be beaten at Her Own game.


perhaps you can imagine where this punishment will be going and why the disapproval is growing?
Shadowsdream said:
Returning with the rope and a smile of mischief in her eyes the sub waited impatiently to be bound for play. The Mistress then sent her for the vibrator that brought this toy to orgasms that shook the room in their intensities. The way she strutted in arrogance at how easily she had attained her desires this morning only fueled the fire that burned behind the smile of a Domme who never could be beaten at Her Own game.


perhaps you can imagine where this punishment will be going and why the disapproval is growing?

This sub is in deep trouble. There will be no orgasm for her, only frustration.
Desdemona said:

This sub is in deep trouble. There will be no orgasm for her, only frustration.

she will be very lucky to escape with just frustration....and now I will say good night from Stockholm and harass the slave before allowing him so peace and quiet. ~~grin~~
Shadowsdream said:
Returning with the rope and a smile of mischief in her eyes the sub waited impatiently to be bound for play. The Mistress then sent her for the vibrator that brought this toy to orgasms that shook the room in their intensities. The way she strutted in arrogance at how easily she had attained her desires this morning only fueled the fire that burned behind the smile of a Domme who never could be beaten at Her Own game.


perhaps you can imagine where this punishment will be going and why the disapproval is growing?

Assumption time:

- You have bidden suzan to fetch the toys she especially likes.

- You have her fetch them one item at a time to raise her expectations and to give her time to show her true feelings.

I feel Your next step will be to place the play collar aound her neck and to fasten her leash with a snap.
A snap that should bring her to her senses, but instead brings her a warm triumphant glow. The rewards she wants, but has not earned, will soon be hers ... or so she thinks.

Carefully picking up the toys You had her fetch, You watch the gleam in her eye. You lead her toward the playroom and note the strut in her step. You instruct her to lay back on the padded bondage bench and note the way she galdly springs there and almost aranges her limbs to be bound without your instruction.

Playing along with her as it pleases You greatly to do so for now, you gently place a silk rope over each limb - and note the smile that she is unable to keep from her mouth.

You then strike like a cobra.
The wrists are encased in tight metal handcuffs and the ankle bound with rough parcel string.
The look of satisfaction in suzan's eyes is replaced with one of surprise.
This in turn is replaced with one of shock and horror as You use a pair of sharp scissors to cut her favourite silk rope into the smallest pieces You can, telling her, as You do so, that You will have no further need of them.
suzan becomes almost distressed as You empty her favourite vibrator of its batteries. Tears appear when you throw the empty shell to the floor and grind it underfoot, telling her that it is wothless in Your eyes.

You then gag her with the large ball gag that You know she is able to handle, but loathes.

You note the almost panic in suzan's eyes as she realises that she has not won and has no control over You and has no the slightest idea of what to expect next.

You spend a few moments in silence. Fixing her eyes with Yours that have now gone as hard and sharp as flint arrowheads.

You spin on your toe and begin to walk out of the room, tossing over Your shoulder that you have someting really important to do ... like drink Your coffee.
And You leave her to contemplate her fate.

Edited for silly typing mistakes
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Willow, you have a scary imagination! I agree that this is a likely scenario and one I am hesitant to contemplate this morning.
willow I must thank you for digging deeply to read inside of My mind once again. I have no doubt that you have come to understand that in all posts no matter how generically written there will be a kernal of information that may give pause for thought one day.


Once again returning to the Mistress the sub pretended meek obedience and a reluctance to see what would be her fate this day. her Mistress looked at the vibrator as though it were a disgusting piece of junk and instructed the sub to bring the waste basket from the kitchen to Her.
Stunned at such an unusual request Her toy obeyed..beginning to show a bit of true discomfort and unease. her return was less hurried and the arrogance was disappearing as she placed the basket at the side of her Mistress.
The Mistress casually tossed the favorite toy of Her girl into the basket with the words that would open the eyes of this sub. " I do not believe W/we will be needing toys that bring pleasure in this house any more." With this unexpected observation She picked up the rope that binds and let it run sensually through Her fingers as She draped it over the shoulders of the bewildered submissive. " This will be the last time you feel the caress of the rope that held you captive to My needs." She whispered so soft and low the girl had to bend closer to catch Her words. " Now bring Me the soft leather restraints that are still attached to the bed frame," She demanded as a touch of steel began to show in Her voice at last.
With a shuffle of feet that had now lost their desire to make this trip one more time the girl obeyed without question, but the gleam in her eye was no longer there.
her return was direct but unhappy as she handed the cuffs of leather and sheep skin to the Domme.
the Mistress held out Her hand to invite the sub to place her wrist in it for shackling. The smile of satisfaction returned to that beautiful face as the Domme placed a cuff around the small wrist and feigned the intent to fasten it in place. Just as the buckle was about to find the hole that would cause captivity She laughed in cruelty and withdrew the comfort. " I prefer to add this useless piece of equipment to the basket that holds the rest of your dreams," She stated with finality. Tossing the cuff into the basket with a flourish meant to add to the act the Domme then picked up the second and looked straight into the eyes of Her submissive as She placed it slowly into the receptacle of loss.
" Bring to Me the nipple clamps that lay upon the bedside table, " were the words that caused the girl to begin to tremble. They were her least favorite tools of torment and she feared that this would be the toy that would bite into her bad behavior. At last the submissive was seeing her sneaky ways had caught up to her. Dejectedly she walked on wooden legs to retrieve the steel traps that caused pain and joy. she paused in the bedroom and wiped a tear from her cheek as she tried to hide the fact from herself that her actions had caused a displeasure she had seldom seen so apparent in this Domme of high understanding.


Can you see that some lessons need depth of emotions, up and down, to truly feel the pain? That sometimes words and communication through them is no longer enough? Or would you advise another approach other than the one being embarked upon?

Of course you do realize it is not over yet?