
Shadowsdream said:
Can you see that some lessons need depth of emotions, up and down, to truly feel the pain? That sometimes words and communication through them is no longer enough? Or would you advise another approach other than the one being embarked upon?

Of course you do realize it is not over yet?

I had a suspicion that it might not be.

And I am going to have to do even more deep thinking.
WillowPuss said:

I had a suspicion that it might not be.

And I am going to have to do even more deep thinking.

as I wait patiently to see the twists and turns of your little subbie mind. Say hello to Robuck please willow.
Shadowsdream said:
willow I must thank you for digging deeply to read inside of My mind once again. I have no doubt that you have come to understand that in all posts no matter how generically written there will be a kernal of information that may give pause for thought one day.


Once again returning to the Mistress the sub pretended meek obedience and a reluctance to see what would be her fate this day. her Mistress looked at the vibrator as though it were a disgusting piece of junk and instructed the sub to bring the waste basket from the kitchen to Her.
Stunned at such an unusual request Her toy obeyed..beginning to show a bit of true discomfort and unease. her return was less hurried and the arrogance was disappearing as she placed the basket at the side of her Mistress.
The Mistress casually tossed the favorite toy of Her girl into the basket with the words that would open the eyes of this sub. " I do not believe W/we will be needing toys that bring pleasure in this house any more." With this unexpected observation She picked up the rope that binds and let it run sensually through Her fingers as She draped it over the shoulders of the bewildered submissive. " This will be the last time you feel the caress of the rope that held you captive to My needs." She whispered so soft and low the girl had to bend closer to catch Her words. " Now bring Me the soft leather restraints that are still attached to the bed frame," She demanded as a touch of steel began to show in Her voice at last.
With a shuffle of feet that had now lost their desire to make this trip one more time the girl obeyed without question, but the gleam in her eye was no longer there.
her return was direct but unhappy as she handed the cuffs of leather and sheep skin to the Domme.
the Mistress held out Her hand to invite the sub to place her wrist in it for shackling. The smile of satisfaction returned to that beautiful face as the Domme placed a cuff around the small wrist and feigned the intent to fasten it in place. Just as the buckle was about to find the hole that would cause captivity She laughed in cruelty and withdrew the comfort. " I prefer to add this useless piece of equipment to the basket that holds the rest of your dreams," She stated with finality. Tossing the cuff into the basket with a flourish meant to add to the act the Domme then picked up the second and looked straight into the eyes of Her submissive as She placed it slowly into the receptacle of loss.
" Bring to Me the nipple clamps that lay upon the bedside table, " were the words that caused the girl to begin to tremble. They were her least favorite tools of torment and she feared that this would be the toy that would bite into her bad behavior. At last the submissive was seeing her sneaky ways had caught up to her. Dejectedly she walked on wooden legs to retrieve the steel traps that caused pain and joy. she paused in the bedroom and wiped a tear from her cheek as she tried to hide the fact from herself that her actions had caused a displeasure she had seldom seen so apparent in this Domme of high understanding.


Can you see that some lessons need depth of emotions, up and down, to truly feel the pain? That sometimes words and communication through them is no longer enough? Or would you advise another approach other than the one being embarked upon?

Of course you do realize it is not over yet?

In my experience, people who use manipulation to get what they want are in denial, to some degree. Either they are:

A) unaware, on a conscious level, that they are manipulating and unaware of how, specifically, they are doing it, or

B) they try very hard to stay unaware (on a conscious level) of what they are doing and will deny it until they are blue in the face.

If, in this example, Suzan falls under A, I would think she would face this punishment with confusion and emotional pain. If she is DEEPLY submissive (and I assume she is, if she has petitioned you, SD, to accept her submission) she will feel that this punishment is an invalidation of her worth and may suffer damage from it. If much conversation follows this punishment, Suzan may well understand what she has done and sincerely make an effort to change her behavior once she understands what she has done (specifically what words or behavior she has used that are manipulative) and why it is so displeasing to you. In my opinion, this would be harsh as a first punishment.

But, if she fits B (which I assume is what you have decided about her), she will face this punishment with resentment and possibly, anger as well. This one is most likely a SAM as well as manipulative and will *fight* her punishment harshly, cursing and/or using extreme emotion in an effort to overwhelm you and attempt to distract you from your purpose. If Suzan fits B, I doubt she will continue in your service long after this punishment has been meted out.

~This is an excellent example of how rl d/s is much different from online interaction. It would be easy to submit to this online and lower one's head and accept the cruelty, and perhaps even eroticize it, but irl, it is quite different facing your dom/me when she is this displeased and decides on these methods of punishment~
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Shadows, I don't really have anything to add to this conversation, other than my thanks for it. I am learning more and more from you everyday. You've made me think again.

~smiles warmly~
~This is an excellent example of how rl d/s is much different from online interaction. It would be easy to submit to this online and lower one's head and accept the cruelty, and perhaps even eroticize it, but irl, it is quite different facing your dom/me when she is this displeased and decides on these methods of punishment~


as You have pointed out there can be no eroticizing disapproval, and eventualy the games go beyond boredom. Some Dominants will put up with it much longer than others. Some will not accept it even once. Personally I have a low tolerance for willfullness and NEVER allow it more than 3 times. Transparency disgusts Me to put it strongly.

The Mistress waited patiently, as She was in no hurry for this lesson to end. It was the last chance She would give on this matter. Topping this Domme was the most foolish act that could be committed and She would not stand for its idiocy.
" Mistress, i have brought the clamps as instructed," the sub whispered cautiously. The Domme merely accepted
them in silence as She tossed the steel upon the discarded tools of Her Domination. " No more worries about the bite of steel on flesh," She commented without joy. " Return to the room that was O/our domain of pleasure and bring to Me My favorite instrument of love and control," She said with a touch of arrogance in a voice no longer soft and loving.
The submissive moved as quickly as she could with dignity, as she felt the rage that burned in the heart of the Domme who had held her in the arms of safety night after night.
It was apparent the last trip had been made as the girl handed the strap on to her Mistress. " Kiss it good-bye," the Mistress instructed with a coldness never before witnessed by the sub. With the tears of realization running down crimson cheeks the submissive laid soft lips upon the shaft of coal black rubber. Lovingly she said her good-byes to the happiness that she had felt at it's many intrusions into her womanhood. her sorrow slid down her perfect features as she knelt in humility at the feet of the Domme she loved.
" i confess," she began, " to trying to get what i wanted this morning.' " i deserve Your displeasure." " i have promised You honesty and yet i tried to deceive for my own gain." " i beg Your forgiveness knowing i do not deserve it," she admitted clearly.
her Mistress merely nodded Her head in agreement as She contemplated this confession. " your sorrow comes from being caught in this deception and I am not convinced it will not occur again." " The toys are gone forever from this house W/we made into a home of Domination and submission."
The submissive accepted the decision without comment but trembled in despair as her Domme turned from the conversation in boredom. " Remove the basket to the incinerator," She instructed absently. Her girl obeyed.
dixicritter said:
Shadows, I don't really have anything to add to this conversation, other than my thanks for it. I am learning more and more from you everyday. You've made me think again.

~smiles warmly~

Good Morning dixie

It is always nice to see you bound on My threads...your av suits you to perfection woulf be My guess.
a very late post

this post comes rather late, my apoligies.

there is SO much here to digest, that I will have to start by answering the first question of the post, which I beleive was what do you think she had done, or what have you done to be in her place.

For myself, answering the second half of that question, would be that a few weeks ago I had preformed a ritual incorectly. every day I am to be at the door with eyes lowered waiting for Master to come in and stay as such till spoken to or touched....
I was rather excited that day for some reason, and looked up alittle as He was walking up the drive......Well, that night I got 20 good hard swats with the paddle, which I counted out for Him.

:rose: lia

I am waiting to copy and paste,...where have you gone? :rose: