Spirtual Paradise

Well I'm on. If you want to talk, we can... >_> Or we can continue to sit awkwardly and look different ways like we always do, the music in the background playing a sad tone.

So... -shrugs- Dunno what to talk about...

-music continues to play sadly as the two main characters still continue to not notice the other is sad-
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Me either... I'm doing half things at the moment.

I suppose I will answer that question you asked halfly with a half answer: "I know what I'd do! :p" -said jokingly while he winks at her-
It's a joke. To help lighten the dreary mood. I'm being teasing.

You know..like would you like some Ice on Hoth?

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Well.. I'm on a sex forum and I have no sex. I'm very out of place as well as it's dead and my services aren't really required...
Ah. Well, I'm not too terribly unhappy here. Just very lonely and bored... and impulsive based off those.
You've been an extremely busy person... I see you found someone else. A male too. Highly amusing from a person that is supposedly afraid of men...

I find your integrity failing..
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I'm saying it's a rather intriguing turnabout. But I suppose I should expect nothing less..
sneaks into her mistress' paradise for the first time and pins up a large poster she bought for her.

mmmm leans back into Sakura.

"I love the way you do that. and i love your place, i hope you dont mind if i visit regularly."
"I love you my pet.Your body is all mine and I want you to live here with me.This is your home now and there is no way I am going to let you go" kisses your lips and places my tongue on top of yours
"mmmmmm," returns the kiss as her arms circle the beautiful girl.

"I'm glad. So do you like to be called Mistress, Sakura or Saku?"