Spotlight on... Eilan

TypicalDeviant said:
Holy hell, I can't stand loud eaters, either.

If I'm ever arrested for murder, it will probably be because of someone eating or drinking loudly.
I learned to have a certain degree of tolerance for my kids' table manners when they were younger, but adults should know better.

who in your view are the most overrated members of the canon? Joyce, Melville, Hemingway--it's entirely a matter of personal preference here. I've tried to give them a fair shake, but I just can't. :eek:

Do you drink coffee? If so, how do you take it? tea?I drink coffee, but I am absolutely not a coffee snob. I just use Splenda and that powdered non-dairy creamer stuff--I think those are the only Frankenfoods I consume regularly.

I drink tea, but not lately, as I'm currently on a bit of a coffee kick. I just put a tiny bit of Splenda in it.

What are some classics that you just can't stand? Probably anything by Walt Whitman. As for more modern "classics," I recently read Beloved and One Hundred Years of Solitude. I forced myself to finish both of them, but I couldn't help wondering what all the fuss was about.

Favorite kind of chocolate, or combination of chocolate and another ingredient? (*Prepares to offer a Lindt truffle if it's the answer*) I'm not much of a chocolate lover. *waits for collective gasp from the peanut gallery* I won't turn it down if it's offered to me. The last chocolate bar I had was a Lindt dark chocolate bar, and I made it last for days.

What is it about bending your body into uncomfortable (but oddly erotic looking) poses that brings about such relaxation? Breathing into and focusing on the areas of discomfort can help those areas relax, although it's easier said than done. I'm not always good at that because I'm really physically flexible, but kind of a wuss mentally. I'm a champ at savasana (relaxation period at the end of class).

Have you used any of the poses for or during sex? How did it turn out, successful or reduced you both to a laughing mess?Probably Happy Baby/Dead Bug pose--lying on back, knees bent with shins perpendicular to the floor, hands wrapped around the soles of the feet pushing the knees toward the shoulders. The extra flexibility has come in handy. :devil:

Have you ever got stuck and need help getting up? Not yet. *knocks on wood*

What's the most embarrassing thing you have done that you were seen doing? I fell and busted my ass once during an indoor softball practice when lots of people were milling about the gym. If I can think of something more embarrassing than that, I'll add it later.

Got one were no one saw it? *pleads the fifth* :eek:
The fifth doesn't exist! o:
Also, since you're waiting for it.
*Gasps with comical exaggeration*
eilan quoth:
i'm not much of a chocolate lover. *waits for collective gasp from the peanut gallery* i won't turn it down if it's offered to me.
[also gasps...and throws peanuts]

eilan quoth:
the last chocolate bar i had was a lindt dark chocolate bar, and i made it last for days.
wow but do i ever not understand that...

a few more questions:
1. how many users are on your ignore list?
2. what web browser do you use these days?
3. you've mentioned in the past on a few instances that you've been involved in more than one MFM. what things should the men be aware of that they might not necessarily foresee?

I learned to have a certain degree of tolerance for my kids' table manners when they were younger, but adults should know better.

My thoughts exactly. Is it that hard to keep your mouth closed and stop smacking your lips? And no one wants to hear you fucking slurping on your coffee. Goddammit it makes me angry.

Ok, that's not entirely true. I just tend to leave the room or area containing the offending eater.

When you taught, what did you teach?

If you don't like chocolate, which is fine, more for me, what sweets, if any, do you like?
how many users are on your ignore list? I had to check this one--113. I could probably do with an iggy list purge, as most of the list looks to be comprised of white power spammers and GB trolls. I think there are maybe a dozen people that actually made it on that list because they were getting on my nerves.

what web browser do you use these days? Mostly Firefox, with some occasional Opera thrown in for good measure.

you've mentioned in the past on a few instances that you've been involved in more than one MFM. what things should the men be aware of that they might not necessarily foresee? Men who are on meds that might interfere with their ability to orgasm should mention that before any sexual contact takes place. Waiting until the woman is raw is not the time to bring it up. Also, men who feel the need to bring up cock size should at least be honest about it. I don't get all that excited about size, but I can still tell the difference between the seven inches a guy claims to have and the five inches he's actually packing.

When you taught, what did you teach? English, mostly, but I also taught a couple of math classes.

If you don't like chocolate, which is fine, more for me, what sweets, if any, do you like? A spoonful of peanut butter (creamy, please, and none of this natural stuff!) tends to help me with my sweet cravings. I'm more about the salty. Yeah, I sucketh. :(
pants or skirt/dress? and why? Pants, hands down, because I'm not particularly girly and pants are more comfortable. I used to wear skirts and dresses when I was working, but I can count on one hand the number of times I've worn them in the last five or six years.

I don't have a lot of opportunities to dress up these days.
Did you find a Dorothy costume for your young-un?

I'm putting the sleeves on one now--and wish I were back in Kansas. (Ok, never really been in Kansas, but at least I wouldn't be here sewing.)

Do you sew? or knit? or crochet? or cross-stitch? or felt?
what about you do people generally not "get" about you?

oo, for that matter: i asked about your experiences with MFMs and what men should consider before finding themselves in that situation for the first time. what should women anticipate that might not seem obvious at first?

in your view, how much sense did obama's receipt of the nobel peace prize make?

what's the funniest spam-sender name you remember encountering?

Did you find a Dorothy costume for your young-un? Yeah. The damn thing was supposed to come with a dress and hair ribbons, but there were no ribbons.

Do you sew? or knit? or crochet? or cross-stitch? or felt? I mostly don't have the patience for it. I took three years of Home Ec, so I can sew, but I haven't made anything since I was 17. :eek:

what about you do people generally not "get" about you? Definitely my sense of humor, which is definitely a little "off." I'm lucky enough to have friends and a husband (and an ex, for that matter) who "get" me. Of course, I don't have many RL friends. . .

i asked about your experiences with MFMs and what men should consider before finding themselves in that situation for the first time. what should women anticipate that might not seem obvious at first? They should proceed with caution if they've never tried to separate sex and love. Oh, and some men will say almost anything to try to get out of wearing a condom.

in your view, how much sense did obama's receipt of the nobel peace prize make? To be honest, I don't think he "deserved" it. Not yet. I think the award was more about slapping the previous administration in the face.

I saw a comment on Fundies Say the Darndest Things from someone who said that Obama's receiving the Nobel Peace prize was the darkest day for the US since 9/11. I think it may have been a comment on a Faux Noise article.

what's the funniest spam-sender name you remember encountering? I'll have to think about this one. I don't get much spam these days.
What is your first thought when you look at this...

When you think of Van Halen, who do you think of as its lead singer?

Ever been caught in a compromising situation?

What are your thoughts on redskinned potatos?
When you think of Van Halen, who do you think of as its lead singer? David Lee Roth

Ever been caught in a compromising situation? My two youngest daughters have walked in on my husband and me a couple of times, but our door sticks enough that we were able to separate and cover up. They swear that they knocked, but I guess we didn't hear them.

The closest call I had was when my ex and I were engaged. We were both commuting college students living with our parents, so we had to take opportunities when we could get them. His sister once came home several hours earlier than expected, and we had to scramble to get our clothes back on.

What are your thoughts on redskinned potatos? I like them, but I don't eat potatoes very often.

what current fad most annoys the shit out of you? The Twilight series and all the knockoff vampire shit that it's spawned. :mad:
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vhat, you don't vant someone to suck your blood? :D

let's say you could fundamentally change a very well-known literary work. these changes could involve making alterations to the text of sufficient scope to reverse a core message or meaning. all people who've read said literary work and any resulting such writings or thinking change accordingly.

what literary work would it be, and how?

let's say you could fundamentally change a very well-known literary work. these changes could involve making alterations to the text of sufficient scope to reverse a core message or meaning. all people who've read said literary work and any resulting such writings or thinking change accordingly.

what literary work would it be, and how?
Aw, crap. I'm gonna have to think about this one.

My first thought was "What if Chaucer had finished The Canterbury Tales?"

Given that you dislike Twatlight, what vampire books, movies, or media DO you like? Meh. I can take it or leave it. My experience with vampires amount to a couple of Anne Rice novels and a handful of Buffy episodes. I sucketh in that regard, and not in a vampiric kind of way.
What do you have planned for the weekend?

What's on your mind?

If you had to give a brief description of your personality what would you say?

MYOFB is an acceptable answer. :)
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What do you have planned for the weekend? Tomorrow we'll watch the Buckeyes on TV. My ex is going to pick up the two oldest later in the afternoon. They'll go trick-or-treating with their stepsisters. My husband and I will take the two youngest trick-or-treating. Sunday looks to be a lazy day.

What's on your mind? I'm wondering when maddbradd is gonna get back. He went into town to get something to satisfy his salty food craving. And I'm wondering why I'm not in bed, since it's almost 1:00am here.

If you had to give a brief description of your personality what would you say? Sarcastic bitch with a heart of gold. :D
Is he back yet?

What did he get?

Did he get some for you?

Even though it's late/early, are you going to get some?